Example sentences of "was at last " in BNC.

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1 The new , spacious Mk 3 rolling stock , with its luggage stowage space and automatic vestibule doors , was at last making these a practicality ; and , despite some unofficial rearguard action , in 1984 the NUR ended opposition .
2 Pete accompanied him to training and Andrew was at last offered a Civil Servant post .
3 The third one : once the buzz bombs started to come over it was at last realised that it was n't a very good idea to have children evacuated directly on the flight path between Germany and London , and we were all shipped off to other locations , myself to Teignmouth in Devon .
4 And for Jackson Pollock the champion , always fearful of losing , Lee was at last the judge he could trust .
5 Within hours of Starkist 's press conference , their major US competitors , Van Camp and Bumblebee , also announced the introduction of similar policies , and an end to the long and bitter battle between US environmentalists and the tuna industry was at last in sight .
6 Industrial labour was at last being regulated , water supplies purified , hospitals sanitised and prisons reformed .
7 You can forgive people in the Fifties for their eagerness to believe that the problems of highly industrialized societies had been solved , that capitalism worked and that the industrial revolution was at last delivering the goods for everyone … that there were practically no losers .
8 By swinging his legs he was at last able to make painful progress , so that eventually he was half in and half out of the building .
9 Less than a mile to go as they pinged over the three obstacles set close together at the far end of the back straight , and Mill House was ail of three lengths ahead : as they stretched out round the long sweeping turn towards the Pond Fence , the third from home , it really seemed as if he was at last going to take his revenge on Arkle .
10 In 323–4 civil war ended with the elimination of Licinius , and Constantine was at last sole ruler .
11 Now , forty years on , there was at last the technology — laser-tracking CD video — that would give him the finest sound with the finest picture-resolution in a medium that was compatible with the new domestic sound system that would , by the early 1990s , render the LP largely obsolete .
12 He still had intonation problems , but his ‘ Asile hereditaire ’ aria was at last all that one had been led to expect , and he was mightily impressive in the Act II trio with Yurisich and Roderick Kennedy as Furst .
13 This puzzle was at last unravelled in a series of brilliant papers of a rather technical and mathematical nature by the English geneticist and entomologist William Hamilton ( 1964 , 1971a , b , 1972 ) .
14 More field trips were demanded ; in the new climate in which life was at last prepared to be amenable to Richard 's desires , it seemed natural that Murray should supervise these expeditions .
15 In 1990 that corner was at last turned and the new BS 402 is now fully operational .
16 The end of the War was at last in sight , and with it breaking of the electoral truce .
17 Harold Macmillan spoke in Cape Town , in February 1960 , of the ‘ wind of change ’ and directed the unwilling attention of his countrymen towards an Empire on which the sun was at last setting .
18 After all those years it was at last made clear to me why I had this fear .
19 On the point of secrecy , some information was at last released , but with insufficient hard financial data for opponents of schemes to interpret it clearly .
20 This was the Mouse of which the Mountain Pantisocracy was at last safely delivered ! ’
21 Sir Philip angrily pressed the innkeeper to say whatever he knew of Coleridge , and was at last told the innocent truth :
22 One hastily written poem in Wordsworth 's meditative manner , ‘ Lines Written at a Small Distance from my House ’ , was delivered to Dorothy by young Basil as the Quantock spring was at last arriving :
23 Together with a Jewish refugee from Hitler 's Germany , I was at last excused that introductory' talk , and the appointment with the Bishop of Lichfield .
24 We were no trouble to our mother , who was at last recovering from the dreadful ‘ flu ’ that killed more folk than the 1914 – 18 war itself .
25 Apparently he had become addicted to it and the gradual disintegration of William was at last explained .
26 The strain of possible air raids and bad news from abroad was at last removed from our lives , and being still in the Air Force , and single , my only responsibilities were to do my job properly and polish my buttons at regular intervals .
27 They were all very heartened that someone was at last taking an interest : I only wish I had had a tape recorder !
28 He now travelled in disguise from St Malo on 18 December 1715 , to Dunkirk , from where , after a six-week wait , he was at last able to set off on a small eight-gun 200-tonner , for Scotland .
29 What had caused the sieges to be abandoned was the news that Cumberland was at last making his great move forward .
30 Hardly had Admiral Hawke received , on 28 January 1760 , the thanks of the House of Commons and a £2000 a year pension , when the sole surviving fragment of Choiseul 's giant invasion plan was at last implemented .
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