Example sentences of "was [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Against that there 'll be seventeen percent of this population was seeing home-helps , five percent was seeing social workers .
2 I was seeing trails and lights from the blue packet 's passing even after she brought it back down .
3 TV aerials : one of the drama groups did a sketch about James Logie Baird who invented the television , and the man who lodged in the room next door to him kept on seeing pictures flashing on his wall and they dragged him off to the lunatic asylum 'cos they thought he was seeing things , hallucinating .
4 She was as fearless as the Wooldridge boys who involved her in all their mischief , but sometimes Anna would stand and stare , as if she was seeing things that others could n't see .
5 The first time i spotted a puffin I thought I was seeing things .
6 As she was seeing things in the wake of her Paris win , she plans to compete for three or four more years before having a second child and giving up the tournament scene .
7 He was seeing things .
8 Well , yes , I mean I can remember having a friend in Oxford who was schizophrenic and to be quite frank he needed to be certified and we could not get him to go to the doctors , and when he did he told sufficient stories that the doctor home with eye drops because he was seeing things .
9 She was seeing mysteries where there were none , she told herself irritably .
10 Perhaps it was seeing signs advertising ‘ Blogg 's Beer ’ that led East Enders to immortalise the name Bloggs as the Cockney equivalent of Mr Everyman .
11 He was seeing men with one shoe in his sleep these days .
12 Boy watched all of this as if he was seeing fragments of one , continuous and baffling programme .
13 ‘ Good God in heaven , I thought I was seeing ghosts ! ’
14 He did n't want to push her away , but he was getting close to his limit ; his blood was starting to pound in his ears and he was seeing haloes around all of the lights outside .
15 It was for his dogs , such fervour in each , as he was bestowing blessings .
16 It does n't seem more than a few months since I was knitting clothes for her dolls — and now — ’ She held up her needles , speared through the left front of a pearly-white matinée jacket .
17 At the express wish of Queen Mary herself , Florence , like thousands of women throughout the Empire , was knitting socks for soldiers at the front .
18 He came into the hangar where Preston was gluing bits of plane together and told him he was taking one of the new chaps up for a spin .
19 However , some press reports alleged that the Ethiopian government was demanding weapons and fuel from Israel in return for the departure of 16,000 Ethiopian Jews currently living in squalid camps around the Israeli embassy in Addis Ababa .
20 A well-known columnist on a liberal newspaper — short and fat and pompous , the inspector knew from seeing him interviewed on television , and presumably an ‘ influential friend ’ of Christine Mills — was demanding details of the latest developments in the Mills case .
21 Unaware , Randall was saying urgently : ‘ What would you say if I was to arrange things myself ?
22 Her most urgent task was to arrange interviews with all the students to whom she was tutor .
23 A little gull was hawking insects over the marsh , its characteristic dark underwings showing as it banked .
24 Out on the playground someone was producing bubbles :
25 The firm 's main work was producing components for aircraft but my job was to investigate new product areas for the company .
26 In 1989–90 , while the Test series was producing surprises , the one-day games reverted to type .
27 The exceptionally rich soil here was producing carrots for London by the end of the century when , perhaps , the trade was already long-established .
28 This fortuitous cooperation of lightning flashes and motor car exhausts was producing results in fairly populated areas at night .
29 Its purpose then was to monitor changes in the environment worldwide , and engender popular environmental practices .
30 The plan was to monitor communications of American organisations and individuals who in the eyes of the NSA wanted to foment civil disturbance or otherwise undermine the security of the United States .
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