Example sentences of "is done [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Usually it is done during the summer , certainly for my better clothes .
2 However , do remember that if suppleness exercise is done without it inducing heavier breathing and an increased heart-rate ( for example , yoga ) this will do very little for increasing your stamina .
3 Little is done without reference to the mother , and the mother , for her part , may empathically share the child 's feelings , and even know telepathically what the child is doing when out of sight .
4 In the extreme case this is done without provocation and through pure malice .
5 Skill is a functional concept aimed at the understanding of how it is done without recourse to the detail of underlying physiological mechanisms .
6 It seems to me a matter of the highest possible importance that where a quasi-judicial function is being exercised , under such circumstances as it had to be exercised here , with the result of depriving people of their property , especially if it is done without compensation , the persons concerned should be satisfied that nothing unfair has been done in the matter , and that ex parte statements have not been heard before the decision has been given without any chance for the person concerned to refute those statements .
7 It should be noted that this is done without an image being displayed .
8 The next stroke is called pulling , and is done along the sides of the body .
9 Maintenance other than break-down is done outside normal working hours .
10 The feet and rig change is done about two-thirds of the way through the turn .
11 Negative programming can be general or specific and , unless something is done about it at a later date , its effects can last a lifetime .
12 The music industry is a rip-off and it 's about time something is done about it !
13 ‘ Unless something is done about what is going on and a stop is put to the chaos , then the health-care prospects for London are very gloomy . ’
14 In this report , it accused the asbestos industry of deliberately pursuing profit in the face of known dangers , and ‘ in the light of the damage done to people working in the industry and likely to occur in the future , … it is simply incredible ’ that nothing much is done about it .
15 These figures underlie a lively debate about how the government can reduce its interest costs even if ( not an unfair assumption ) little is done about the deficit .
16 However , as a result of my 23 years in teaching , I know that people like that remain in post and nothing is done about it .
17 Erm , the answer in our minds is to take positive steps to reduce the housing revenue account debt burden , a matter which we will continue to bate , to debate until something is done about it .
18 In figure 7.6 the capacitances to earth are represented as lumped together from nodes A , B , C and D. Notice that if nothing is done about these capacitances , they act in pairs across the arms of the bridge ; for example , the reactance of C A in series with that of C B is in parallel with the impedance Z 1 .
19 I feel very feminine when my hair is done up that way .
20 One is full of Disney stuff , another is done up in jungle fashion with murals and monkeys , and there 's a landing like a beach .
21 Do make sure too , especially on some of the brushes that have washers ( plastic coverings ) , that they go back in the right order and that the screw is done up IN THE CENTRE of the washer .
22 Connecting a computer to ISDN is done via a terminal adaptor , which plugs into the computer on one side , and the ISDN phone socket on the other .
23 Unless this is done under ideal conditions the herbage may break down slowly , and while the soil population is engaged in this breakdown there may be a retarding effect on the growth of a subsequent crop ; the benefit occurring later .
24 This is done under the auspices of the Japanese firm 's subsidiary , Facom Korea .
25 I had watched Mr Spenceley judging , so was surprised he was also a competitor ; but as judging is purely on weight and the weighing is done under supervision , this can not lead to any malpractice .
26 This is done under oath and may reveal the whereabouts of previously secreted assets .
27 Storing the worms is not recommended unless it is done under running water .
28 If so , a proper contract should be drawn up to specify this , if , on the other hand , you are employed by someone , perhaps the local council , and the work you create is done under the terms of your employment , then the employer owns the copyright .
29 Since individual media are competing with one another this is , perhaps , hardly surprising ; but where much of the research is done under the auspices of joint committees representing agencies , advertisers , and media it is slightly frustrating that so little seems to have been achieved .
30 All professional work is done under contracts containing either an express or implied term that the professional person will use reasonable skill and care in the performance of the work .
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