Example sentences of "is [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 As the beer can not generate its own carbon dioxide it would be flat and lifeless so it is racked not into casks but into pressurised containers known as kegs .
2 In practice women and men are involved in different ways in giving and receiving support , but much of this is explained not by a cultural definition of what counts as women 's business or men 's business , but by three other factors .
3 The failure to enforce laws is explained not by organizational complexity but by the ability of an external business and social elite to control the means of implementation .
4 Here the focus is placed not so much upon the continued presence of irrationality , for irrationality after all is simply reason 's own excluded but necessary negative other , but rather on the possibility of other logics being imbricated within reason which might serve to undo its own tendency to domination .
5 For example , in ‘ Japan ’ the primary stress is on the last syllable , but when we add the stress-carrying suffix ‘ -ese ’ the primary stress is on the suffix and the secondary stress is placed not on the second syllable but on the first : ‘ Japanese ’ .
6 In both play and pamphlet the contemporary sexual metaphysic is turned inside out : gender division is recognized not as a divinely sanctioned natural order , but as the contingent basis of an oppressive social order .
7 And in Asturias 's Men of Maize , which deals with the expropriation of Indian communal lands for the commercial exploitation of maize , the Guatemalan Indians ' resistance to the destruction of their way of life is waged not only with arms , but also through the myths by which they preserve their concept of the world .
8 As for the G protein-linked receptors , signal transduction through tyrosine kinase receptors is an energy-requiring process because ATP is consumed not only as the two receptors interact ( autophosphorylation ) , but also during the subsequent phosphorylation of PLC- γ 1 ( Box 2 ) .
9 This book is intended not only for present-day children but also for all who have ever enjoyed the Captain 's adventures .
10 So the law is intended not simply to regulate conduct in an imperfect world , but to show up our imperfections and so lead us to Christ .
11 The position of a non-domiciled person is therefore not made worse or is intended not to be made worse by virtue of the deemed receipt of income charged under s739 ( s743(3) ) .
12 Perhaps because it is situated not far from the Belgian border where stone is more readily available , it is a richly decorated late Gothic cathedral , definably Dutch in treatment but Belgian or French in design .
13 In effect , the report is stemming not just from the librarian and does not only concern the library .
14 So now my home is filled not only … with cats , birds and hedgehogs , but also , … with clubs , balls and hoops !
15 There , despite the identical name of ‘ collective agreements ’ , it is regarded not as an adversary process but rather as a means of ensuring the full cooperation of management and workers in carrying out the economic and social plans and improving the management of undertakings ( ILO , 1980 ) .
16 For example , one of the most useful is to include not only the drive letter , but the current directory .
17 [ 7.1 ] If the Lease is completed rent shall be payable in accordance with the terms of the Lease with effect from the Rent Commencement Date [ [ 7.2 ] The Tenant shall commence trading from the Premises not more than after the Completion Date ] It is important to ascertain if any rent free period is to include not only the rack rent but also service charges and/or insurance premiums .
18 A second Acropolis plaque , with a warrior ( fig. 95 ) is very close in style both to the Athena-plaque and to Euthymides 's red-figure , and is painted not in vase-painter 's technique but partly in outline , mainly in brown wash outlined in black , like the Therm on metopes of a century earlier ( above , p. 13 ) ; only the cloak knotted round the waist is black with incised folds .
19 This is proving not to be the case , as feelings run increasingly high over what is evolving into a conflict of classes — between pro-hunting locals and what they feel is a wealthy Parisian clique .
20 Unlike the era of the Plaza Accord in 1985 when the surplus with the US was the main agenda , criticism is flaring not only from Washington but also from other nations .
21 The company itself is treated not merely as a person , the subject of rights and duties , but also as a res , the object of rights and duties .
22 This is formulated not to strip away too much of the hair 's natural oils which lubricate the hair , stop moisture loss , and help hair to be more manageable .
23 Standards are expressed quantitatively and each one is formulated not to contemplate exceptional circumstances , instead addressing pollution without regard to mitigating features , such as accident .
24 yeah because the person er who 's job it is to deal with the sulks for want of a better phrase there is not is preferring not to tackle the issue because as far as she 's concerned it 's not affecting the efficiency of the office , that 's what I 'm trying to say and it 's not , in fact it 's added to the efficiency of the office if anything .
25 The effect of the proposed addition to Article 93 would be to require the Company to include in the Notice of the Annual General Meeting , free of charge , any notification made by shareholders of their intention to propose a person for election as a Director , provided it is received not less than 70 days before the meeting .
26 As for geometers , their work is misdirected not only , as in arithmetic , by a false belief in abstract ideas , but also by the erroneous materialism that the ‘ objects of sense exist without the mind ’ .
27 Now the bank is demanding not only the cash but £230 interest on it as well .
28 Units of study include International , Political , Social and Intellectual History , and attention is given not only to the history of Europe , including Britain and Ireland , but to the history of the United States , the Middle East , and South and East Asia .
29 The sense of delight , of gentle wonder , the startled realisation of his sense of her bodily perfection and spiritual grace is consummated not merely in their mutual passion but more enduringly in that oneness which is beyond time and space , which understands the fragility of love as well as its strengths , its ethereal qualities as well as its physical needs .
30 He has , he says , been ‘ overwhelmed ’ by the kindness and support he has received , and for the moment is relishing not working a 14-hour day and seeing more of his wife and four children .
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