Example sentences of "is also [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The Commission is also to push for sanctions against the manufacture , sale and use of illegal growth promoters .
2 Rhône-Poulenc is also to sell its wet phosphoric acid process , expertise and patent portfolio , to Speichim , the process engineering unit of Spie Batignolles .
3 But it is also to channel changes , as with the types of business entities envisaged by the Company Act .
4 OSF/1 MK , already available as a snapshot , was being shown last week at the Unix Expo show in New York by IBM , which is also to use the Mach microkernel in a future version of OS/2 ( UX No 402 ) .
5 It is also to include all children in the system , excluding virtually none on grounds of ability .
6 It includes a distributed object application development environment , object services , inheritances , persistence , authorisation , verification and is also to include a Corba-compliant object dispatcher ( UX No 434 ) .
7 It includes a distributed object application development environment , object services , inheritances , persistence , authorisation , verification and is also to include a Corba-compliant object dispatcher .
8 In relation to clauses which impose a monetary limit on damages recoverable in the event of breach of contract , the court is also to take into account : ( a ) the resources which [ the party seeking to rely on the clause ] could expect to be available to him for the purpose of meeting the liability should it arise ; and ( b ) how far it was open to him to cover himself by insurance .
9 To do this is also to go ‘ beyond ’ the unconscious , and it seems impossible to do this , as Urwin hopes , without reducing the unconscious , the last resort of subjectivity 's difficulty , to a discursive product .
10 The second phase of the dye house operation to install a £400,000 Longclose package Dyeing Machine — the twin of the one already installed last year , is also to go ahead with delivery expected in October .
11 The company is also to set up PDAs in North America and the Far East with dates to be decided .
12 The judges ' function is also to do justice in accordance with certain settled principles of law in a free society ; and they are entitled to assume that Parliament does not intend to subvert these principles , unless there is a clear statement that it does .
13 Does the hon. Gentleman agree that the success of the Government 's policy is also to do with the banning of secondary picketing , which the Labour party would bring back with open arms ?
14 Exactly it 's about childbearing is n't it , I mean having hips is also to do with your shape sexually is n't it .
15 Not entirely that because it is also to do with the mechanism by which government grant is distributed .
16 To change is to die , he wrote , but not to change is also to die .
17 The aim is also to carve out new market areas — like denim — which do not compete directly with rayon .
18 It is also to agree that they could not be said to represent the mass of unskilled working people .
19 It is also to proclaim a message about Jesus — and therein for a feminist lie all the problems .
20 Professor David Pearce , a University College London economist and author of the Pearce report on the use of taxes to control pollution , is also to remain an adviser .
21 The new chip is also to feature in Convex 's parallel machine , due late next year or early in 1994 .
22 Which is also to say that it is not the case that there is no connection , or that a category mistake is involved in the mere comparison .
23 She is also to serve three years ' probation and do community service at Hale House in Harlem .
24 To speculate about possible good communists in the GDR is also to ignore the central fact about the country , which is that it is not one .
25 In this instance the objective is not just a winning result ; it is also to leave the volunteer workers with an awareness not only of their importance , but of the value of the contribution they have made and how much they are appreciated by the ‘ roadies ’ and the candidates passing through .
26 To work , to transform this world , is to become a man and to build the human community ; it is also to save .
27 The company is also to market Silicon Graphics Inc 's 50–100MHz RW450 workstation using the Irix V.4 operating system .
28 To catch on to the developing barbecue market , the BTIS is also to spotlight June as its first Quality British Turkey Month ; arrange sampling tests for up to 150,000 consumers ; and set up a turkey charity ball — or turkey trot — in conjunction with a major charity .
29 It is also to assert an ethnically , or nationality-based citizenship to the exclusion of those who do not share that particular cultural tendency .
30 To listen is also to expect .
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