Example sentences of "was always [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is rightly said of him that he was always a pedagogue , but he is a pedagogue in the courtly nineteenth-century mode of Professor Agassiz , who sets up the controlled experiment and invites us to participate in it , not in the hectoring and charismatic mode of the star of the lecture-hall .
2 Hong Kong was always a free-wheeling , highly materialistic city , with more than its full share of pirates and crooks .
3 Before 1939 the ecumenical movement was always a clerical élite within the older Churches .
4 ELIOT was always a careful listener .
5 After he leave school he had set up some sort of agricultural commune thing , he was always a man like that , saying we were people must make the most of we community skills and thing , but he get squeeze in that farming business and last I hear of him he had gone in the hills and become a guerrilla .
6 There was no major racial tension around but there was always a slight twist on the relationship with black people .
7 He must have reckoned that having a back-up trade was always a handy thing when you 're going into something as risky as the music business .
8 For her there was always a strange excitement in his presence of something about to happen .
9 Although there was plenty of loutish and rough behaviour in public by groups of juveniles , there was always a counterbalancing influence within male culture .
10 ‘ It seemed to work OK , although I was always a bit worried Thom might take Eva from me — he still had her US passport . ’
11 Contemporary reasons for continuing to build large barns included the view that grain was better housed in barns than in ricks and was always a hand to be threshed , while the cost of thatching ricks was avoided and savings were made by avoiding the double-handling generated by moving ricks to the barn for threshing .
12 ‘ He was always a free spirit , ’ she said .
13 Visiting her in her London house was always a joy .
14 And there is something about rail travel that is essentially Canadian : the US , deep down , was always a stagecoach society , wayward and unpredictable ; trains seem right for Canada , exciting but disciplined .
15 I was always a totally dissatisfied consumer , aflood with complaints .
16 There was always a modest manor at Sutton , held at the time of the Domesday survey by Henry de Ferrers , then by the Boschervilles , who gave it to the Priory of Trentham .
17 Vic Furlong : ‘ He was always a bit of a dreamer in that I 'd give him a job to do , come back in about an hour and he was still chatting , the job unfinished , so he had to go .
18 George Underwood : David was always a bit over the top and he decided to write to John Bloom , a millionaire business , saying something to the effect ‘ Brian Epstein has got The Beatles but you can have us ’ , but Bloom was n't that interested and passed his letter to Les Conn , an agent . ’
19 So there was always a bottle of Reisling and a guitar , his Japanese kimono and him staying in bed , looking out of the window at the wolves chasing the train as we went through Siberia in the snow , whereas Geoffrey McCormack ( or Warren Peace as he was known professionally ) and I would get off at nearly every stop if we were awake , and run around on the platform .
20 In consequence , there was always a scramble to spend in the last half of the financial year when the danger of an underspend was becoming apparent .
21 But the idea of a tax as some kind of entry ticket for citizenship was always a nonsense : too many are able to dodge paying it .
22 The association with Lancashire lasted until 1986 and was always a happy one , for he was enormously popular with the fans and with his team-mates .
23 Apparently there was always a flood of people flowing through the farmhouse : friends , friends of friends , friends of friends of friends .
24 Getting to the village was always a highly dramatic event witnessed by a yelling , clapping audience .
25 Friday was always a busy day .
26 There was always a faint smell , too , of something rotting .
27 It was always a long wait at the bus stop , followed by a long ride .
28 They were n't hers and she knew there was always a danger in wanting other peoples ' things for oneself .
29 It was always a Toulouse Lautrec evening in the barrio chino : grotesque , horrible , funny , depressing , exciting and often pleasantly relaxing .
30 I was always a stick walking down the road with a flat chest .
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