Example sentences of "is [not/n't] [that] " in BNC.

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1 My veterinary colleagues tell me one of the main dangers with such large dogs is not that they injure themselves ( through overexercising before their skeletons can carry their weight ) but that their diets are over-supplemented , particularly with excessive calcium , which damages bone growth and hinders development .
2 ‘ It is not that Mr. Keats ( if that be his real name , for we almost doubt that any man in his senses would put his real name to such a rhapsody ) ’ — wrote their Gifford of Keats ' Endymion .
3 To most Anglicans now , though , the main thing about the papacy is not that it is evil — that seems an absurd accusation — but that it is frequently silly and wrong .
4 This it is , but the miracle is not that Patricia Routledge can make the old weep with ‘ Roses of Picardy ’ , but that she can still move the young with it .
5 The danger is not that the courts will intervene too much , but too little .
6 The surpising thing is not that this is happening now , but rather that it was staved off for so long .
7 It is not that policemen and women fail to achieve emotional detachment , even though one policeman once remarked that at postmortems he was appalled by the way pathologists treat the body simply as a lump of meat and fail to show respect ( FN 17/12/87 , p. 15 ) .
8 As the constable quoted above makes clear , it is not that all neighbourhood policemen defuse every situation by the display of patience , sympathy , tolerance , and understanding , it is more that this is their first choice and they use other recipes , by becoming ‘ heavy-handed ’ and resorting to arrests , only when this one fails .
9 At each stage the vested interests — of protected tenants , of council tenants , and of local and national politicians — in the system , grew stronger and more complex , so that the wonder is not that it lived so long but that two men were found at last , in Duncan Sandys and Henry Brooke , of sufficient courage and determination to lay the axe to the roots and start hewing a way back to sanity .
10 The complexity I am concerned with is not that supposed intrinsic property of the text which politically motivated critics allegedly distort ( in biased readings ) and impartial critics transparently represent ( in long readings ) .
11 It is not that he does n't care , just that his sense of values are different — not better , not worse , just different .
12 It is not that I wore sleeveless blouses they were always long sleeved and not Choli 's either but even then they disliked it .
13 It is not that he lies about them , rather that only a patient and omnivorous prospector would have found the particular treasures which he quotes .
14 But the important point is not that they would hesitate to do it , but that we would not be interested if they did .
15 Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed , but that there might be equality .
16 ‘ It is not that I am in favour of it , it is what is happening .
17 ‘ It is not that the Canadians have deserted the railways , ’ says Roy Jamieson , their policy officer , ‘ the railways have deserted Canada . ’
18 But the problem with these groups is not that they 're wimps , but that they 're runts ; not that they 're vulnerable or soppy , but that they 're flimsy , What 's happened is that the perfectly valiant and appropriate refusal to grow up has become a refusal to grow , musically — to take on space , drift , experiment .
19 What makes war likely is not that America and Iraq are not talking .
20 It is not that one part of Solidarity supports the free-market experiment and another does n't .
21 Still , it is not that he wants biologists to give them more credit for maintaining the planet .
22 It is not that Pan Am minded a rival going under ; indeed , Pan Am may now be able to raise ticket prices on east-coast routes where Eastern had offered big discounts .
23 And it is not that she knows me to be bad or weak , or you either , but her conventional mind could not grasp that a thing so often impure , can be made absolutely and perfectly pure .
24 His worry is not that these errors undermine any of their actual results : ‘ that the principles laid down by mathematicians are true , and their way of deduction from those principles clear and incontestable , we do not deny . ’
25 What is notable about them is not that they are black , but that they do not have dogs .
26 It is not that that he needs , but forgiveness .
27 It is not that they showed no mercy on the streets of Jericho .
28 The issue is not that she might faint or be incapable of carrying through her role of blessing bread and wine and distributing it , then wiping out the sacred vessels , for these are not exactly arduous tasks !
29 It is not that I am heartless .
30 With opinion polls showing support for the party at its lowest mid-term level for decades , the common belief is not that the Government is out-of-touch or seen as tired and uncaring , but that it has n't gone far enough .
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