Example sentences of "was [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Fortunately the bridge was empty as was the long road of sycamores to the church in its dark evergreens .
2 But in his lordship 's day , that room was regularly required , as was the long table that occupied it , to seat thirty or more guests for dinner ; in fact , the banqueting hall is so spacious that when necessity demanded it , further tables were added to the existing one to enable almost fifty to be seated .
3 This was the long haired girls ' compromise but it became very common early 70s style for girls & for boys .
4 They felt the probable cause was the long period of high blood pressure she had experienced before and after the birth of her child .
5 And it was the long shorts that allowed him to wear waist-to-ankle underpants during a game without anyone noticing .
6 To their left was the long forbidding wood with its tangle of trees and stubborn defenders .
7 A root cause of the numbers was the long seven-year apprenticeship at low wages — a restriction of entry to the trade which compositors were reluctant to alter , but which was increasingly becoming a two edged weapon .
8 What he made way for was the long cylindrical body of a lorry .
9 She knew that although the shop stocked a few overalls and smocks and even some children 's clothes and sheepskin jackets , it was the long dresses with their wonderfully romantic feel and yards of material in the skirts , that the cognoscenti came to buy .
10 To the right was the long pool , still , intensely black , its surface like a mirror .
11 It was the long way round , but she did it every day .
12 And thirdly there was the long problem of the changeover from the NCTA honours degree equivalent to a system in which there were honours and unclassified degrees .
13 What he did not expect was the long pause , and then the urgency of Phil Jordan 's voice .
14 In these tests , two lines of obviously different lengths are exhibited for a very short period of time , and the subject has to say whether the right or the left line was the longer .
15 The main source of frustration for readers , both at George IV Bridge and at SSL , was the longer time necessary to deliver material from another building .
16 It was the longest avenue of trees to be found in Europe , but it was cut into two by the construction of the new dual carriageway road , constructed after the second world war , to link the Great West Road with the extended Cromwell Road .
17 He was the longest surviving of the foundation members .
18 The 15th was the longest hole at 580 yards , although not so formidable as the 8th where ‘ fences are utilised as hazards , and there are several trees stumps ’ .
19 The sentence was the longest ever passed in modern British criminal history .
20 At 350 days , this was the longest inquiry in British history .
21 Midway through the afternoon there was the longest grind comp , in which dreadlocked local favourite Colin was beaten surprisingly by Richie , the Pete Rodgers for the nineties , whose reliably long stand-ups proved too much for everyone else .
22 To give some idea of just how long Tom Weiskopf could hit a ball — and he was the longest driver of his time — Tommy Horton , who was playing with us , needed a driver and 4-iron at the 17th .
23 It was long after she had gone to sleep and he had prodded her in the ribs to stop her snoring and was , himself , lying awake , staring into the darkness , thinking about Donald that it occurred to Henry that this was the longest conversation he had had with Elinor for about a year and that , after a bad start , she had , once or twice , come dangerously near to amiability .
24 They key to the parent was the longest chain of carbon atoms .
25 This is exemplified by the quotation from Horace , which he used as a motto , and was the longest of all the mottoes used by competitors to identify their work .
26 It was the longest afternoon that I had known and it was worse when I heard the sound of tea being prepared downstairs for this made me even more hungry .
27 This was the longest speech he had made .
28 The journey was the longest he had ridden for several years and he was feeling his age .
29 At the time this was the longest journey which could be made by tram in London and owing to rapid trolleybus conversions , the last occasion on which it was possible .
30 This was a total of five days of hearing and was the longest period spent on one case by a ‘ Diplock ’ tribunal .
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