Example sentences of "for a few " in BNC.

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1 Sat and glowed with satisfaction for a few hours in silence , studying their effect .
2 When fermentation has finished the ‘ green beer ’ is run into conditioning tanks for a few days .
3 Some of these programs belong to the Shareware scheme which means that they can be used and evaluated for a few weeks , and you pay the registration fee only if you continue to use them .
4 The resultant paste is cask-conditions for a few days before bottling .
5 Out on to the stones of the terrace there fell a thick metal spike , not at all dissimilar to the blood-smeared one on which Lord Woodleigh had not fallen , out of sight for a few vital minutes from anyone looking from above .
6 He and the housekeeper continued to converse for a few minutes and finally he said , ‘ Very well , Mrs Pettifer , sherry at six . ’
7 I was diplomatically ill for a few days and then I returned to my normal work .
8 I 'm not asking for a few soothing words to calm my conscience ; if I can , I want to help .
9 ‘ Can you hang on here for a few moments ? ’
10 Despite this , at lunchtime Kathleen presented me with four hours ' pay and pressed me for a few more details to help her with her enquiries .
11 I kept wandering around for a few hours , with no idea where I was or where I was going , then somewhere along the line I chanced upon an open space where there was the odd bench scattered here and there and I used one of these for my lie-down .
12 Why do n't we go and sit down for a few minutes and then you can decide what you want to do next ? ’
13 Neither of us spoke for a few moments , then she asked : ‘ Do you mind if I stay here for a little while ? ’
14 For a few days they should be given a cool , shaded position ; after that as much light as possible .
15 I 've had this shrub for a few years now but it has been a bit reluctant to bloom .
16 Since a firm intact skin is essential , both to exclude infections and prevent the contents from drying out , it is usual to leave roots on the soil surface for a few hours to harden their skins .
17 Most continue ripening in store until ready for the table , but a few varieties must be brought into the warm for a few days before they are ready to eat .
18 At this stage cut off the complete head and invert it in a paper bag , hanging these in an airy place for a few days until the seeds are quite dry .
19 After coming to a stop with the glider facing into wind , holding the tail down is the worst possible thing , and even leaving the nose unattended for a few moments is dangerous .
20 Trestles make it all so much easier and safer , and it is worth while having a second one so that everyone can relax for a few minutes if it is proving difficult to align both wings to get the main pins in place .
21 The loads on the structure are lower during the first half of the launch and it is not unusual to exceed the placard speed for a few seconds during the initial steepening of the climb .
22 If this happens he will change the angle of climb automatically as the glider starts to gain height , and he will continue to pull it higher for a few seconds even if a power failure has occurred .
23 Whereas it is obvious that the launch must be abandoned anywhere near the ground , halfway up the launch it is reasonable to hold on for a few seconds to see if the speed picks up again .
24 If the nose is dropping in spite of pulling back and hitting the back stop , this is a clear indication that the glider is stalled , and a forward movement is needed for a few seconds to let the wing unstall .
25 Susceptibility to high ‘ g ’ is greatly affected by the duration of the loading , and whereas most people can cope with 3 to 4 g for a few seconds , a sustained loading of that amount may cause loss of vision .
26 If you give yourself a shake , change your seating position slightly , open the clear vision panel for some fresh air , change hands on the stick for a few moments and have a sweet or drink , you can snap out of it and start to work normally again .
27 For this reason I always emphasise that if , as you complete the final turn , you are happy that you have got the field ‘ made ’ , you should always open full airbrake for a few moments to check that you would undershoot with that setting .
28 It is normal for this sensitivity to remain for a few flights and then gradually to disappear .
29 They become quite unconscious of what they are doing for a few seconds , and yet insist that they want to carry on and learn to fly .
30 Unless the wind is very strong , if it is obvious that you can reach the field , it is useful to open full airbrake for a few seconds immediately after the final turn to check that you can undershoot .
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