Example sentences of "was still [art] " in BNC.

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1 In opposing the arguments marshalled by the anti-divorce groups , the pro-divorce group argued that , despite the existence of divorce legislation in Northern Ireland , there was still a low divorce rate .
2 I had gone too far and experienced too much , I needed to slow down , to get back to the small things , the practical things , to measuring and cutting and fixing , and it was with relief that I noticed that daylight had begun to invade the room , I kept quite still , I held the glass firmly in my gaze , gradually the elements already worked on began to emerge , some more clearly than others , some in outline only and some only when they impeded the free flow of light through the glass , until the sun came up and was reflected back from the windows of the house opposite and I could sit and look at the glass and think back through the work and the mistakes and the few successes , and sense again with that sickening feeling in the pit of the stomach that the whole of the right hand side of the lower panel was still a mess , nothing there had been resolved , but then I drew back from that , though it kept trying to pull me back to itself , and concentrated on what was beginning to work , on the left hand areas both top and bottom and on the elegance of the frame and the joy of seeing the bare walls and the wainscoting appear through the empty areas , and as I moved round so different parts of the room appeared and the relation of the surface of the glass to what lay behind changed , precision and fluidity , precision and fluidity , he wrote , choice and chance , not choice alone and chance alone but the two together , that is why delay , not stoppage and not flow but delay , delay in glass , he wrote , as when the plane is late and you should have been gone , have already arrived perhaps , but you are still there , or the sprinter beats the gun and the whole field is called back , the race could have been over but it has not yet started .
3 I was happy to offer advice by telephone while Moby was still a puppy — simple and , better still , free !
4 Millwall ........ 0 Norwich City .... 1 GRAFFITI displaying the legend ‘ lesbians ignite ’ ; T-shirts bearing the sinister slogan ‘ These colours do not run ’ ; and simulated sex over the Tannoy gave every indication that Millwall was still a Den of iniquity .
5 When the game was adjourned after 60 moves and six hours play , he was still a pawn behind but is now within sight of salvaging a draw .
6 IN THE LATE Fifties when news-gathering was still a soft-hat and trenchcoat job , Helen Mason became a reporter with the Daily Record .
7 Henderson drew a sharp contrast with the years after 1945 when Britain was still a major and respected force in world affairs , the dominant power in the Middle East down to the time of Suez , the second most important power in the Far East at least down to the 1954 Geneva Conference .
8 Mrs Thatcher claimed to have read Hayek 's Road to Serfdom while she was still a student at Somerville College , Oxford , just after the war ; but it was not until the 1970s , while in opposition , that she seems to have read Hayek 's writings more generally .
9 In the Middle East especially , British power was still a decisive factor down to 1956 , however illusory its basis .
10 British ‘ exceptionalism ’ , like American , was still a major force in the world .
11 Every technical device and dramatic trick was blatantly obvious this time through , and yet there was still a lot of delight , not from smug recognition of prize kitsch , but for a good yarn well told with the perfect characterisation of Albert Sharpe in the title role .
12 This was well before it became a tourist attraction , when it was still a fruit and veg market .
13 Accepting the refinery job meant that Pearce was able to exceed his £5 a week goal by £1 , but it was still a meagre wage for the amount of responsibility he shouldered .
14 My conversion to the Arctic was still a little while away .
15 They got us off and the bus disappeared , but there was still a reason why we could not board — they never let on what it was — — and we stood on the tarmac for a long time before being herded to the back entrance .
16 But she was still a creature of strong straight lines and planes and angles and she was still not smiling .
17 Jack could not possibly run the house from Oxford , and Warnie was still a serving officer in the Army .
18 At this period in his life , Auden was still a subscriber to the bundle of ideologies — leftist in politics , atheist in religion , Freudian in psychology — which went with being a 1930s intellectual .
19 And for all the pomp and ceremony , for all the formality and precision , the security and the months of planning , for all the cameras and lights , it was still a touching and surprisingly intimate affair .
20 The new chairman , Dr Gregor Gysi , told an emergency party congress at the weekend that the SED had made a start in ‘ breaking with Stalinism , ’ but added that there was still a long way to go in ‘ overcoming Stalinist structures ’ .
21 The new chairman , Dr Gregor Gysi , told an emergency party congress at the weekend that the SED had made a start in ‘ breaking with Stalinism , ’ but added that there was still a long way to go in ‘ overcoming Stalinist structures ’ .
22 It was still a memorable night for Gloucester .
23 In 1979 , British researcher Suzi Newborn visited the eastern Black Sea area , and confirmed that dolphin hunting was still a popular activity .
24 His press secretary even said that the Soviet Union was still a superpower — not at all what the cheerleaders think .
25 For a man who was leading the campaign for sanctions against South Africa , when that was still a hopeless liberal cause , he has been notably diffident about such things as collective punishment and detention without trial in the Israeli-occupied territories .
26 Six weeks ago it was still a closed city .
27 He was still a favourite with her sisters and brother and he was Helen 's principal source of news about her home .
28 Clearly they were helped by having hardly any matches affected by the weather , but it was still a wonderfully sustained performance .
29 The man for the crisis proved to be Downton , who stayed with Gower till the end , which came when Botham declared on 302 for 6 ; they were helped by Marshall not being able to bowl , but it was still a fine piece of concentration of which Ken Barrington would have been proud .
30 His wife was an orderly there when it was still a general hospital .
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