Example sentences of "is [not/n't] part " in BNC.

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1 It is not part of Stone 's business to look at the condition of working people , but the illustrations in the book reveal very little about the thought styles that the privileged brought to marriage and divorce .
2 They use a business language that is so predictable and going out and doing it is not part of the course .
3 The ECMT , which is not part of the EC , is widely regarded as an ineffectual organisation .
4 The Stefan the Great Movement is not part of the Popular Front , which is the main umbrella group co-ordinating the opposition campaign , although many people are members of both .
5 Nevertheless , even though having angles equal to two right angles is not part of a triangle 's essence , it is because it is a three-sided plane figure that it has them .
6 It is not part of Locke 's empiricism that we know these things by observation and experience .
7 Our man of property may be an author or a patentee , and we shall hardly be able to say that his copyright or patentright is not part of his property , or even to avoid speaking of his ownership of the copyright or patent .
8 These restrictions show that the subjective element is merely preparing the ground for the objective element ; it is not part of a broader defence of emotional pressure of the kind discussed in Chapter 6.5(c) above .
9 In ordinary parlance one might say that anyone who has been forcibly subjected to this offence has been raped ; the psychological effects are likely to be deep , and even if there is no risk of pregnancy ( as there is not from some rapes , since ejaculation is not part of the definition ) , there may be the risk of disease .
10 The oil tank is made from polypropylene and is not part of the main frame .
11 Although intelligence in a horse , or lack of it , is also an inherited characteristic , it is not part of a horse 's temperament .
12 Unlike John Major and his soapbox , it is not part of the image .
13 Mr Keith Pavey , the architect responsible for the project , says , ‘ Car parks are a much-maligned building type and it is rare to have the opportunity to design one that stands alone and is not part of an office block , shopping centre or other development . ’
14 The water is not part of the Canal ; the model was tested in an adjacent field where the topography was convenient .
15 The first quotation affirms the transcendence of God , who is not part of the world 's furniture , like an idol in a shrine .
16 It is not part of the National Curriculum , for which , as we have seen , there are prescribed attainment targets and programmes of study .
17 Clearly it is not part of the reason for any government 's authority that it should pass unjust or immoral laws .
18 At the moment , the Convention is not part of Britain 's domestic law .
19 MAFF , without support from other Member States , have opposed the Article in its entirety however , arguing , rather spuriously , that ‘ forestry ’ is not part of the CAP .
20 Smoothing aims to remove any upward or downward movement in the series that is not part of a sustained trend .
21 The Harmondsworth computer is not part of the INDECS operation .
22 Not only is the government reappraising all its election promises in the light of the national deficit , but also the science minister 's post is not part of the powerful 13-member inner cabinet .
23 Robert Romanyshyn 's central thesis is that psychological life is not part of the material world or of an inner subjectivity separate from that world but exists as a form of mediation between the two .
24 The reason is that the folding of the ears brings them forward and this places them in a posture that is not part of the usual ear-lowering signal .
25 What is noteworthy is that this legislation is not part of the set of legislation that is explicitly and exclusively concerned with censorship .
26 Racism is not part of my makeup .
27 The De Havilland decision demonstrates in stark form the fact that EC merger control is not part of the Community 's industrial policy , but is competition driven .
28 Yet the reconstruction of the nation is not part of the new politics as evidenced in all the recent elections .
29 Intimidation is not part of my game .
30 This is , of course , an issue of much wider social and political significance which it is not part of my brief to explore .
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