Example sentences of "was [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 One way to discourage such demands was secretly to salt a shallow anchorage with a bag of rotted chicken heads which would quickly draw a sinuous and evil-looking pack of otherwise harmless sand sharks that would twist menacingly under our keel and persuade the paying customers to seek the deeper darker waters offshore .
2 She knew it was mostly to do with Feargal 's behaviour , and her own shaming enjoyment of it .
3 Talk of this sort was mostly to raise morale , as McFarlane was at pains to say when his ‘ Secretary of State ’ remark was thrown back at him at the hearings .
4 His strategy was rather to canalize the enthusiasm of the diehards into party channels , to articulate their views , and to create unity from the sense of movement .
5 It was rather to identify some of the concrete problems which would have to be faced in any such exercise .
6 And er , later of course , he became the American Ambassador of Vienna , so Freud met him , but so , so , Bullett had a personal stake in this , but I must admit , er my own view was , was rather to admire Bullett for his stand , because it 's a rare politician who stands up and says look , you know , we 've been there , having made promises , we 've broken all of them , and we ought to resign , or you ought to resign .
7 But outside the Nazi Movement , the objective function of the ‘ Führer myth ’ was rather to integrate into the Third Reich , through association with the far more popular and attractive aspects of Nazi rule symbolized by Hitler , the mass of ‘ ordinary ’ and ‘ non-organized ’ Germans for whom the ‘ Jewish Question ’ retained only a relatively low level of importance .
8 In practice the express remedies were actually in many cases fairly limited , so that the effect of such guarantees was rather to avoid the manufacturer 's liability than to provide an additional remedy .
9 If Berg was successfully to allege that it was fraudulently misled , it must show that some natural person connected with it had been misled , and Berg could not do this .
10 While this solution lurked in the consciousness of a large number of US citizens and was eventually to appeal to Hitler and the SS , it was not the kind of thing the Americans admitted or believed about themselves , and was certainly not the kind of solution they wished to offer to their civilised European cousins .
11 A pipe feeding the power steering system came adrift on the climb oil to pump out of the hydraulic system , and Fisher seized the opportunity to start building a lead that was eventually to carry him to a record fourth successive Lakes victory .
12 Mr Johnston said it would be foolish to anticipate better advertising volumes for the provincial press in general , at least until the latter part of 1993 , but the group 's present lower cost base should certainly benefit profits if Britain was eventually to see the type of modest recovery which was beginning to boost the US newspaper industry .
13 He was eventually to undertake six campaigns in Lombardy to subdue and punish rebellious cities , grown rich through the boom in manufacturing and commerce , and increasingly independent of the old feudal authority .
14 James Huntingford , an attorney of Odiham , was appointed secretary ; he was later to become secretary of the London committee , an executive offshoot of the Odiham Agricultural Society which was eventually to undertake the actual institution of the London Veterinary College , of which he was the first secretary .
15 On 19 December 1946 the leader of the indigenous forces in Vietnam , Ho Chi Minh , initiated the rising against French colonial occupation , which was eventually to lead to the bloodiest and politically most crucial local war this century .
16 Although he was opposed to any plan to assassinate Hitler , he had been involved with the German resistance movement for some years , treading a dangerous path that was eventually to lead to his downfall and death .
17 The thrust of German research was eventually to culminate in a position summarised by Rudolf Bultmann of the University of Marburg , one of the most important , most famous and most esteemed of twentieth-century biblical commentators :
18 The report that Eliot was eventually to say of The Waste Land that ‘ to me it was only the relief of a personal and wholly insignificant grouse against life ’ is no more a licence to treat the poem as totally and unreservedly autobiographical than it is a conclusive estimate of its significance .
19 Conran had launched a business empire that was eventually to employ thirty-three thousand people .
20 Much information was eventually to emerge from medical sources .
21 The worker was eventually to benefit from better conditions of work ; for the moment , electricity probably affected him most by providing transport for travel to his work from greater distances .
22 Even Peter Thorneycroft , the veteran proto-monetarist of 1958 whom she had made Party Chairman , proved to be a ‘ one-nation ’ man at heart , and she was eventually to sack him in favour of a little-tried new favourite , Cecil Parkinson , the Paymaster-General .
23 His Elizabethan successors were weak men ; it was a victory for local gentry which was eventually to have profound results when the royal interests of the
24 The submarine , which was eventually to provide the best means of delivering the torpedo , was still an infant ; only one or two curious submersible craft had been built and they had not yet affected naval thinking .
25 The one major event which happened to me at Binbrook , and which was going to change my life , was that I met the man I was eventually to marry , although a lot of water would flow under the bridge before the wedding took place .
26 Even though back home in Oz she was doing very nicely in the celebrity stakes with Young Talent Time and a part in the soap Home and Away ( which was eventually to follow Neighbours as an export to the UK ) , in the rest of the world she was virtually unheard of .
27 As for Mr Berkley , the conversation seemed to him like the macabre chorus of some drama in which he was eventually to appear , by some unexpected twist of the plot , as the despicable villain .
28 ‘ Nevertheless from the moment of her widowhood the tide of debt which was eventually to overcome her relentlessly started to mount . ’
29 The presence of these large populations of insects , whirring and buzzing through the air of the ancient forests , was eventually to play an extremely important part in a revolution that was taking place among the plants .
30 Our lorry stopped outside one of the marquees and out strode the portly figure of C.Q.M.S. Gerry Ward , who was eventually to become our quartermaster .
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