Example sentences of "for [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 But at a rally in Baku on Sunday , the Azerbaijani Popular Front , prime mover in the blockade , indicated it was continuing its campaign , which is aimed at forcing Armenia to drop its demand for reunification with Nagorny Karabakh .
2 While parents and local burgermasters were complaining about Elvis ' swirling hip movements , the jiving in the aisles at Bill Haley concerts , the sexual implications of Chuck Berry 's movements and increasing violence in the American classroom as depicted more responsibly in Blackboard Jungle , the Corman film went straight for sensationalism with advertising which read ‘ From Teen Rebel to Mad Dog Killer . ’
3 In the meantime discontent with the Central Office — which was mostly an excuse for discontent with the leadership — continued to mount .
4 Basil realised that there was a whole lot more to education than training for livelihood with its over-emphasis on examinations .
5 In this chapter we shall identify two periods of decisive constitutional change since the eighteenth century , and in Chapter 4 we will deal with the substantial pressures for change with respect to the contemporary constitution .
6 The government , which had responded to earlier demands for change with cautious constitutional reforms in November [ see p. 37864 ] , responded to the demonstrations by announcing on Dec. 11 that the formation of independent political parties would be allowed .
7 This retrospective casenote study looked at the early course of schizophrenia in Asians , Afro-Caribbeans , and Whites presenting for admission with a first psychotic episode , to All Saints Hospital , Birmingham ( n= 137 ) over a 24 month period .
8 The usual treatment for cholecystitis with occlusion of the cystic duct is surgical cholecystectomy .
9 The pellet was then gentle resuspended in 10 ml homogenising medium and used for incubation with ethanol , acetaldehyde , or cholesteryl oleate .
10 The Mathematics Working Group has proposed 15 broad attainment targets in mathematics and the science group 22 for secondary pupils and 17 for primary with a further four for primary technology .
11 Erm , good for genre with attractive board ! 40%
12 It appealed for sympathy with the unemployed in a way which did not challenge the consensus about the problem .
13 If using dark chocolate , beat the mixture for 1–2min with an electric or hand whisk , until it thickens slightly and lightens in texture ( this is not necessary when using white chocolate ) .
14 Timman advanced , creating problems for Speelman with a pawn thrust deep into his opponent 's position , splitting Black 's forces .
15 Jonathon 's neck and ears were examined and polished once again for luck with a damp face-cloth and he was instructed to change his shirt .
16 ‘ I seem to expect the whole happiness and sweetness to come from you ’ , he wrote as he warned Helen that she should find a real need for patience with him .
17 The derelict fourteenth-century Lammerside Castle and the stately Wharton Hall , a fine example of a late medieval house built for defence with an imposing gateway , are passed on the west bank before reaching the more sylvan surroundings of the village of Nateby and the environs of the pleasant market town of Kirkby Stephen .
18 Should the requirement be for text with the occasional graphic such as a bar chart or line drawing thrown in then many of those just mentioned will look after this as well .
19 Alberto Ronchey , Italy 's Minister responsible for culture and the heritage , has proposed swingeing new penalties for vandalism with spray paint .
20 ‘ Then they can discuss a bid for funding with Welsh Office officials , ’ said Mr Jones .
21 Coventry levelled before Stabler regained the lead for West with a penalty and converted Andy Mitchell 's try , slotting another penalty to make it 15–3 at the break .
22 Franco arrived for Mass with their mother .
23 Of course we want to generate a lot of sales and to broaden the market for fiction with our customers , but the whole point of the promotion is to widen the market for authors who have n't previously broken through .
24 There is also a C100 System Protocol Converter that links T9000s to previous generation Transputers and C101 Link Adapter for interfacing with standard buses in a variety of other devices .
25 This translates bioelectric signals from muscles and eye movements , and even the brain , for interfacing with a range of output devices .
26 There is also a C100 System Protocol Converter that links T9000s to previous generation Transputers and C101 Link Adapter for interfacing with standard buses in a variety of other devices .
27 Together they choose the best plate to display the food , then Linda gets to work in the kitchen preparing the food for photography with a little help from Cheryl Baker .
28 While underlining the right of the East Germans to opt for unity with their fellow Germans in the Federal Republic , Dr Kohl said this was a matter for their own free choice .
29 But if it is not calling for immediate independence , or for unity with Romania , the Popular Front is certainly demanding sovereign autonomy for Moldavia and a renewal of national culture and identity .
30 Above : Buff coloured paving slabs bordered by brick , used as edging and walling for contrast with path
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