Example sentences of "was [adj] [det] " in BNC.

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1 An example of this attitude Chris Kissling , who was bowling for Christchurch Old Boys , when he was no-balled several times in one over for his rear foot landing wide of the return crease .
2 When I was pregnant many a night I 've run out and slept in passages till the morning .
3 But when he surmised the attack was due that night , Tom Ingledew agreed that they would have to sacrifice some fighting capacity on that front — and even some lives — in order to gain the maximum advantage from keeping the sloop as a decoy .
4 I often used to get stomach-ache if I had n't had enough to eat so when I woke up with a pain I thought maybe I was hungry again , but because the baby was due any day I thought it best to tell my mum .
5 He 'd hit just 14 in his first three innings ofthe season — so was due this one to impress the England selectors and the tourists themselves
6 Warships , pleasure boats , container ships — Britain 's royal yacht Britannia was due some days later — all saving themselves 8,000 miles and three weeks of sailing round the Horn .
7 He er he was strong enough man to put fifty pound down for his deposit , towards his deposit of a hundred and fifty you know ?
8 The interior generally was pleasant enough plastic and well laid out .
9 He liked Mrs. Blick one of the old school , always addressed by name , a caring sort Good Morning Mrs B. Over the years their relationship has developed so that Art now called her Mrs B. He had once served at a library committee but that was when her husband was alive many years ago .
10 Beryl was poorly this morning and I had to run her to the doctors .
11 He was moody all the time , with a flashing temper , and when Changez was at home , nursing his bad arm , Anwar came to me as I worked in the store-room .
12 Beeny was solid all game , and pulled off one great save midway through the 2nd half .
13 When market day came there was scarce any buying or selling , for all were " labouring for the bread which endureth to eternal life " .
14 It 's changed partly because Stalin 's er strategy in China has been shown to be a disaster and Stalin is trying to cover his tracks and most effective way of protecting himself against the criticism and the unpopularity which is likely to come from the failure is by insisting that the strategy was right all along and the revolution is about to triumph .
15 I phoned him yesterday , and er , I ask him whether it was right that er what I suspected , that the er vets , the private vets , there with a union , you will not get the R S P C A , they work on there on behalf .
16 Thus in Mason v. New South Wales , 102 C.L.R. 108 , Dixon C.J. clearly had doubts as to whether it was right that money paid pursuant to an unlawful demand of the Crown should not be recoverable .
17 no he was right that 's what I say you thinking about that thing , this is n't just doing it as it said , you ponder
18 In addition , Mrs Jones was dissatisfied that little attention appeared to have been given to Tom 's problems in school .
19 But there 's another interesting fact that as well erm and it 's borne out , I know opinion polls had a rather bad erm er er got a bad press in the general election er because they were n't very accurate and it was odd this because their , their accuracy levels had becoming er had , had , had been becoming frighteningly er accurate say in eighty seven you know ?
20 It was possible all the jewellery removed from the display had been recovered , although a few items might still be missing , he added .
21 But if we try to use the same two adjectives with the same two nouns in a predicative construction we shall find that the result is ungrammatical : ( 49 ) that rival was possible those two sailors are occasional As in other instances , it is not enough merely to record that possible , occasional and certain other adjectives are ungrammatical in predicative position when constructed with certain nouns .
22 Another rather sad deaf aristocrat was the 2nd Duke of Sutherland ( 1786–1861 ) who was deaf all his life .
23 ‘ If Mam was upset that night it was Viola 's doing .
24 And when she come and knocked on the door she was upset more than we was cos she done it did n't
25 No , I could not talk , but I was grateful all the same .
26 Tina never felt guilty about anything , but Cecilia was guilty all the time .
27 He still left home at eight each morning , but he did n't head for the office , he wandered round town , visiting anywhere that was free such as the library , or even the museums ; the guides came to know him , one even greeted him when he entered .
28 Whereas Predator was flawed by poor programming , Red Heat was abysmal all the way from the design board .
29 Edward Kawak , who won in four successive years ( 1982-1985 ) , mysteriously representing France , Lebanon and West Germany , was too close for comfort in second place ( he was French this time ) .
30 Nigel was fond enough of him in his way , but he did n't want him coming home too soon .
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