Example sentences of "was at first " in BNC.

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1 The nature of the intimidation was at first quite subtle .
2 Quite clearly , as costs were four times direct revenue , 10 per cent ( for example ) saving in costs had much more effect on the balance than did a potential 20 per cent increase in revenue , so energy was at first concentrated on the cost base .
3 Mrs Ramsden 's husband , Jack , whose successful punting exploits have regularly had the bookies reaching for the valium bottle , was at first stunned and angered by the suggestion that anything was wrong with Travelling Light , whom he has backed at 33-1 for the second leg of the Autumn Double .
4 The Bolsheviks at least promised to tackle regional socio-economic backwardness , and their bureaucratic intervention in the localities was at first less oppressive in some ways than in the Tsarist past simply for lack of personnel .
5 Ramsey , formerly put off by Eden 's drawl , was at first put off by Macmillan 's blear-eyed appearance and puffy eyes .
6 Clare was at first protective and maternal , then weepy and emotional , and finally , when the implications of what Rachel was doing became clear to her , she was furious .
7 The Brotherhood has immense economic power which was at first based on its control of the ground-nut trade but later on a diversified portfolio of business interests , many of them urban .
8 I could n't see who it was at first , then I realised it was my husband .
9 The spindle , projecting upwards from the centre of the bed stone , was at first fixed to carry the runner stone a little above the bed stone , but later the elevation of the spindle could be altered to allow regulation of the gap between the stones and so control the fineness of the meal .
10 But the will , which Rock read in a newspaper , was at first hard to take .
11 When ‘ God 's minister , Death ’ visited the pastor 's own family and he lost a child aged one month , he was at first overwhelmed by grief , as described by his wife in a memoir written after this death .
12 There were , however , two new fields of research ; galvanism ( as use of electrical current was at first termed ) and mesmerism .
13 She was at first misunderstood .
14 She was at first incensed at the idea — as if she had no more to do than pack up guns , as if it were an easy matter to send such an object at all , as if she existed only for his convenience — and then amused .
15 Their parents spent three years contemplating whether or not to go through with the separation , which was at first thought impossible because of the degree to which the girls were joined .
16 But this time , faced with an orchestra which apparently was at first slow to respond to his blandishments , the musician took priority over the Mahlerian moraliser and he revealed many details and subtleties of the score while keeping its huge overall span firmly within his sights .
17 So , the Conservative response to Mr Smith 's Budget was at first feeble .
18 [ Philip Leapor ] informs me she was always fond of reading every thing that came in her way , as soon as she was capable of it ; and that when she and learnt to write tolerably , which , as he remembers , was at about ten or eleven Years old , She would often be scribbling , and sometimes in Rhyme ; which her Mother was at first pleas 'd with : But finding this Humour increase upon her as she grew up , when she thought her capable of more profitable Employment , she endeavour 'd to break her of it ; and that he likewise , having no Taste for Poetry , and not imagining it could ever be any Advantage to her , join 'd in the same Design : But finding it impossible to alter her natural Inclination , he had of late desisted , and left her more at Liberty
19 She was at first sight a cheerful figure , a plump woman of 65 who wore a brightly patterned dress and whose curly hair showed around the front of her white scarf .
20 The committee was at first divided over the proposal , with Betty Sinclair opposing the whole idea of protest marches , and a decision was deferred to a later meeting , which agreed to go ahead and fixed the date for 24 August .
21 The danger , of course , was that the new schools would be little more than half-hearted extensions of the former senior elementary schools — by 1938 , 63.3 per cent of pupils beyond the age of eleven were in separate senior elementary schools and all that was at first formally required was that such schools should change their labels .
22 Fleming himself , to his credit , was at first distressed by the publicity and wrote accordingly to Florey .
23 It showed a radiopaque object , which was at first difficult to identify .
24 When this was pointed out , the family 's reaction was at first disbelief and then concern , because the sale would have fallen through on this point , especially as , when they acquired the property , they had used a solicitor and a surveyor .
25 Top-line caddying was at first only part-time for Dave , although even a part-time career brought him face to face with the second of the twin imposters , disaster , in 1971 at the Open championship at Royal Birkdale .
26 Increasingly candidates thought able enough were entered for O and even A levels ( and rightly , because there was at first no other examination for them to take ) and when the CSE examination was introduced for those thought not to be up to O level , the top grade of CSE was soon deemed to count as an O level , and thus itself to aspire to the academic .
27 The Lincoln Red was at first known as the Lincolnshire Red Shorthorn : it originated when eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Durham and Yorkshire Shorthorn bulls were put on the large , rugged , pied Old Lincolnshire short-horned draught cows which could withstand all the weather thrown at this east coast county by the cold North Sea winds .
28 Coleridge 's Somerset household was at first intended to have a touch of Pantisocratic inclusiveness .
29 This was at first very difficult because he knew as little English as I knew German .
30 A decision was at first postponed but permission was granted later in the year .
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