Example sentences of "for [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Carefully he tried again but Cameron took his arm and told him not to hurry unduly , the joists had only been pinned in place and they were still waiting for the long nails from Grandtully .
2 They arranged to come that way again next Sunday and then turned their horses eastwards for the long ride home .
3 Leaving the summit sun-bathers , we scrambled down crags and loose stones to join the track for the long descent to Little Ingleborough .
4 The message from brokers is apply for shares , but do not look to hold them for the long term .
5 It was in part because of this love of the specially religious life , and in part because of the affection for the long history of the Church , that he led another pilgrimage ( 1959 ) of several thousand people to Holy Island on the coast of Northumberland and even The Times had a piece about the archbishop walking barefoot .
6 By 0930 they were all in their coaches for the long journey back to Brighton , for that evening they all became civilians again and had to be ready for their ordinary jobs on Monday .
7 He watched their departure through a spreading mist , and when the last car had gone and the avenue was silent except for the long sigh of grass , he allowed himself to be taken back to his room .
8 Pleasant to browse but unwise to buy as I could do without the extra weight of heavy tomes for the long haul after the town up past Hay Bluff to the Gospel Pass — a climb to more than 1,750 ft .
9 For the long term benefits of the ‘ loyalty share bonus ’ together with a first year 's yield of around 20 per cent makes the investment an attractive income stock .
10 A government committed to the disciplines of the market had had a salutary lesson : the market did not care a damn for the long term , or strategic thinking into the middle of the next century , or , quite possibly , sustainable development .
11 Today 's investor with a bent for history — and therefore an appreciation for the long term — would not be nearly as cheerless as his short-term friends .
12 It buys them , sells some bits quickly , but then keeps the rest to manage for the long term .
13 Far from trying to develop their targets for the long haul , the Milken minions broke them up for quick gain .
14 A buyer for the long haul would not skate far past the optimal point and towards bankruptcy costs .
15 And it should give managers an incentive to invest — both in themselves and in their company 's strategy — for the long term .
16 They punt for the long term , but protect incumbent management .
17 But the benefits have come full circle , for the long master chronologies subsequently established for archaeological dating and calibration of radiocarbon results are now of just as much value to climatologists studying cycles in weather patterns associated with factors like sunspot activity and variations in the earth 's orbital parameters .
18 Emerging from the tall , rickety gates separating the yard from the main road , Mungo walked the bicycle across , beside Mr Zamoyski 's shop , before mounting at the crossroads for the long ride .
19 While people down south are still lying out in the sun and enjoying their holidays , up here we have to start planning well ahead for the long winter to come .
20 However , there is no point investing for the long term at the risk of being caned in the short term .
21 More significantly , for the long term future of the industry , it has launched into a series of alliances , including a development partership with long-time rival Apple , with chip maker Motorola thrown in for good measure , and former IBM allies Intel and Microsoft left out in the cold .
22 Elsewhere , you could try for the Long Range Weather Forecasting Agency ( bring your own piece of seaweed ) or the World Bank in Washington , but the growth industries of tax-free living must be in Europe .
23 This spring , however , there really are a few green shoots of recovery , and in a more confident climate , where people are once again prepared to plan for the long term , they could blossom rapidly .
24 As a cautious start , British Telecom is a good choice to buy for the long term .
25 Britain is failing to invest for the long term .
26 This failure to invest for the long term can be seen also in innovation , the development of new ideas and products .
27 Only when these key steps have been taken will government and individuals alike be able to plan for the long term , instead of focusing on the short term and the next election .
28 The unit split up into three convoys for the long march to Kufra .
29 Belle 's sister Lil went with her as a companion for the long journey .
30 But now , after his near miss with Hoomey , Nails remembered that he was for the long drop next time — no more cautions .
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