Example sentences of "for him the " in BNC.

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1 For him the synthesis was asymptote towards which he was for ever approaching without ever quite reaching it ; it was a reality , incapable of complete realization .
2 And Olson wo n't let us squirm off the hook — for him the anti-Jewishness is symptom , not cause :
3 Eliot seems to have ignored these suggestions because for him the physical and social landscape of London was no more than a screen on which to project a phantasmagoria that expressed his own personal disorders and desperations ( partly sexual , as one might expect , and as the drafts make clear ) ; whereas Pound seems to have supposed that the subject of the poem was London in all its historical and geographical actuality , much as the city of Dublin was from one point of view the subject of Joyce 's Ulysses .
4 So Eliot wrote in 1926 when for him the poet whose ‘ horrified eyes ’ saw most clearly the ‘ chasm between the real and the ideal ’ was Baudelaire .
5 Not for him the carefully charted route to the top .
6 Not for him the Baden-Powell approach of rubbing two Boy Scouts together ; he liberally douses the twigs with paraffin and throws in a match .
7 For him the reworking of familiar images is not simply a matter of drawing attention to the way in which mass-reproduction numbs the optic nerves , by shocking the spectator with a moustached Mona Lisa , but rather , using a peculiar blend of both iconoclasm and a sort of wry homage , of investigating the power of certain images , particularly those which have national resonance .
8 For him the high spot of the day was listening to the very earnest young man delivering an extremely good set of orders .
9 So for him the next test — whose result he was awaiting — would be crucial .
10 He then ordered a car to call for him the next morning for a similar occasion and was felled by a stroke while waiting for the lift .
11 Not for him the elevation and security of Wordsworth 's appointment as His Majesty 's Distributor of Stamps for the County of Westmorland .
12 Not for him the acrobatics that fiction attributes to the American rich .
13 Gwili tried to interpret for him the power of Welsh literature and especially the ‘ renaissance ’ of modern Welsh poetry of which he was himself a part , but Edward had only a smattering of Welsh and , judging from rough translations of folksongs and simple lyrics , he was disinclined to carry his studies further .
14 The rejection is there in Hobbes too ; for him the basis of explanation is matter in motion .
15 She felt sorry for him once more ; she felt for him the compassion of an older sister , and at that point she did something quite unpremeditated : as she kept on walking , she turned her head back towards him , smiled and lifted her right arm out in the air , easily , flowingly , as if she were tossing a brightly coloured ball .
16 For him the power of love is paramount .
17 All his life , MacDonald had fought against a class view of politics and for the primacy of political action as against industrial ; for him the logical corollary was that the party must be prepared , when necessary , to subordinate the sectional claims of the unions to its conception of the national interest .
18 For him the Dutch Texel is the original Texel ; it comes from the island of Texel and has been bred there for many generations .
19 Not for him the pleasures or the relief of omnipotence !
20 Not for him the emancipation and the exultation and the divinity of creative work !
21 He said it was for him the perfect realization of Sibelius as a passionate but anti-sensual composer .
22 The reader will not , however , begrudge the author 's serendipity which , especially at election time , succeeded in extracting for him the following from Smollett 's Humphrey Clinker ( 1771 ) : I know nothing so abject as the behaviour of a man canvassing for a seat in Parliament .
23 Not for him the intricate miracles of Gothic architecture .
24 I had to accept the fact that he was an individualist , and that for him the only tolerable war was one in which he felt he was making some personal contribution — personal , but never ‘ glory-seeking ’ , as he had made clear in 1940 , not least by being prepared to postpone obtaining his commission .
25 I wrote for him the following poem ; it seems to me now rather jejune , but it was the spontaneous overflow from a heart both proud and anxious , and not greatly concerned with turning out a literary exemplar : Parachutists ( for L.G.C. )
26 I came to believe that in the S.A.S. he had realised his ideal of chivalry in a contemporary setting ; and that with our marriage and my acceptance of his decision , the two halves of his nature had come together , and for him the enigma of character had been resolved .
27 Modigliani declined as politely but suggested to Lunia that she should come to his studio and pose for him the following day .
28 From the moment he had come to power , Napoleon III had made it plain that for him the problem of Paris was not simply one of creating prosperity for its inhabitants ; rather it was one of transforming and embellishing the city in such a way as to make life better for its inhabitants while simultaneously making it worthy of the new France .
29 It did not have for him the magnetic feel of the two letters which were folded into his pocket , but it represented the tease of curiosity .
30 Patrick landed across a rock , and lucky for him the ride was in to break his fall or it 's crippled he 'd be this minute .
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