Example sentences of "was [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 S Group was led by Group Captain Donald Bennett , who we heard was a most formidable gentleman from ‘ down under ’ and who was mostly to be found at Group Headquarters , Huntingdon or at Wyton RAF Station , a few miles away .
2 Building societies , for the finance of house building or purchase , grew rapidly and by the end of the century attracted many small investors , but their appeal was rather to tradesmen and the lower-middle class than to manual workers .
3 One of the corpses was that of a local youth , the other that of an English girl , Gail Benson , who had come to the West Indies as the slavish lover of an American Negro , Hakim Jamal , ‘ God ’ to his friends , who was eventually to be shot dead in Boston .
4 Shiksas were to promise an escape from Jewish America , as the promised land of Israel was eventually to be evoked as doing for Henry Zuckerman .
5 Mr Biffen , who was later to become Leader of the Commons and Lord President of the Council , and was eventually to be sacked by You-Know-Who for wholly ideological reasons , was marched back to the hotel to cover himself .
6 But normally either the land was eventually to be divided equally between the children or , more typically where land was scarcer , the land itself would go to a single son and provision be made for the other children in cash — very often advanced earlier in life , on marriage or to set up in a trade .
7 Each of the great oases of Central Asia was eventually to be graced with powerfully squat four-square stone-built stations , perfectly symbolizing the implacable toughness of Russian power .
8 Of those influences incomparably the most important was the spread of nationalism ; it is ironic that this European idea was eventually to be the most powerful force undermining Europe 's colonial supremacy .
9 The respect afforded him in England had partly to do with the manner in which he had taken on the mantle of English culture ; in the absence of any figure with equivalent influence , he was eventually to be invested with an almost shamanistic authority .
10 The Life of Johnson makes plain how Boswell had been staking out the ground since their early acquaintance , making notes immediately after each meeting of what he himself was eventually to ‘ consider the peculiar value ’ of the Life , ‘ that is , the quantity it contains of Johnson 's conversation ’ .
11 The basis of future regional policy and its instruments was eventually to be found in the Thompson Report ( 1973 ) on the regional problems of the enlarged EC , which reaffirmed the view that in the long term , monetary union was not possible without an effective regional policy .
12 I hoped they were not to be disappointed by the rest of their tour and wondered whether that residue of egalitarianism which their culture had instilled in them , for all its dreadfulness , might not in time lead them to question whether unification was wholly to their advantage .
13 The stratified approach to Urban Programme funding , with in essence a fourfold division of councils — Partnerships , Programme Authorities , Other Designated Districts and traditional Urban Programme councils — was effectively to be abandoned .
14 Then it was on to Switzerland and , finally , by road to Belgium .
15 Magdalen , which had been Oscar Wilde 's college , always attracted a fair number of rarefied and aesthetic young men , and it was on to the path of this tradition that one of Lewis 's first pupils , John Betjeman , happily placed his bedroom-slippered toe .
16 The next day it was on to Kalamazoo , Michigan , and family and community .
17 If these did n't work it was on to the funerals — huge fantasy ones .
18 From there it was on to more readings .
19 The fourth day it was on to Stirling and a literary society .
20 I was on to the exchange for your name and number as soon as the news came through , but it took me an hour and a half to bully someone into looking up where the phone-box was .
21 And if few found the work easy to like , most recognised that Koons was on to something brilliant .
22 From Hucknall it was on to Annesley where a large shed provided motive power for the famous Woodford freights known as ‘ Windcutters ’ or ‘ Runners ’ .
23 Then he was on to the cabin top and releasing the main halyard .
24 Then it was on to St Germain for the French Open .
25 Another Methuselah of Lutomer Riesling later , it was on to the Safeway own-brand cod fish fingers served on a bed of baked beans , accompanied by large dishes of McCain 's oven chips and Findus frozen peas , with a choice of HP sauce or plain ketchup .
26 Nutty thought she was on to a good idea and went home happily , taking over from her mother in the shop as she usually did while her mother started to get the tea .
27 After that it was on to the theatre for the evening show , then back to the Theatre Girls ' Club for , if they are to be believed , another meal of egg and chips .
28 His senses told him he was on to a good thing and his senses were rarely wrong .
29 So I went to a designer , Denise Vaughan of Deni Vee , and she made me a couple of suits which really pleased me and I believed that I was on to something .
30 Then it was on to my bike and off to spend the rest of my day banged up with a bunch of sullen , spoilt brats in order to make Clive Phillips even richer than he already was .
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