Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Some people say that once the car is adjusted I should alternate between leaded and unleaded petrol ?
2 This was applied and extended by Sir Robert to safeguard the arrangements for telephone-tapping , even though when a tap is placed there may be no iniquity but only the suspicion of iniquity ; and that entire conversations may be recorded and listened to ‘ when much of the conversations may be highly confidential and untainted by any iniquity ’ .
3 When all is checked we start engine and rotors .
4 Much significantly , as long as that is recognized I 'm happy to proceed on that .
5 Once that is recognized it becomes quite obvious that the concept of man as a mythical universal being , born free and equal , which is today so popular among intellectuals and slogan-spouting politicians in all parts of the world is not shared by humanity at large .
6 If the sender is traced I imagine your lawyer would advise that it 's actionable . ’
7 When a claim is intimated it is essential to check :
8 When a claim is intimated it is essential that we endeavour to direct the policyholder to a repairer or supplier of our choice .
9 and that is also why , going back to a point earlier on , why I think erm counselling and alternative medicine , and so on , is marginalized it would be such a rock to the social order to actually acknowledge that people are in distress because it 's the social order that 's causing that distress .
10 The columnists have keen noses for scandals and once their interest is aroused they follow the scent with sleuth-like pertinacity and commendable disregard of the risks of suits for defamation .
11 Finally , the product is registered which means that its details will be stored permanently and can not be altered afterwards .
12 A memorandum of satisfaction that the charge has been discharged can also be registered ; it must be signed by both the chargee and the company and if a fraudulently signed memorandum is registered it is submitted that it will not affect the chargee as it would not be a ‘ duly ’ signed memorandum .
13 If the title is registered it still is n't essential to register the devolution , because personal representatives can deal with a registered title without themselves being first registered as proprietors ; but if the property is not to be disposed of forthwith , either on sale or by a vesting assent , it 's desirable to register the devolution to the personal representatives as soon as practicable .
14 Perhaps we should consider publishing details of the many failures in Conservative councils throughout the country , and not least in the borough in which this House is situated which , while exporting its homeless to other authorities , appears to be guilty of the illegal sale of houses that were not its to sell in the first place .
15 ‘ Induction offers the chef total control down to the last degree , and because only the pan is heated it means chefs no longer have to work in a hot , uncomfortable kitchen environment . ’
16 If that action is not taken within the agreed time and your debtor 's promise is broken you must immediately move to the next collection stage .
17 Finally , in section 4.4 , a simple model is developed which draws on all three approaches .
18 In conclusion , by taking the time to communicate with Fund Manangers , an informed group of shareholders is developed who will be prepared to maintain their support of the company .
19 ‘ If that piece of land is developed there will be no large open space left in the village except the Green itself .
20 When land is developed it is important in the management accounts to clearly identify the source of profit — from land appreciation , construction , or marketing .
21 As the database is developed it will be mounted at Newcastle , Glasgow and Greenwich to assist the shipbuilding research and statistical analysis .
22 For women of all social classes to be further liberated , both access to those institutions and the content of what is taught there should be increasingly woman-centred in order to gain the ground that until now has been very largely occupied by men .
23 A new program group box is formed which you can size and position .
24 When the second set of bubbles is formed it 's done .
25 Whenever a CU is formed it is likely that some industries will flourish in certain countries as the market widens .
26 This is most easily dealt with by ensuring that when Newco is formed it elects to have the same accounting year-end date as Target .
27 As is usual with electrostatic headphones , the design is openbacked which means that both sides of the diaphragm are free to radiate sound waves .
28 National Rivers Authority was also worried because once the section is designated its legal protection would make flood maintenance work difficult .
29 Fast free kicks are ok ( as along as the ball is stopped I think ) what was very illegal was the fact that the free kick was taken from a COMPLETELY different spot to where the foul took place , so the Leeds player were ( justifiably ) waiting for the ball to be placed where it should have been .
30 The new actor is generally operating in top gear and if this momentum is stopped it can be very damaging to the morale and can result in an actor 's technical skills going rusty — something to be avoided at all costs .
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