Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 As one disease is conquered or controlled , others appear , particularly those caused by viruses , and finding cures or methods of immunisation is a lengthy exercise .
2 They have been fighting a real war , a race war , a class war , a war over resources and territory , a war in which real children die every day , a war nobody can win because no territory is conquered and the body counts do not mean victory .
3 Second , it is virtually impossible to determine exactly how much Grampian produced whisky is exported because much of it is blended and/or bottled elsewhere .
4 Hence , Freeman is refuted since presumably other explanations are conceivable , even if it turns out they are n't very interesting .
5 At the receiver , the signal is demodulated and the information — the voice - extracted .
6 When using this option to introduce new media items , you must tell LIFESPAN what state it is in , selecting either 1 , to reserve the code for an item not yet initialised , or 2 , to indicate that the item is initialised and can be used .
7 The chariot is itemised as wheels , car , people standing in car ; but the two horses that draw it are allowed to overlap , so shown as one body with two necks and heads and eight legs .
8 The witness of an insult , or the victim of it , will feel that his dignity is impugned and regarded as a matter for contempt by the person whose conduct he witnesses .
9 Sensory loss frequently occurs with motor loss ; the patient is paralysed and it compounds the problem of maintaining a safe environment .
10 The actress lives with her mother , a psychotherapist , and her father , a retired banker who is paralysed and partially blind .
11 A grasshopper , slowly chewing a leaf-blade is suddenly struck by the clubbed end of a muscular tongue projected like a lance from the mouth of a chameleon ; a field mouse in the twilight of an English wood , searching for seeds , is transfixed by the curved talons of a pouncing owl and may be dead even before its captor 's beak begins to rip it apart ; a lizard in the Arizona desert , stabbed by the hypodermic fangs of a rattlesnake , is paralysed as venom is injected into its veins and it can offer no resistance as the snake takes it in its jaws and swallows it head-first .
12 Because it is calculated that a retained crew might take four minutes to get to the station the computer calculated other stations could respond quicker .
13 Fostering Society awareness at a local level can be a great help — stamping membership cards in areas was suggested — From the objectives stated in our Development Plan in the first year , it is calculated that the minimum Membership needed for 1987 will be 3,300 — and the responsibility for recruiting the majority of this must rest with our Q.T. 's — the burden can be eased by working together on local projects and targets have been set for each area to reach by the end of this academic year .
14 Diagrams illustrating this are familiar from books on optics , and the idea was that distance is calculated and judged by means of these angles .
15 So , by the time tax is calculated and paid , rates could be considerably lower than they might be next week .
16 If they pay a service charge they have the right to obtain a summary of the costs on which their service charge is calculated and to inspect the accounts and receipts on which the summary is based .
17 For extra reliability , parity information is calculated and distributed in the array 's disk striping process , meaning that if one drive or cartridge fails , parity information stored elsewhere will allow the lost data to be recovered .
18 There is now a sometimes acrimonious debate in progress in the market research journals , in which the various participants are questioning , on the one hand , the methodology by which the index is calculated and , on the other , its meaning in relation to the advertising .
19 The average national property value is calculated and assigned to the appropriate band , i.e. band D in this case .
20 From this a molar mass M SD , is calculated if both S and D are known .
21 The amount of a statutory redundancy payment is calculated as follows :
22 If the supplier offers special terms , eg 2.5% discount if the account is paid within seven days , the sum owed on the bill or invoice is calculated as follows :
23 The net present value cost of leasing is calculated as follows :
24 For the example above , the tax deduction is calculated as follows :
25 Using the above example of a non-taxpaying lessee , the IRR is calculated as follows :
26 The free energy of dissociation is calculated according to the equation , in which the dissociation constant for a compound ( K d ) is calculated as , and the dissociation constant for substance P ( ) is calculated as .
27 Then it is also objected that utilitarian thinking , which has reached its apotheosis in modern cost benefit analysis , regards all values as commensurable , and therefore thinks of every harm as something which can be compensated for , reaching , it is felt , particularly repellent extremes when the value of a human life is calculated as something to be set against the goods achieved by a motorway or by economy in safety precautions at a factory .
28 If the cost of Labour is £6600 and the total cost of manufacturing is £12,000 , its slice is calculated as follows :
29 The overall cost of capital for a firm is the weighted average cost of these two sources of finance and is calculated as follows : The cost of each source of funds is a function of three components :
30 Cost is calculated as follows : Raw materials — cost of purchase on first in , first out basis Work in progress — cost of raw materials and labour together with and finished goods attributable overheads .
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