Example sentences of "to the second " in BNC.

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1 There is an elective affinity between this cultural vision and the religious vision of the Roman catholic church prior to the second Vatican Council , in its exclusivist attitude towards other Christian churches , an attitude which is far from overcome at the level of popular Roman catholicism .
2 He began explaining , straight on , then first right , on to the second set of lights … etcetera … etcetera … it 's rather a long walk , sir , he concluded .
3 Brian Cook shows how to make a coffee table , and Steve Goulden will be moving to the second part of his feature on chair design and construction .
4 The novel insisted on reverting to the ampler great-sinner pattern ; hence Stavrogin 's emergence as ‘ chief character ’ , ‘ tragic villain ’ and so forth during this period , and Peter Verkhovensky 's withdrawal to the second rank : Verkhovensky the mere wrecker , the nihilist , the man of the 1860s , the deeper realist 's answer to Turgenev .
5 The first part of his book is an extended essay in counter-theory , intended as a prolegomenon to the second part , which offers a study of Shakespeare in terms of moral and psychological realism .
6 There is no twentieth-century master who belongs to the second half of this century .
7 Affidavits from the defendants ' solicitors established that the photocopy affidavit was supplied to them by the second defendant for the purposes of seeking legal advice in circumstances where litigation was contemplated , but did not indicate whether the photocopy sent was a photocopy which the second defendant made for the purpose of instructing his solicitors or a photocopy which had been sent to the second defendant by the employee himself , prepared for the employee 's own purposes which had nothing whatever to do with the defendants obtaining legal advice from their soliticors .
8 Ian Woosnam is the other seed sent through to the second stage .
9 ‘ We are going to build up the commitment to science , because if we carry on like the Tories are , Britain will be pushed down to the second or third division of industrial nations .
10 ‘ We are going to build up the commitment to science because if we carry on like the Tories are , our country is going to be shoved down to the second or third division of modern industrial nations ’ .
11 To make sure the rules are observed , and that photocopiers do not fall into ‘ undesirable ’ hands , 1,000 inspectors attached to the second section of the ministry 's Chief Directorate for the Maintenance of Public Order have been patrolling the nation .
12 This brings us to the second proposition , which was evidently begotten of inability to answer that difficult , because inherently unanswerable , question .
13 These events ultimately led to the second overthrow of Obote by Yoreveni Museveni in 1985 .
14 It is intimately linked to the second substage , pastoralism , which , Marx believed , following the accepted view of the time — itself much influenced by Biblical sources — always preceded agriculture .
15 We went up to the second floor and knocked at Manisha 's flat .
16 And it was the first public result attributable to the second generation at Pininfarina , Pinin 's son Sergio and his brother-in-law , Renzo Carli . ’
17 From their Edwardian dominance of golf and tennis , the British slipped back to the second rank .
18 Rovers had a splendid start to the second half , reducing an interval deficit of 4-22 to 14-22 with tries from Trevor Clark and Manning , the result of an astute lofted kick from Sharp .
19 The Anschluss of Austria , the occupation of the Bohemian part of Czechoslovakia and , following the Molotov-Von Ribbentrop pact of August 1939 , the invasion of Poland eight days later led to the second world war , the death of scores of millions and , on May 7 , 1945 , unconditional German surrender to the Allies .
20 West Ham v Newcastle Back to the Second Division grind for West Ham after Wednesday 's ebullient win against Aston Villa in the Littlewoods Cup .
21 Aylesbury 's footballers have progressed to the second round of the FA Cup — and an away tie at Northampton Town — without a flutter of recognition from the whiter-than-white duck which provides their nickname .
22 Aylesbury 's footballers have progressed to the second round of the FA Cup — and an away tie at Northampton Town — without a flutter of recognition from the whiter-than-white duck which provides their nickname .
23 Essentially , the economy was flat over the past six months , with the annual growth rate in the year to the third quarter 1.9 per cent , compared with 2.7 per cent in the year to the second quarter and 4.1 per cent at this time last year .
24 There are three staircases in the house , including a great one of oak which leads right up to the second floor , where the rooms are spacious — not designed for servants — and the views stretch to the Long Mynd .
25 By early 1990 an ‘ NEPP-plus ’ containing additional measures was being prepared by the Cabinet for submission to the Second Chamber .
26 The spread of Communism presented a threat to the Second and Third Pillars , but was making no impact upon the British political system .
27 The resolution , co-sponsored by Australia , New Zealand , and 14 other states , including several Pacific Island nations , was presented to the Second Committee of the United Nations General Assembly in November 1989 .
28 A second legal mortgage can be created by leasing the land to the second mortgagee for a term longer by at least one day than the term limited to the first mortgagee .
29 Let us now come to the second response , namely worship .
30 The backfill material contained a considerable amount of pottery , which was stylistically attributable to the second half of the eleventh century AD , along with much burnt clay or daub thought to derive from wattle walls .
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