Example sentences of "is [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 The next question to ask is about any which have scored 5 or over .
2 ‘ She said ‘ A breath of fresh air is worth any doctor 's potion' ’ , ' Jess interrupted .
3 Obviously , they take time to adjust to being someone 's pet , but the love they will give is worth any effort put in .
4 A good picture is worth any number of words for it can communicate a point quickly and succinctly , and in any language .
5 It is neither more nor less important that a mentally handicapped adolescent finds a place of work than it is for any other adolescent .
6 The Reserve Winner receives a purple and white ribbon and moves up to the Winners if the Winners Dog is for any reason disqualified .
7 The longevity of any one copy of a meme is probably relatively unimportant , as it is for any one copy of a gene .
8 The widespread unease with several of the measures proposed in the welfare reforms felt by many Conservative MPs , demonstrates how difficult it is for any government ( even one with a large parliamentary majority ) to reform the Welfare State .
9 Nor can potential school achievement or social competence be directly linked to levels of sight : pupils with little or no sight have shown that they can achieve well in school , be independent and happy , since the interaction of the child and the learning environment is as significant for them in helping to achieve these goals as it is for any pupil in school .
10 The ‘ look ’ in this stratum is as considered and serious a matter as it is for any Sloane , and just as rigid .
11 And that 's what the gradient is for any X along here .
12 But erm what we would like is for any of you who are actually here at that time to attend that mass and to be involved in some way , to do some sort of erm service .
13 After the curve is below any given line , batches of that size or greater should be processed by batching and sorting when that is possible .
14 None of this is of any comfort to the unions , who are very strongly represented within the PTT and have been united in their rejection of the proposed reforms .
15 He argued that ‘ experience is teaching us that medicine can keep some elderly people alive for longer than is of any benefit to them . ’
16 Despite one doctor 's comment ‘ I know of no specific evidence to show that aromatherapy is of any real clinical value ’ aromatherapy can indeed be practised on a clinical or down-to-earth scientific level .
17 They also wish to know whether punishment — be it physical or psychological — is of any use whatsoever .
18 In the first chapter of this second letter the apostle wrote ‘ no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation .
19 Many say that the donkeys from Poitou in France are particularly suitable for siring mules , perhaps because they are particularly large , but it now seems doubtful that size is of any special virtue in obtaining the hybrid .
20 ( If it is of any interest to anyone , I knitted 44 ballet cardigans in 1991 ) .
21 None of the points just mentioned is of any great significance in itself .
22 I wondered if this advert from one of my very early Needlecraft magazines , about 1950 , is of any use to you .
23 If it is of any help the stove came complete with an Epigas cylinder .
24 Not that the difference between the lowest and highest estimate is of any significance .
25 This means that little material is of any use after the late afternoon and all the background material will have been written earlier in the day or the day before .
26 Neither short-nor long-term success is of any interest to the ‘ Stiffs ’ , as our record shows .
27 If it is of any consolation to you , I shall die now in peace .
28 Nevertheless the general opinion seems to be that A commits a tort , certainly where his threat is of violence , and also , since Rookes v. Barnard , where the threat is of any unlawful act within the meaning of that case .
29 Peter Reid , the factor on Kildalton Estate ( 36 ) , in part of his statement said " I do n't suppose it is of any consequence to advert to the question of how people were removed , but I do n't think we can admit that there were any evictions , and I think there is no need , unless it is wished , to call forward witnesses to show that there were no evictions , at least in the ordinary sense of the word . "
30 I have listed below some books on pop-up techniques , if it is of any help to G.D .
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