Example sentences of "is [prep] way " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , work is under way on a European Commission draft directive which could tighten up demands already implicit in UK fire safety regulations .
2 Preliminary research suggests that this can improve their chances of recovery , and a four-year study with 2,500 patients is under way .
3 A police search is under way for a businessman accused of attempting to export a military camera to the Soviet Union after he failed to appear for committal proceedings at Rugby Magistrates Court .
4 An investigation is under way into an gas explosion at a block of flats in Dagenham , east London , in which a man died .
5 Exploration is under way to determine whether the life of the mine can be extended beyond the spring of 1990 .
6 A long burst of fire from a machine-gun shatters the dawn and , before the echoes die away down the valleys , the attack is under way .
7 In Academy Headquarters another type of presentation is under way : ‘ All male and female officers are now trained at Sandhurst , the majority following either a forty-four-week course for male non-graduates , or a twenty-eight-week course for graduates and women officer cadets . ’
8 A scheme to spend £1 billion to replace existing short sewage outlets with long ones is under way .
9 A full survey of the 150 pavements in the park is under way , and a conference on the subject , involving the Nature Conservancy Council and the Countryside Commission , will be held next May .
10 A congressional study is under way to see whether any of America 's antitrust laws are being breached .
11 A battle royal is under way .
12 A SEARCH is under way for the two-man crew of a light aircraft after wreckage of the single-engined Grob , which had been missing for 24 hours , was found beside Loch Muick , near Ballater , Grampian .
13 Mr Tony Cook , Labour 's regional organiser , said : ‘ A full investigation is under way .
14 There are signs that an upturn in consumer spending might already have been appearing ; keeping Mr Major in Downing Street ensures that that recovery is under way .
15 The Tory revival in Scotland , modest statistically , but profoundly important in more serious respects , suggests that this is under way .
16 A big push for land is under way along the River Drina on the Bosnian border as Serbian warlords , backed by local federal army commanders , try to establish safe corridors between their strongholds and grab areas of land for the self-styled Serbian republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina .
17 The Evans and Wellcome vaccines , together with sterile injectables and branded pharmaceuticals , are now traded under the Evans Medical name from Speke , where a three-year £11m investment programme is under way .
18 A training revolution is under way in Britain .
19 In 1979 there were about 3,500 registered SKB cows but today there are about 2,600 controlled cows , only a few hundred of which are really pure ( i.e. with less than 6.25 per cent foreign blood ) ; a rescue programme is under way and there is plenty of banked frozen semen .
20 Thus , while almost all scientists are — at the time of writing — convinced from the evidence that change in climate is under way and that regional effects may be much greater than the global average , the magnitude of the latter is now thought likely to be about half of what was predicted only 5 years ago .
21 At the NWRRL work is under way ( Flowerdew and Green 1989 ) to solve such problems using the EM algorithm and the statistical modelling package GLIM , which has been interfaced with ARC/INFO .
22 Of course , some people will refuse to co-operate at all , but once an interview is under way most people will be prepared to answer questions so long as they seem genuine and relevant .
23 Thirdly , we had the 1985 Report by the then Association of Health Service Treasurers on managing capital assets in the NHS ( AHST , 1985 ) , in the light of which work is under way at three DHAs on setting up comprehensive asset systems .
24 Finally , work is under way at the Department of Health establishing national guide prices for certain categories of patients .
25 A follow-on project is under way to develop a new version , CLE-2 , having capabilities for reasoning and for co-operative response .
26 A third experiment , a system of magnetic cards and off-line terminals , is under way in Aix en Provence .
27 Research is under way at the Open University to find out which species of trees and shrubs and which management regimes are best .
28 Now another transformation is under way at T&L — much of it Staley-inspired — and it is likely to prove even more dramatic than the last .
29 Very often one individual with only a small time commitment can carry out the initial investigation and appraisal aspects of a project , but once the scheme is under way the resource level may have to be increased in order to cater for the client 's time-scale .
30 You will probably find that once the interview is under way you will start to relax .
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