Example sentences of "for do so " in BNC.

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1 I do not wish to exclude him from such private and individual arenas , for to do so would be to fly in the face of Christian tradition from the fathers to C. S. Lewis and Cardinal Suenens ( 1982 ) in our own time .
2 They do not then relay all the information to the passengers , for to do so would serve no useful purpose .
3 It is not necessarily a soft option to tame wild animals , for to do so involves understanding their nature , being at one with it and drawing it into new forms of behaviour .
4 In the past it has been common wisdom that a major party will not suggest extreme policies , for to do so is to invite electoral defeat .
5 For to do so would suggest that salvation lay with the appointment of Arthur Scargill to the TCCB .
6 Grainne stood very still , although she did not close her eyes , for to do so in here , with a creature , a something that was watching from the shadowy corners and grinning and copying her every move , was not to be thought of .
7 Until this legacy is tackled we believe MPG6 should make it absolutely clear that no new permissions should be granted , for to do so merely puts off the evil day when the problem of old permissions has to be confronted .
8 Until this legacy is tackled we believe MPG6 should make it absolutely clear that no new permissions should be granted , for to do so merely puts off the evil day when the problem of old permissions has to be confronted .
9 There is not even , as we have heard , any opportunity to make a realistic and meaningful statement in public , not even in the House , for to do so might affect the outcome of the trial .
10 Frank Kermode in The Genesis of Secrecy seemed to be engaging in a severance of world and word , and was called to account by Helen Gardner for doing so .
11 Liberty is proposing regulations , including a rule requiring anyone installing cameras to supply the authorities with valid reasons for doing so .
12 He was cutting his journey fine and it was only by actually jogging from Friedrichstrasse , and feeling a fool for doing so , apart from almost breaking his neck by slipping on the icy pavement , that he arrived at his office before the ominous red line was drawn .
13 He shook his head and beckoned at the same time , feeling an unutterable fool for doing so .
14 They will also have to decide what IPC means in practice for the 3500-odd industrial processes under their control and as yet have set no timetable for doing so .
15 The MacMahon Act only reinforced his reasons for doing so .
16 I he opportunity for doing so arose in the Middle East .
17 The answer is that it does , and that the justifications for doing so have been set out above — not so much because rape is a serious offence , but rather because ascertainment of the facts is so easy that there should be little substantive unfairness to defendants .
18 High purpose was something that could be recognized in someone , like a gleam in the eye or a tone of voice ; it meant that even when that person dabbled in something doubtful , they undoubtedly had good reason for doing so .
19 Even if they had political or ideological grounds for doing so , the heat and publicity of the contest , the expectations of fellow-tribesmen and of the opposing side , and the subsequent social sanctions , would indeed have made it difficult to cross from one end of the pitch to the other in the middle of the ballot .
20 Two or three Zuwaya had reputations as excellent poets and would record their poems if pressed : indeed , one made a charge for doing so , a practice not approved by all .
21 The climate for doing so is more favourable than for some years past .
22 But the fact that introducing people to each other in those circumstances facilitates social contacts is itself a reason for doing so .
23 ‘ Yet there is no valid scientific case for doing so , ’ he says .
24 The reward for doing so has been stated as revealing a view of the towers of York Minster , a claim difficult to believe without visual evidence .
25 If part of the deep ecologist 's rationale for saving wilderness is so that future generations of humans can savour the orgiastic blood of the hunt ( as Ortega y Gasset describes the recreational slaughter of wild animals ) , animal liberationists can and should unashamedly applaud the efforts to preserve , but not the reasons for doing so .
26 Questioning is by way of being a bargain : ‘ You are asking me to give something up ; well then , give me a good reason for doing so . ’
27 In any case , if a writer has managed to put some key point rather well , why not both give him the credit for doing so , and at the same time avoid struggling to reinvent the wheel ?
28 The White Paper places great emphasis on the fact that currently ‘ hospitals which offer the best VFM are not rewarded for doing so .
29 But the student must also be encouraged to learn , and be helped to recognise opportunities for doing so .
30 Two reasons for doing so .
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