Example sentences of "is only for " in BNC.

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1 This sort of reading is only for the dedicated follower of the history of taste , though any reader particularly interested in a picture may find within a single catalogue entry an acutely discriminating judgement or interesting facts ; for example , Tietze 's entry also points out that Manet so much admired the Tintoretto self-portrait that he made a copy of it .
2 It is a mere trifle ; it is only for us to keep the fruits of the victory that they have won ’ ( Liverpool , 1903 ) .
3 The English think that sixth-form education is only for swots .
4 This classification is only for convenience : top fruits , such a figs , mulberries , quinces and hazel nuts , frequently produce several main stems and therefore resemble shrubs , while apples , pears , plums and peaches are often grown in short-stemmed forms known as bushes ( not to be confused with bush fruit , an alternative term for some soft fruits ) .
5 There were Fred , aged 70 , and Betty , aged 66 , who embarked on a trial relationship in defiance of the prevailing belief that sex is only for the under-35s .
6 The accommodation provided is only for the use of passengers shown on the Final Invoice as confirmed by us ; subletting , sharing or assignment is prohibited .
7 It is only for the last century and a half that a direct picture becomes a convincing possibility .
8 However , as stated previously , it is only for the purposes of discussion that any AL can be considered on its own ; in reality , the various activities are closely related and do not have distinct boundaries .
9 As explained earlier when describing the model of living and the model for nursing , the 12 ALs are interrelated ; so too the body systems as categorised by the human biologists are interrelated and it is only for the purposes of description and discussion that they are dealt with separately .
10 The bridge is open most of the day as access is only for farm traffic .
11 It is only for humans that they exist in that way .
12 Of course , you do not have to do things one of the standard ways if a system is only for your own use , and compatibility with someone else 's bar code system is not needed .
13 Cover the treatment bath to prevent the fish jumping out , even if the bath is only for a minute or two .
14 It is only for us to accept what God in his mystery may send to us .
15 , c ( 7500 is only for use in the case of hi-jacking ) .
16 Even if it is only for one moment that a spasm in your face draws my attention to the intensity of your pain , a glimpse from which I flinch back into insensibility , it is during that moment that a choice between my conflicting pulls to help and to ignore will be made in fullest awareness .
17 ‘ Giving thought is only for kings and princes , for innkeepers and washerwomen . ’
18 Roman Catholicism has been more in line with the other great world religions in insisting that mysticism is only for a few chosen souls and that , unless one has this special propensity , mysticism can be a serious health threat .
19 Premier League chief Rick Parry has been invited but it is only for the 14 clubs .
20 It is rare for companies to have formal arrangements for finding work for the spouse of a relocated employee especially as a typical posting to the UK is only for two or three years .
21 There are three new 3174 Networking Server models , an Ethernet Adaptor for existing 3174 models , new Configuration Support-C Release 4.0 Licensed Internal Code — which is only for Ethernet users — and an upgrade package consisting of the new code , the Ethernet Adaptor , 4Mb of extra memory and a 20Mb disk at a discount price .
22 This kind of operation is only for the benefit of the firm .
23 Do n't worry if you feel the technique is only for people with access to printing presses ; the print in the top right of the photograph was achieved by rolling a clean roller across the back of the paper as it lay on the board .
24 ‘ But at NT developer 's conferences we 're told that Posix is only for winning Government bids , and we should n't use it ’ .
25 Again the AD&D licence is only for show , with only token attempts at roleplaying included .
26 But in sub-Saharan Africa , for example , television is only for the privileged few , whereas radio surpasses all other media in terms of audience .
27 Fair enough , you may think , particularly remembering that SB is only for people whose ‘ resources are insufficient to meet their requirements ’ .
28 It is only for the most severe disability class that the majority , 51 per cent , live in some form of institutional care .
29 They believe that creative thought is only for clever people .
30 I would rather see people that are going to start work , even if it is only for a year , at the same time where they are working that year that somebody take an interest in what 's going to happen to them at the end of that year .
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