Example sentences of "was done [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And so there was this sort of propaganda campaign that was done through advertising to insist that women should n't have off days any more .
2 This was done through the Getty Art History Information Program .
3 This was done through agreement with Vichy France .
4 Sixty per cent claimed that this was done through traditional subjects , although few related this to actual school practice .
5 At a popular level this was done through the transmission of beliefs and practices through folk-lore .
6 The healing was done through the spirit .
7 This was done through a programme of special events , the ‘ Edinburgh and Lothians European Programme ’ , which was jointly managed by the Council , Edinburgh District Council , Lothian and Edinburgh Enterprise Limited and the Chamber of Commerce .
8 We said in the chapter that this was done through the medium of arriving at a written-down cost or value .
9 The operation was done through the midline scar and the recurrent tumour was removed from the right upper rectus together with surrounding unaffected tissue .
10 we never owed any rent , that was done through banker 's order as well
11 And it was done through a trust then , and it was done so quietly that they had n't time to object .
12 Every piece of carving on the Chindit , which stands about 3ft high , was done with the Woodcarver
13 Every piece of carving on the Chindit , which stands about 3ft high , was done with the Woodcarver
14 ‘ It most certainly is my view that what was done with these people was a political decision , a decision of high command . ’
15 It was done with a scornful glance at Keith and then a grin of agreement at Mrs Hollins .
16 This was done with a Dunlop 31 ball and is one of the longest recorded clear carries known in golf ’ .
17 Suttons of Reading brought 138 greenkeepers to Henley to play after a conference — perhaps their year of looking after the course was done with this in mind .
18 All this was done with great success and without any suspicions being aroused .
19 Cutting stone was done with a rope dipped in wet sand and used like a saw .
20 This was done with the collaboration of the Braun workshop , and V. V. Reiner who painted the sala terrena in the garden .
21 In those days Open Championship crowd-control was done with miles of wooden fencing .
22 This was done with government support , and our own King George III 's name appears on the decree establishing the school , in his capacity as King of Hanover .
23 This was done with the best of intentions , to stop consumers damaging such records with mono pickups , but it opened the floodgates to many types of fake-stereo records in the following decades .
24 Faith was done with old-fashioned equipment ; we needed more equipment to do the water-crossings ahead .
25 This system interconnected the rudder and ailerons and did away with rudder pedals ; all the flying was done with the yoke .
26 ‘ This was done with a complete focus on shareholders of the corporation , ’ he insists .
27 He was done with them : from now on he would draw from living hands and feet , and no others .
28 But all that was done with .
29 The whole point of the undergirding cables was to provide some shear bracing and so unless the operation was done with a knowledge and accuracy which were rather unlikely in the circumstances , so as to get the cables roughly at forty-five degrees , the expedient probably had usually as little effect as it seems to have had upon Paul 's ship .
30 This was done with almost no result .
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