Example sentences of "is [conj] that " in BNC.

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31 The unusual feature is that that may happen in one day .
32 I would go so far as to say that one of the main reasons why there are fewer casualties among pedestrians and particularly children in countries such as West Germany is that that country has more flexibility in the use of speed limits .
33 But the harsh reality is that that is not the case .
34 So the erm but as , but as Katherine reminds us , I mean if , if that 's the kind of life our emotional parameters are my , my guess is that that , is that that 's probably the truth , certainly a persuasive argument .
35 So the erm but as , but as Katherine reminds us , I mean if , if that 's the kind of life our emotional parameters are my , my guess is that that , is that that 's probably the truth , certainly a persuasive argument .
36 What I 'm suggesting is is that that is perhaps something that the panel should dwell on in their deliberations and their advice to the county .
37 Erm the the impression I 'm left with I must admit is that that that the cart has followed the horse if that 's right in that erm the environmental justification for the figures has been retrospective .
38 I think erm there is a erm a size issue that enters into that particular consideration , erm clearly erm if you build a small new settlement very close to an existing large settlement , then the prospects for that being reasonably self contained are much reduced to that of a larger new settlement in the same location , and I would agree that the further in in general the further you move away from an existing centre then the likelihood is that that settlement will become more self contained .
39 There is an additional aspect that erm we we must look also , I think , at the viability of the services and facilities , er , within the new settlement , if the new settlement is , for the sake of argument five hundred houses then my submission is that that really offers no long term viability for any facility or service , erm , clearly you might get a primary school if the new settlement size was of the order of eight hundred to a thousand dwellings , but you would not get any sizable retail element , and so however far that settlement was located from the main centre they would still become dependant on that centre , and that 's why I think it 's important to recognize that if you are to achieve the erm if you like the balance of requirements , of achieving erm a reasonable degree of self containment within the new settlement , but also meet the needs of York , it has to be a reasonable size , but located as close to York as possible
40 Erm , Mr Brighton was was critical of the County Council in just using the residual method to determine the size of the new settlement , er and then in in backing up that justification erm referred to work that is included in in Barton Willmore 's proof , I 've I have read this survey work quite carefully , and my understanding of it is is that erm by un undertaking a survey of settlements in the county , they have established , albeit f f f for information purposes only , a population threshold for a particular type of service , erm , in in the North Yorkshire context , erm the implication I I understand from that is is that that is being used to justify a fourteen hundred figure or or whatever it is to achieve the level of services that would would be required for a a balanced integrated community to use the words for the guidance .
41 The Miller knows himself : He recognizes too how it is that that his tale may offend the Reeve , and responds to the Reeve in conciliatory terms : Most pertinently , he eschews the generalization of the fabliau image of the world : The Reeve , too , in his Prologue , speaks more in relative than in absolute terms .
42 So , what you have to argue is that that is not a confession .
43 Right , what we 're now going to do is incorporate that dummy variable as the regressor in our model as an explanatory variable , so what 's going to happen is that that dummy variable is turned off , alright in the first part of the sample right up until the war that dummy variable 's going to be off , right so it has a value of zero , right , then in nineteen forty through to nineteen forty five it 's switched on and what it 's going to do is to pick up any differential effects , right , in the intercept between wartime and peacetime right , we 'll talk a little bit more , more about that in a second , we 're going to add it in as a regressor , right , because it only comes on during the wartime it will pick up any shift in the intercept , right , that occurs due to the war if there is one , of course there may not be but it 's quite likely that there , there may well be , so if you type Q to come out of the data processing environment , go back to the action menu and test estimate forecast okay at the dialog box just add D one to your list of explanatory variables , alright then press the end key , right , yeah we 're gon na use the full sample right , we gon na use O L S , right you have now estimated the model with this dummy variable now just to see what 's happened to those coefficients the er incoming elasticity was at nought point six is now doubled right to one point one four more importantly , right , its T ratio has jumped from one point eight five right to six point eight , as a result , we now say that the incoming elasticity , the income coefficients , right , the significant zero , it 's important to explain the textiles as such the er , we are now getting a very different estimate for our
44 The argument says in pure training terms is that that one is the best , because it actually says that training will be able to complete the form .
45 I think the other problem of course , Chair , with using carry forwards is that that just is a , a one year solution
46 One is that that registered disabled employees and we will be bringing forward further proposals on initiatives to you at the next meeting , and I hope that if you agree , that will be amongst other things with the issue of non-registered disabled employees , and the other consideration in looking at movements in targets and so on , is inevitably the whole job market situation and the opportunities for achieving that .
47 I think the ah just to remind you what we have always said is that that would improve our gross margin situation would be a change in in house manufacturing goods and whilst it 's a bit early to tell we are actually saying to you that the sales post Boxing Day have been in addition
48 Er clearly what we 're saying is that that there would be a thirty percent reduction on the A sixty one either side of the town centre .
49 But the fact of the matter is that that is n't Government policy .
50 Patently the present situation is working and therefore that 's part of it and what I would say is that that this additional policy if it is n't necessary because there there is n't any development pressure , then what is its purpose .
51 You you see the important thing is that that contract has to be done in front of the and so does the copy , so does the cheque so they 're all done on the spot .
52 But house er erm what is that that 's the footpath people is n't it , they always come and repair things if they 're told , at least they sh , but obviously they have to work in collaboration with the farmers , er concerned .
53 They vary only very slightly across all six companies but the most common thing is that that we wo n't send people out
54 is that that the consultation is a problem the legislation which takes away the requirement for several developments to promote valuable time and be advertised prior to the application so the first most people knew about this application was after this this opportunity prior to that to discuss it with the development before it was submitted .
55 What he 's saying to us here is that that there is a reason that Jesus had been condemned and that those who had the authority to do so had carried out their work .
56 But again , I think you 've already part answered it , why why is that that the er role for cover men , why do they get those weapons ?
57 No what I 'm say what I 'm saying is that that leaving it for a few months probably is n't going to do you any harm .
58 Yeah and the problem is that that because you have to look in one position it means that that the whole thing becomes boring and and your interest starts to drift .
59 My information is that that is the correct way er th the correct authority to which to look .
60 The , another point is that that having raised the hopes of the housing associations the council is now actually trying to close a door that that we ourselves opened and this is tantamount to paying lip service to the health and the housing associations , yes , we 'll support you but not if it means that we have to sell you our houses .
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