Example sentences of "for any one " in BNC.

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1 That latter fact is as true for drink and cigarettes as for any one of a dozen ‘ mood-altering ’ drugs .
2 However , if a small company does n't provide for any one of these operations , it is unlikely that company can give its artists adequate service .
3 Cover of around £1,000 is normally given for loss , damage or theft of belongings , with a limit of £150 — £250 for any one item and £200-£300 for lost money .
4 It 's that the class antipathies of black American culture the ‘ rap gap ’ have grown too wide for any one person , star or politician , to bridge .
5 As a final point on goal-setting for weight , there is nothing wrong with being slightly under or over your goal weight for any one day or week .
6 And anyway it 's bad for democracy for any one political party to be in power for too long .
7 We will import a maximum earnings level of £125,000 per annum for any one individual as drawings or income .
8 The longevity of any one copy of a meme is probably relatively unimportant , as it is for any one copy of a gene .
9 The exercises , though , are not designed for any one standard just for all those who are committed to improving at whatever level .
10 You may be dissatisfied with a disciplinary decision for any one of a number of reasons .
11 The average number of index changes for any one month was previously 210 .
12 She concludes that a mix of information-giving , teaching techniques and counselling may be required for any one patient .
13 There are marked fluctuations in the monthly totals for any one winter , which must partly stem from the species ' habit of frequently feeding outside the estuaries during the day , so that birds are missed by the counts .
14 Of course one needs to exercise some common sense about the number of objectives written for any one piece of teaching , but if teaching sessions are seen as part of a series for a given student then objectives can be written for the whole series .
15 It was common for any one tenement to have Jews , Scots and Irish families living together .
16 Afterwards , I eyed the other pedestrians in Soho Square with more than usual paranoia , ready for any one of them to turn into a crack-crazed mugger .
17 It was slightly over thirty sea miles from Berwick to Dunbar , a very long row , much too far for any one night , whatever the conditions .
18 Taken together , these character candidates produce a number of letter string candidates for any one word .
19 In much of British industry the absence of exclusive bargaining jurisdiction for any one union created a hiatus in the lines of authority and communication between shop stewards and national union organisations .
20 In much of British industry the absence of exclusive bargaining jurisdiction for any one union created a hiatus in the lines of authority and communication between shop stewards and national union organisations .
21 Of course , as for any other trait , it may be impossible for any one homozygous genotype to achieve the optimum .
22 Annan wanted press interests limited to 25 per cent in any station , with 10 per cent for any one paper .
23 We guarantee to meet claims from readers made in accordance with the above procedure as soon as possible after the advertiser has become subject to bankruptcy proceedings , or has gone into liquidation , up to a limit of £16,000 per annum for any one advertiser so affected , and up to £48,000 in respect of all advertisers .
24 is limited to £50 for any one article and a total of £100 in the case of any one guest , except in the case of property which has been deposited or offered for deposit for safe custody ;
25 We do not imply that PMR is necessarily the most effective technique for any one individual client but the scope of this book does not extend to covering all possible relaxation techniques .
26 Mr Pejic has consistently refused to broadcast propaganda for any one ethnic group .
27 This is heavily regulated by statute , but because there is an extensive non-judicial appeals system , and because the amounts at stake for any one individual are typically small , judicial activity in this area is low .
28 Since the individual estimates within specific tables are subject to errors varying in degree , the estimates given for any one season should be treated with reserve .
29 In what follows we shall let J stand for any one of Z , Q , R or C.
30 If we let X stand for any one of the sets X , Q , R , C , Z[x] , etc. mentioned in Chapter 1 , then the operations of addition and multiplication defined on X may be described as binary operations on X in that , to each pair of elements of X , both + and .
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