Example sentences of "was n't having " in BNC.

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1 But the bloke next to him was n't having any of that .
2 He wanted desperately , but he was n't having her know that .
3 She was n't going to tell that fear to anyone though ; she was n't having them prying or saying that Dorothy ought to be glad of a new brother or sister .
4 But she was n't having any of that .
5 I 'm sure he was , but the last few years when I knew him he 'd gotten a lot of respect from people and he was n't having to struggle any more , and I think he knew the people loved him and he liked that .
6 I was n't having a nervous breakdown but I was unable to operate or function efficiently .
7 He tried it with a pig but the pig just pissed everywhere , he was n't having it . ’
8 She was n't having the best of luck lately .
9 The camera wanted everything : Burton was n't having that .
10 And when she was n't having tantrums , she was fantastic .
11 I said that this was what she 'd been proposing , dummkopf , but Stuart was n't having any of it .
12 No , that 's right , he was n't having any of it .
13 Peter was n't having any nonsense this time and controlled the issue of lunches by voucher .
14 My sister ate , but I refused , not out of sacrifice nor because I was resisting temptation ( I firmly believed that meat would make me ill , as my mother said ) , but because I knew — though this formulation is the adult 's rather than the ten-year old 's — that the price of the meal was condemnation of my mother 's oddness , and I was n't having that .
15 He 'd come and visit , but I was n't having any trouble with him and life was pleasanter .
16 He was rather proud of the Punch that had floored the Punk , and he was n't having Polly make mock of it .
17 She was n't having things all her own way , now or for some little time to come .
18 He was n't having any .
19 She was prepared to stand surety for me , but they just was n't having it .
20 Stephen was n't having that .
21 But Kit was n't having some young blood replace his female prizes .
22 ‘ I wish I was n't having a picnic , ’ said Lydia .
23 ( Hard as Davide might try and interrupt , and put his mother right on one or two aspects of the matter , she was n't having it . )
24 They wanted to stay and listen at the door , but I was n't having that .
25 Jim assured him that hearing me sing was the experience of a lifetime , but Dad was n't having that .
26 The person at the seismic camp was n't having a fit at all .
27 He 'd finished school and was trying to decide between art college to become a painter and university to be a poet ; his family wanted him to train for accountancy but he was n't having any of that .
28 There were n't many people sitting near us , so I tried to make polite conversation , but he was n't having any .
29 Zeinab had no great love of Copts but she was n't having anyone attacked in the entrance of her building and pitched into the youths with such fury that they ran off .
30 The new manager was n't having a go at the players who 'd lost two-nil to Sporting .
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