Example sentences of "to the to " in BNC.

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1 Soviet aid has helped in maintaining the population 's morale and the regime 's credibility and unity , while US aid to the to the mujahedin has done little to increase their unity , morale or fighting ability .
2 Refer to the To Wound Chart to determine the roll needed to wound , and roll a dice per hit as you would for multiple bow or crossbow hits .
3 They 're something you should be using right the way up to the to the actual exams .
4 I think that er I think the question of a strategic reserve erm falls er as secondary to the to the fact that the the land or the sites do not perform a greenbelt function .
5 So I I I start to put it across to the to the Why not try and negotiated one commission , fifteen percent , you see ?
6 Do you ever do you ever go out to the to pubs round here ?
7 At the moment the er the regulators ask us to go to the to the customers , and this we have done , and produce something called market plans .
8 And then er the man that went round with all these knives and things he went down to the to the soo cray if you ken what that is .
9 What did he s What did he say to the to the pony ?
10 And I think it would be a good time now to , to point out to the to s to er to say that we 'd like to have our views heard at that time .
11 Over to the to the right , erm , give me er three very important parts of the computer documentation ?
12 Nothing gives me more pleasure now and if I go to the to the libraries and a young lad I say a young man like you will come to me and say , Hello Nurse , How are you ?
13 And then I used to the to erm coil them round .
14 If I 'd have gone to the to the social services or er the D H S S and says to them , my daughter 's got to have a new uniform to go to school with because her self respect is gon na suffer if she does n't , they would n't have given be nothing .
15 That 's the way you started , up a ladder to the to be a managing director .
16 And er oh he he was he erm during the war now come nineteen thirty nine and that stale period when er there was nothing doing really in France , between the time that er our expedition to the to the Maginot line and all that .
17 And I made them jigs and whatnot. when they come to do it at Dolgarrog when they come to want them doing I said to the to the the chief engineer I said , he told me about they were going get these commutators done here machine .
18 Always baked baked her own bread and we used go , we used to run that to the to the bakers to have it for baking sort of thing .
19 What the three thousand four hundred are saying is that the County Council and British Coal do not know where they 're going with this thing , the full implications of it have either not been properly assessed or indeed not been released to the to the local communities .
20 Yes , I mean this is the point I 'll be developing later , later in , in , in the lectures , I 'm currently spending a lot of time kind of researching and thinking about this , but i i it 's ultimately the question of genes affect behaviour and more and more I come to the to the view that they probably do so erm through what we call our emotions , that our genes kind of erm guide us to do so and things through various subjective feelings like when we 're hungry , we , we know we 're hungry and it 's a subjective feeling of hunger .
21 What you 're not likely to see is the peculiarities of , of the person erm showing themselves and if they do show too much , the likelihood is that the rest of the group will start to erm freeze out that individual , regardless because they 're no longer corresponding to the to the ideals of the group and er so consequently , erm I personally have no time for group psychoanalysis and I would never recommend it to anybody , although of course , for non-analytic things like losing weight or in stopping smoking or drinking , there 's a lot to be said for it , but one should n't confuse that kind of group reinforcement with erm analysis , cos analysis as we 've seen is quite different .
22 Well in in in in in in some ways erm I 've I 've I 've covered er some some of that point by referring to the to the importance of the construction industry .
23 Erm logic suggests surely that that erm one should concentrate on the adequacy of the phasing er the existing phasing mechanism , and the words within policy H one and the guidance that the county is giving to the to the district authorities , in how they should phase the release of the committed land .
24 I do think the discussion so far and the contribution from Mr and Mr is unfairly er at this stage erm prejudicing a proper assessment of er er er a for a new settlement all the way round Greater York including the Southwest and I return to a comment I made before the break , that dualling for example of the outer bypass of the York ring road which is programmed and is , will dramatically change may well dramatically change the perception erm erm of people to the to the west of the Greater York area in respect of the area to the north east .
25 Er John Grantham , C P R E , erm just coming back to the to the general questions you you asked earlier about about erm consistency with guidance and and P P G three in particular , erm in in the written evidence we we 've addressed that , and I do n't wish to go over that ground short of saying that that I feel the contribution from er Mr Jewitt , which was Hambledon 's particularly helpful in that regard in in I think explaining erm how government guidance is different now to when to how it was er at the earlier deliberations of the Greater York authorities , and I feel that that 's very important consideration erm , I 'd I 'd like to restrict my my comments just to two points , and they they both really refer to things that were introduced by the representative from from Barton Willmore .
26 These verbs are of great interest for the present study because , unlike may , can , shall , will and must , they can shift from the bare to the to infinitive , according to the meaning they express in discourse , a fact which lends confirmation to the hypothesis that it is the meaning of the modals which explains their use with the bare infinitive .
27 All this points to the to infinitive as an expression of a contingent occurrence .
28 Left hundred and twenty thousand to the to the sh her butler and his wife .
29 Let's get to the to Mrs 's problem .
30 I was anxious to alert people to the to the specific issue of strategic planning I did n't want to step outside of that .
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