Example sentences of "is [adv] given " in BNC.

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1 The were-wolf pornographer is thereby given the coup-de-grace , and with great subtlety at that in times of regurgitated Nazism and anti-Semitism .
2 Z is thereby given the option .
3 To break this is to break the code , so it is rarely given .
4 This account is rarely given in isolation .
5 Sadly the answer " No " is rarely given to this question and because of this a great many releases go out which are of marginal interest to the recipients .
6 Pop culture thus works through an amalgam of attitude , inspiration , intuition and detail ( for nobody is as obsessive as the true pop fan , whose obsession is rarely given the respect it deserves ) ; crucially , it works best not in public , where the terms of discourse are set by the dominant culture , but in private space .
7 One of the things that makes war so fascinating to its students and so frustrating to its participants is that in a moment of supreme crisis it is rarely given for one side , obsessed by its own difficulties , to see just how bad things are in the enemy camp .
8 In so far as the levels of government expenditure are fixed by general political considerations , if one group is expressly given favourable tax treatment the value of tax revenue lost is a cost that must be financed by other tax payers .
9 That is a document which is effectively given for the protection of the Vendor .
10 On May 27 , 1989 , the government announced that the name of the country , which had been changed in October 1988 from the Socialist Republic of Myanma to the Union of Myanma , was henceforth to be rendered in its vernacular form of Myanma Naingngan ( Union of Myanma ) for all official purposes [ see p. 36867 , where the date is wrongly given as June 18 ] .
11 In May 1989 Judge Baltasar Garzón travelled to Paris to question the senior ETA leaders Santiago Arróspide Sarasola ( " Santi Potros " — arrested in Anglet in September 1987 ) , José Antonio Urrutikoetxea Bengoetxea ( " Josu Ternera " — arrested on Jan. 11 , 1989 , in Bayonne — see p. 36406 , where the date is wrongly given as Jan. 12 ) , Elena Beloki Resa ( arrested with Urrutikoetxea ) and Mariano Estebán González Betolaza ( arrested on April 14 in Montpellier , southern France ) ; in July Garzón requested the Spanish government to begin extradition proceedings against Arróspide for his part in organizing a May 1987 attack on the Madrid Civil Guard headquarters in which one person was killed .
12 Reiner Gohlke , executive president of the Treuhandanstalt ( trustee agency ) which had responsibility for overseeing the restructuring of the state-owned businesses in East Germany , resigned on Aug. 20 because of policy disagreements with other members of the governing board [ see p. 37536 for his appointment where his post is wrongly given as chair ] .
13 Lungu had been appointed in July 1990 after helping to rally loyal troops during an unsuccessful coup attempt [ see p. 37523 , where his name is wrongly given as Hanniah ] .
14 A total of 250 troops from France 's 4,200-strong local garrison took up position around the town of Dikhil in the south-west of the country , the scene of recent fighting between the government and the FRUD rebels [ see p. 38711 , where Dikhil is wrongly given as Kikhil ] .
15 The question of the control of nuclear weapons stationed in the former Soviet Union had been removed from the agenda of the previous summit in July [ see p. 39018 , where the month is wrongly given as June ] , for fear of a deadlock in the negotiations .
16 Planning Minister Paulo Haddad assumed the Economy and Finance portfolio in addition to his own following the resignation on Dec. 16 of Gustavo Krause after only two months in office [ for his appointment see p. 39139 , where his surname is wrongly given as Kraus ] .
17 Exultation comes and goes , but here again for the while I suppose it has returned to me in preparation for that step back into the radiant arc of omnipotence which is only given on this earth to the narrator in or of a novel .
18 There is no natural landing place , the seas are fierce , and permission to land is only given to groups who are have a suitable boat , and who are well provisioned , capable , and with a proven interest in an outdoor topic .
19 The following pattern is only given as a guide to what to do , so that you can adapt it to suit your own yarn and jumper pattern , if necessary .
20 The full amount is only given to people whose income does not exceed £14,200 .
21 Yet as the responsibilities of public life invade Hal 's apprenticeship to pleasure , the distinction — prose with Falstaff/verse without him — breaks down , as we see when he addresses his fat friend in verse to urge him to the wars ( III.iii.199ff. ) , a change of tone so marked that Shakespeare makes Falstaff reply in a couplet — as Milton Crane noted , Falstaff is only given verse for mockery .
22 In all metric measures and their direct phi-based equivalents only the 25th , 50th and 75th percentiles are used , so that attention is only given to the central half of the grain population present .
23 And that 's quite an achievement because the Gold Star award is only given to five per cent of resorts in the world .
24 It is strongly advised that this privilege is only given to responsible users — please contact Sema Software Technology Technical Support Department for further advice .
25 LIFESPAN users have three attempts to logon to LIFESPAN , except the LIFESPAN user , MANAGER , who is only given one attempt .
26 In addition , the copyright monopoly is only given for a certain period of time ( eg in the UK , 50 years from the end of the year in which the author dies ) , but databases are usually continuously updated with new information , therefore does the protection period keep changing ?
27 Often the encoder is visible ( being within the canonical situation of utterance ) and immediately audible and there takes place a kind of indexical reciprocity whereby the specific quality of a deictic expression is only given by the assignment of the extralinguistic referent .
28 Even the doctrine that political power is divinely given may not , in the particular circumstances of some cruel tyrant , actually prevent rebellion .
29 A distinction must also be made between agroforestry and plantation forestry ; the former involves the integration of silviculture with agricultural systems while the latter is entirely given over to timber production .
30 The result is a wild , and sometimes very scary , portrait of Manson , his teachings and his bad craziness ; a look from behind those piercing cold eyes as the listener to Moran 's opera is suddenly given an expressway journey to the back of Charlie 's skull .
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