Example sentences of "for [art] last " in BNC.

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1 Vocational training for the actor as we know it has only existed in England for the last eighty years .
2 Different generations are well represented here , from the newest professional at the beginning of her career to two who have been in the business for the last forty years .
3 The VAT returns for the last quarter are due in , and that big ( very profitable ) convention which took over the hotel for three weeks last year is imminent but you ca n't get at your data .
4 As I walked down the front steps for the last time , a feeling of elation swept over me .
5 For inexperienced pilots flying in light winds , a good general rule is to allow a maximum of 3 miles ' glide per 1,000 feet with nothing for the last 1,000 feet .
6 If full airbrakes are needed for more than a few seconds , and it looks as though they should be kept on , sideslipping should be used to get rid of the excess height so that for the last part of the approach less than full airbrake approach is required .
7 He remembered seeing his father 's face for the last time ; the coffin being lowered into its final resting place — and the hateful wake which followed .
8 The question is , for the last three years , who 's been helping to look after Mummy ?
9 I could see myself on the roof of our house , as , for the last time , I spread the couscous out to dry on a sheet in the sun before my journey to London : I could see the village below me : the tops of the trees , the minaret , the ancient wall which ran round my village .
10 On cold january nights , they camped out on platforms for the last experiences of ‘ Whistler ’ haulage , as the class of two hundred was whittled down to just one , the rebuilt , pioneer D200 .
11 For the last few years I have sat on the sidelines watching bolt-protected climbing mushrooming throughout the USA , Europe and , not least , Britain : in quarries , but also , let's be completely truthful , on natural crags .
12 I 've been farming for the last 70 years and never seen anything like it . ’
13 The girl who has reached the human being in Raskolnikov the murderer is left for the last time by Svidrigailov ‘ bewildered and frightened , and filled with vague and oppressive suspicions ’ .
14 Incidentally , I have used projection television receivers at home for the last 40 years and , possibly their use does not require the eye to be concentrated in one continuous subtended angle , my in eyes in their fourth quarter century still resolve that one minute of arc !
15 Australian Mutual Provident has been building up its stake in Pearl for the last two years .
16 As head of Radio 2 's music department for the last four years , Ms Line has been responsible for the blend of easy listening that makes up 80 per cent of its 24-hours-a-day output , along with presenters such as Derek Jameson and Jimmy Young .
17 ‘ I fought a number of battles but for the last 10 days before we left , because things did n't go too well , I was commanding the rearguard on the Aegean Sea . ’
18 In the village I have known for the last 10 years , they openly regret that things were better under Marcos .
19 The implication was that when it came to embroidery , the stitching up had been done on Merseyside , if Barnes had been fit enough to train for the last two days .
20 London 's venerable red and cream double-deckers rumbled along the Thames embankment for the last time in 1952 .
21 They had fallen behind when Simon Tracey , not for the last time , missed a corner and right-back Colin Hill poked Shane Westley 's header into his own net .
22 The victory maintained the monopoly of British and Irish-trained horses , who have now exported this prize for the last 11 years .
23 FOR THE last 10 years or so the British insurance community has attracted an enormous amount of takeover activity .
24 Holyoak believes that the council has been bamboozled into adopting LET's monolithic scheme which has had outline planning permission for the last year .
25 His own firm had been picketed for the last five months in a dispute over the use of new technology .
26 Liam Carson , general manager / director of the Groucho Club , has worked in London restaurants for the last 15 years .
27 Engel is German by birth but has lived in Britain for the last 20 years , and this mixed background has been reflected not only in Melancholia 's plot but in its production history , as it has been co-financed by the British Film Institute and the Hamburg company Lichtblick .
28 For the last year of his life he suffered from myeloma , a form of bone cancer , and entered hospital for the last time in July where he made friends with another patient who , unfortunately , soon died .
29 For the last year of his life he suffered from myeloma , a form of bone cancer , and entered hospital for the last time in July where he made friends with another patient who , unfortunately , soon died .
30 So the song ‘ Sunday Papers ’ has had to go ( 'I re-wrote the lyrics for the last tour - called it ‘ Monday Papers ’ .
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