Example sentences of "is [vb pp] out " in BNC.

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1 When an active fang is ripped out , the next most mature one takes its place and quickly develops so that it is ready to fire .
2 Each prospective members is checked out by a KSA officer , and the standard of its installations in monitored .
3 Yes , this is what big shops , particularly in America , have now been doing for a few years , in that the till that takes your order as it were is also a computer terminal on line to large computers somewhere else , and every time your tin of baked bins is checked out by the girl on the till , it is adjusting the stocks on its large computer and saying , ‘ Hey , we 're going to run out of baked beans at approximately ten o'clock tomorrow morning .
4 Secondly , if the company is insolvent when the charge is registered out of time , it is vulnerable to challenge by the administrator or the liquidator .
5 And if in carrying he is delayed out for the night it will count two works .
6 The disc is filled out with the tone-poems Pohjola 's Daughter and En Saga , the latter ( I always think ) just five minutes too long .
7 It is as if Sukenick were putting into practice the principles of what he has called the ‘ architectonic novel ’ which ( and he cites Raymond Federman 's Double or Nothing as a prime example ) works like a jigsaw puzzle : ‘ the picture is filled out but there is no sense of development involved ’ ( Federman 1975 : 38 ) .
8 According to Tillich , the way in which God is filled out with concrete symbols in the Christian tradition is by the use of certain aspects of man 's finite experience .
9 Example 39 is a canon by inversion at the 7th from Bach 's Musical Offering in which the ‘ royal theme ’ is filled out with additional notes of a chromatic nature :
10 Such looking becomes the process whereby an object of experience is formed out of indeterminate data , first into figure against ground and then into other elements of an image .
11 Despite his claim that he does not make things into ideas but only ideas into things , the feeling remains , as , in effect , Berkeley concedes , that ‘ all that is real and substantial … is banished out of the world ’ , and that everything has been made into ‘ so many chimeras and illusions on the fancy ’ .
12 This gives the context-specification of the Book-title context with its font ( F= ) and colour ( RGB= ) ; it is represented as a troff comment so that the line is stripped out when a spelling check of the document is made .
13 Even if the North Sea oil bonus is stripped out , the firm expects Scottish growth of 1.4 per cent after a fall of 1.3 per cent in non-oil output between 1991 and 1992 .
14 Textured bob-length hair with full fringe is smoothed out into a chic wrap as an alternative .
15 Sooner or later man is shaken out of his unconscious state and is led to his ultimate awakening .
16 The effect of fluctuations is ironed out , so that the personnel department is not disrupted by recruitment activity .
17 In certain areas of Britain there is also a ‘ tradition ’ of digging out badgers , so that they may be subjected to the same merciless treatment that is meted out to the fox .
18 This reversion to collusion is the carrot to induce the deviant to accept whatever is meted out to it in the punishment phase .
19 As the body tension is eased out by working out the body , muscles relax and a good sleep induced .
20 Hunter observed that ‘ … the whole viscera when all the Blood is press 'd out goes into a very little bulk , even the Liver will lose vastly of its bulk and in short the whole viscera will come into a small compass when they are well clean 'd and put into dry cloths ; you are then to go to the trunk of the Body and empty it of Blood as well as you can and press the Blood out from the Face , Hands , etc. as well as Arms , and the more Blood is pressed out the better ’ .
21 The stalk is constricted from the basal region which is pressed out to form a disc .
22 It is tricked out with a handsome jacket and contains the standard acknowledgements , including the author 's thanks to the Universe for her participation in Existence .
23 When a carrier bag is given out this has to be marked on the receipt with a series of dots , but there are n't any on this one .
24 This is given out of generosity and grandchildren do not necessarily have the right to expect it .
25 We prefer to distribute these on a sessional basis , rather than all together in a book form which is given out in the first session , as individual handouts seem to focus attention on the specific issue under discussion .
26 Information in the form of printed handouts and tapes is given out , during all sessions .
27 It consists of a short phrase in the slow introduction to the opening movement , which in the Septet is given out in the major before being echoed in the minor , but which appears both times in the minor in the transcription .
28 Here information is given out to potential squatters detailing empty and derelict homes suitable for squatting .
29 The next stage is program design — the concept is fleshed out and the way the user will interact with the eventual program is worked out .
30 It is pointed out , quite correctly , that an egg which consisted of a bag of water containing all the necessary genes would not develop : other structures and substances are needed .
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