Example sentences of "for another year " in BNC.

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1 If Attlee had carried on for another year , and the economy had turned round , Labour might still be in power .
2 Tirpitz lies at the bottom of the local fjord , and every year the local diving club goes down to it on New Year 's Day to retrieve a handful of bits guaranteed to fuel the old fires for another year .
3 As well for garden planting for show or cutting , thy make stately pot-grown plants , but only for one year as they are unable to find enough plant nutrients to sustain them for another year .
4 ‘ It will be frustrating to have to stay in the Vauxhall Conference for another year , especially when so many clubs in the lower divisions are struggling to stay afloat . ’
5 A fond farewell , a tearful eye , a waving hanky , sob , sob — it 's all over , summer gone for another year .
6 Her research fellowship was coming to an end , and she could not bear the prospect of ‘ hanging on ’ for another year as a freelance supervisor of undergraduates , sponging on her parents .
7 George Downing called off the contest for another year .
8 In 1952 Walter Luff should have retired , but was twice persuaded to stay on for another year by the Transport Committee .
9 But I still had doubts about giving up my job at Lloyds insurance firm , so for another year ( they were yearly contracts then ) I was allowed to keep the job , training two nights a week and playing in the reserves .
10 As a whole the season had not brought a successful fishing , which , sad to relate , would condemn to bachelorhood for another year many Lewismen who waited a successful season to enable them to begin life in partnership with a fisher lass .
11 Every year on the Wednesday evening , after going up to bed , I used to stand at my window and gaze towards the fair some five hundred yards away , watching the flickering lights and hearing the screams and music , feeling quite sad that the show was over for another year .
12 This was a real blow to me , as I had done well in form 5a at school and had to watch my luckier contemporaries going into the sixth form for another year with the sure prospect of getting to teacher training college , or the luckiest of them all , to university .
13 The breeder programme also lives for another year .
14 Although the project is due to run for another year , the county council 's planning department hope information will be made available this summer .
15 The University 's overhauled financial systems allow it to plan for another year in which income and expenditure will at least balance and may perhaps allow some restoration of the reserves it needs to cope with unexpected problems .
16 For another year , the Genoese could continue to squat in the wreck of the city , clutching the rights to their ruined , foundering colony ; promoting nothing ; permitting nothing to flourish , either of theirs or the Bastard 's .
17 In less than five minutes , many hopes of success will have been dashed for another year .
18 But the horn was blown and the lady of the manor 's bailiff shouted ‘ out on ye ’ three times before they all changed their muddy boots and went home , happy to have maintained tradition for another year .
19 I am not due home for another year or so and I hope that by then a little more of the Peruvian culture and faith will have rubbed off on me .
20 Those returning for another year 's work would be admonished by Jonadab : ‘ Do n't be coming back in t'small hours .
21 Then it s all over for another year .
22 Afterwards an auction of icing sculptures , mostly of clowns but also of flags of the European Community — that EC subsidy again ! — and then it 's time to pack away clown town for another year .
23 YOU continue to have the pleasure of Saturn in this area for another year .
24 The group 's UK bankers have agreed to extend its loan facilities for another year until June 1993 .
25 He wanted desperately to forget himself and who he was , or had hoped to be ; now , there was little hope , for the money he had carefully set aside for his expected purposes would not last for another year , and he had no employment .
26 ‘ We 'll save Greece for another year .
27 Pop having to return to Burma for another year with the Governor , and finally my going to meet him in Liverpool when he was sent home at the end of that year very sick , never to return to Burma .
28 The battle was on , and was to continue for another year .
29 But it also triggered outrage in Europe that there would be no British decision for another year .
30 He has a signed contract until the end of this season , and a word of mouth agreement for another year .
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