Example sentences of "is [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 It represents a halfway position between jobbing production and mass production , and is mostly to be found in the light engineering industry .
2 Its wings were folded when the building collapsed and so the damage is mostly to the wing tips .
3 I consider that this is properly to be regarded a case of extortion colore officii .
4 It seems to us that it is a perfectly proper use of ordinary language and as such to be readily understood by ordinary literate men and women to say of a person in this appellant 's position that his services as an accountant were ‘ employed ’ by his customers , and that this state of affairs is properly to be described by the word ‘ employment . ’
5 But in my judgment , at all events where the belief is that A is going to be given a right in the future , it is properly to be regarded as giving rise to a species of constructive trust , which is the concept employed by a court of equity to prevent a person from relying on his legal rights where it would be unconscionable for him to do so …
6 This exercise is valuable not only to enable the draftsman to produce a set of conditions which is most to the advantage of his client ( whether his client be buyer or seller ) , but also to enable him to understand the motivation of the other side when he is in negotiation with their advisers .
7 But what is most to be welcomed about the current spate of rhetorical outrage from politicians is the emerging consensus between Labour and the Tories on a new approach — an attempt to fill the moral vacuum , to look at society as a whole for the flaws .
8 It is rather to be traced to the survival of feudal notions of lordship .
9 That , however , is to ignore the efforts of several bishops over many years to secure some lasting settlement between a wilful king and his resentful subjects ; the lateness of their conversion to deposition — under duress or in despair — is rather to their credit than otherwise ; as for the fiercest episcopal opponents of the king , their experience gave them good grounds for believing that the church 's liberties would be better protected under another king .
10 639 to ‘ this day ’ , that is , Adomnán 's time of writing , c . 700 , which is some time after the power of the northern Angles beyond the Forth had been shattered at Nechtanesmere in 685 , and the reference is rather to the failure of the kings of Scottish Dál Riata to regain control of Irish Dál Riata in Antrim .
11 The Tenant shall on the making of this Agreement pay to the Landlord the sum of £ ( pounds ) as a contribution towards the legal and other professional costs incurred by the Landlord in relation to this agreement Obviously , the tenant should try to avoid paying the landlord 's costs if possible as the transaction is presumably to the equal benefit of both the landlord and the tenant .
12 If a deal is eventually to be wrung out of a reluctant Kremlin to break the deadlock over the Baltic republics , much will depend on how much support Mr Yeltsin can muster .
13 If , by virtue of the above , proceedings may be commenced in either court , the choice of court will be influenced by the following considerations : ( 1 ) where the case is eventually to be tried , ie whether in the High Court or in the county court — separate rules for each , set out below , apply ; ( 2 ) whether the county court has jurisdiction to grant the relief being sought ( see Chapter 2 ) ; ( 3 ) whether the county court has jurisdiction to enforce the judgment to be obtained ( see Chapter 2 ) ; and ( 4 ) the risk of being struck out or penalised in disallowance of costs if proceedings which are clearly suitable for one court are brought instead in the other ( see below ) .
14 Grunte is rarely to be seen in the constituency and even more rarely in the House of Commons .
15 Her Majesty 's Government , by the mouth of the Queen 's chief minister , has announced that no distinction is henceforward to be made between universities and other places in which students of similar age and attainments seek instruction and qualifications .
16 The land is gently to steeply sloping and rocky on ridge crests , plateaux , in cols and on mid-slopes of mountains .
17 To read We is constantly to hive to rethink the issue .
18 The choice is upstream to Broomhill Bridge ( 1 mile ) or downstream to Grantown-on-Spey ( 3 miles ) .
19 Because all of the money , is you , is basically to ke provide a level of cover ,
20 ( For a fuller account , which gives a much more rounded picture than is possible here of such thinkers as Schleiermacher , Hegel and Kierkegaard , and which also gives special attention to British and American theology , Claude Welch , Protestant Thought in the Nineteenth Century , vol. 1 : 1799–1870 ( 1972 ) , is especially to be recommended . )
21 Moving to page three , is the revised estimates for your Committee for the current year , and you 'll see there , the format is somewhat to the one you 've seen in future years , we have had
22 And every delay is henceforth to our opponents ' advantage .
23 This does not , therefore , purport to be a standard list , and it is recognised that an up to date and authoritative list is greatly to be desired .
24 He adopted an honourable course , which is greatly to his credit and that of the club . ’
25 It is greatly to the credit of the profession that , as viewers , we are not aware of the many techniques which have been used to produce a ‘ natural ’ effect .
26 It is greatly to the credit of the squeaking John Major that he broke free from the stage-managed sets devised by his image makers .
27 The recent government commitment to providing an element of specialist music teaching in primary schools is greatly to be welcomed .
28 This I think is greatly to the credit of ICM , provided , as you say , that we can retain the appropriate balance .
29 It is greatly to be hoped that some version of the censorship hypothesis holds because close to naked singularities it may be possible to travel into the past .
30 I can assure the hon. Member that there is no question of selling out any section of British industry because it is greatly to the advantage of British industry and the British economy that there should be a satisfactory outcome to the present Uruguay round .
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