Example sentences of "is really [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is really no way of knowing how long it takes to develop an actor who has already gained a lot from work in university .
2 The obvious answer is to fuse national insurance with income tax , but this would offend against the notion ( it is really no more than that ) that the national insurance system is ‘ contributory ’ .
3 From this point of view , Hong Kong 's inflation ‘ problem ’ , argues Mr Greenwood , is really no problem .
4 There is really no mystery about this contradiction .
5 Sasbach is really no more than a scatter of houses , a couple of shops , a garage and a church set down in the middle of vineyards and orchards .
6 There is really no such experience of an emotion called anger — there is only my anger , in this context , on this particular occasion .
7 Such a change would be brought about by convincing the public that there is really no difference between people who are mentally handicapped and those who are not .
8 This , in turn , has helped to foster the view that there is really no law at all ; indeed , that the law is an irrelevance .
9 Dent Town is really no more than a village , although it may not be prudent to say so in the hearing of the residents .
10 With this I use a fixed-spool , skirted reel , and there is really no other kind worth considering .
11 ‘ There is really no need to continue the act .
12 Exactly how the Pill produces this effect is unknown — the simplistic explanation usually offered is that the hormones in the Pill promote Candida because they are steroids , but this is really no explanation at all .
13 But we should notice that there is really no hard and fast semantic distinction between them , but only degrees of conceptual generality .
14 There is really no such thing , I think , as a perfect politician 's wife , because she has to be so many things , and yet nothing at the same time .
15 As far as I am concerned there is really no possibility that the venue will not be announced in April 1992 .
16 The Sartre-type account is really no more than an endorsement of what James called ‘ the most natural and immediate answer ’ to the question , ‘ What is the difference between a pain in one 's foot and a pain in one 's stomach ? ’
17 Ryle 's positive point , in his Royal Institute of philosophy lecture , that Le Penseur 's thinking is to be understood in terms of that of the tennis player , is different from Wittgenstein 's positive point , in 88 to 136 or thereabouts , but particularly in 100–103 , which might now be expressed by saying that ‘ I thought … ’ is like ‘ I meant … ’ ( see above ) , though this way of putting it is really no more than a hint as to his meaning .
18 The Battle of Jutland has often been judged a ‘ draw ’ ; but in warfare there is really no such thing .
19 For his concept of ‘ interpellation ’ fails to explain the mechanism by which subjects are constituted , and is really no more than a redescription of its own result .
20 Sometimes , of course , there is really no link at all as we found with the ‘ New Fox ’ having a sweet tooth for Fox 's Glacier Mints .
21 As we have seen , for some Foucault can apparently be dismissed with ease as merely the philosopher of discontinuity , a description which is hardly adequate ; for others , criticism takes the form that he simply relativizes history , but this is really no better , for history is itself a mode of demonstrating the relativity , temporariness , and temporality of phenomena .
22 Although one character does get to chunter on for half a page about how the real point of fund-raising is its feelgood side effects ( get-away ! ) , there is really no satirical content here at all : the real point of the book is that it features loads and loads of cartoon rumpy-pumpy : randy housewives and naughty underwear , haystacks and giant inflatable condoms , improbable sexual positions and unlikely transvestites .
23 There is really no great mystery about that .
24 There is really no need to be bored these days as there is so much going on .
25 Or , to quote Ramsey : " … there is really no separate problem of truth but merely a linguistic muddle . "
26 " There is really no need to inconvenience yourself , Senator , " replied Devraux calmly .
27 My father once wrote after he had been to the French Legation to dine : " A forty-minute ride across two ravines and a swamp , then a shocking road up to the house on a moonless night is really no fun . "
28 But , since there is really no limit to what it might be desirable to know about such matters , the sensible fieldworking anthropologist will recognize his limitations of resources , time and expertise .
29 I could use the USA and the USSR as examples , but there is really no need to mention specific nations .
30 ‘ Of course there is really no resemblance at all , but for the hair .
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