Example sentences of "for [Wh det] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The delegates supported a motion to create a co-operative bank network , the capital for which would come from part of the government subsidies to farmers for 1992 of 6,500 million roubles .
2 Control to rest with the officer commanding L Detachment and not with any outside body superimposed for the purpose of coordination , the need for which will not arise should effect be given to the present proposals … .
3 It will give her something of her own to love and care for which will return her love , and help to reduce any feelings she may have of being ‘ odd man out ’ in the home .
4 Prime was born in the early 1970s , structured around the PrimOS operating system , which was developed on Honeywell Inc minicomputer hardware under a government contract , which meant that when people on the development team wanted to take it into the commercial world , they were able to buy the operating system for a nominal sum , and developed a new processor optimised to run it to create the 50 Series , the customer base for which will now be subject to a flock of companies wanting to win users over to their open systems .
5 A letter writing task , the stimulus for which will be an incoming letter and data needed to reply to it .
6 The composition of a letter , the stimulus for which will be an incoming letter , or the employer 's instructions , or both .
7 The buy-out vehicle , usually a new company which the managers form for the purpose ( " Newco " ) , will therefore often have a fairly complex share and loan capital structure , the reason for which will in part be tax driven .
8 The " Sunday Times " went to the extreme of publishing a " dummy " first edition to mislead the authorities on the night it broke the " spycatcher " revelations in Britain , but such devices are unavailable to television and radio programmes , the advance publicity for which will generally put the Attorney-General 's office on notice of a potentially embarrassing " leak " .
9 After defeats against Italy , Ireland and France , the Scots have made sweeping changes for their final encounter , prospects for which will revolve around the amount of ball they can supply for a back division sure to be enlivened by the presence of will-o-the-wisp stand-off , Derrick Lee .
10 Ingres hopes to be early with SQL92 , the specifications for which should be settled finally next month , and is also working with Microsoft Corp and the SQL Access Group on Open Database Connectivity ( ODBC ) compliance .
11 Suppose it can secure either an x per cent price reduction or an x per cent cost reduction at equal cost to itself ; for which should it aim ?
12 Courses are at present being run in London ( usually at Quintin School ) , the South West ( either at Dartmouth or Weston-Super-Mare ) , the North West ( Cheadle ) and in Edinburgh , Norfolk also run further training sessions ( details for which should be obtained from the Norfolk trainers ) .
13 Intelligence reports had indicated that such a reactor , the plans and equipment for which could have been supplied by China in 1990 [ see p. 38548 ] , had been built in the northern mountains .
14 There is an optional excursion to Abu Simbel , reservations for which must be made at the time of booking your holiday .
15 He hurried back to the Limousin and completed a piece of business , negotiations for which must already have been in train .
16 For younger enthusiasts there will be an under-14 tournament , entries for which must be received before 1.30pm on the day .
17 The overall figures and the implications for land rest heavily on the role to be played by slum clearance , the need for which must be greater than current rates ( an issue which is discussed in a later section on housing ) .
18 By late September , the local doctor concluded that the lad was sinking fast , and told him ( according to the diary ) ‘ that notwithstanding all the efforts which have been made to check the disease , they had not done so … and advised him to look to God to prepare him for whatever might be the event of the disease .
19 She knew she 'd be happier with a specific task to take her mind off things rather than just sitting about waiting for whatever might happen next , even if it was only the passing of time .
20 All around them people sat on their boxes and held on to precious bundles , patiently waiting for whatever might happen next .
21 At her back stood the Cruithin , alert and bright-eyed , ready for whatever might be asked of them .
22 If you seek to see them with loving eyes , you will experience their beauty and be aware of their good points while making allowances for whatever may be lacking .
23 ‘ But people have such bad financial problems at the moment , they have to give up the chance to study and go for whatever will fill their families ' stomachs . ’
24 No complaints about roominess up front but , surprisingly for what ought to be a five-seater , three in the back would need to be qualified weight watchers .
25 Everyone 's waiting for what might happen with arts subsidies .
26 In Leeds , local councillors have been sheepish about releasing plans to local people for what might just prove to be one of the most inspired and humane post-war city centre redevelopments masterminded by the architects Terry Farrell and Rob Krier for the Dutch developer MAB .
27 I felt proud and grown-up as I made my way down the road , concentrating my mind for what might be required of me .
28 If your dog has n't presented a problem for years , is getting old but still appears to be healthy , and starts to display antisocial behaviour — check it out with your vet before you start to punish him or her for what might be a cry for help .
29 You feel sorry for her , for what might have been . ’
30 As three cheers rang out from a few dozen loyal supporters gathered in the street below , Mr Kinnock took off his glasses , put them in his pocket , and gave a wistful smile for what might have been to the colleagues clustered around him .
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