Example sentences of "is [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 It is true that the British Medical Journal wrote favourably about his technique in 1930 : ‘ Mr. Alexander 's work is of first class importance and investigation by the medical profession is imperative . ’
2 The purpose which lies behind the call to obedience is of first importance .
3 The reader will probably reply that the question is quite otiose because it is obvious that , as Freud himself pointed out , the oral region is of first significance in a new-born baby 's life , the anal zone is significant later , especially with the coming of toilet-training , and the phallic period is last merely because it is only later that increasing awareness of the genitals and the ability to manipulate them and perceive the persons of the parents causes Oedipal phenomena ( which are synonymous with the phallic period ) to come to the fore .
4 In the West the personal name is in first position but in the old Communist states the interests of the state are paramount , and those of the individual last in line .
5 A number of well-known directors have expressed an interest in the script , which is in first draft .
6 The relation course-detail shown in Figure 3.24(b) is in first normal form .
7 We will illustrate fourth normal form by looking at a relation which is in first normal form and which contains information about modules , lecturers and text books .
8 However , one way of doing it is to first fold your arms as in the diagram .
9 How does this change if the objective function is replaced by The general approach to discrete changes is to first find how the optimal tableau changes when the new data is used .
10 okay , do n't take too much , and that is to first make a literal translation and then , to try and put it into idiomatic English .
11 the vehicle in question , a 924 Porsche , is owned by an assassin with the rank of major ( in an army he wo n't tell us about ) , who is on first name terms with Bill Gates of Microsoft .
12 Even the governor is on first name terms with the inmates , although the staff still keep a respectful distance .
13 Sometimes an event is at first delayed but then things happen fast .
14 The sporophore is at first a whitish-grey , unpleasant-looking fleshy growth and gradually becomes more leathery and dewy .
15 Collis King is at first slip .
16 The relevant fact is that , if two solutions are mixed in a petri dish or other container , and allowed to stand , the mixture is at first a uniform brown , but this homogeneous state is not stable .
17 The desert has ways of showing , though , that exploitation is even more difficult than is at first apparent .
18 Margaret is at first repelled by Thornton 's harsh business ethic , but when a strike of workers turns violent , she acts impulsively to save his life , thus revealing her unconscious attraction to him , as well as her instinctive class allegiance .
19 But although this is at first appealing , on closer examination the concept is somewhat flawed .
20 When Fritjof Capra claims the same kind of affinities between twentieth century physics and Indian and Chinese philosophy ( although not the same direct influence ) , one is at first inclined to demur .
21 Those entered as registered midwives may be first level trained nurses who have gone on to take additional postbasic training as a midwife , or may be direct entrants to midwifery , in which case their qualification is at first level .
22 The Major in command is at first flustered , then morose .
23 For example , imagine two cylinders of gas joined by a narrow pipe containing a valve that is at first closed , then open for a short time , then closed again .
24 The extraordinary background of this veiled beauty is at first revealed only in hints and large generalisations as Ayesha woos Leo Vincey as her reincarnated lover , and the story was not extended significantly until thirty-six years later when Rider Haggard indulged his passion for Ancient Egypt and for the occult by giving Ayesha a family and a local habitation in Wisdom 's Daughter .
25 As the narrator of The Prisoner of Zenda , Rassendyll is at first inclined to be deprecating about the relationships between ‘ the palace at Strelsau or the castle of Zenda and Number 305 Park Lane , W. ’ He is well aware that his brother , Lord Burlesdon , prefers to forget the misbehaviour , in 1733 , of Rudolf the Third of Ruritania and the Countess Amelia , wife of the fifth Earl of Burlesdon and twenty-second Baron Rassendyll , which resulted in the transmission of certain characteristics ( ’ long , sharp , straight noses and a quantity of dark red hair ’ as well as blue eyes rather than the dark hue more common to the Rassendylls ) in several generations of the family .
26 The appearance of the book is at first glance like that of any other glossy book about the Royals .
27 Like James , Simon Peter is at first a devout Jew , who sees Jesus 's teaching exclusively in a Judaic context .
28 He submits that though the wording of section 8(2) of the Act of 1986 is at first sight difficult , there can be persons , for example , who have voluntarily agreed to abide by the rules of a recognised S.R.O .
29 The legal status of agency workers is at first sight rather anomalous .
30 The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood is at first sight a much simpler kind of formation .
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