Example sentences of "to life [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The parable is a true to life description of a Galilean peasant 's attitude towards the foreign landlords of which there were many .
2 These tiny helpless little things that just come to life day by day , until they 're people .
3 They were tried , convicted of treason and sentenced to death , later commuted to life imprisonment .
4 Tixier-Vignancour 's success in retricting General Salan 's punishment to life imprisonment in 1968 so angered President de Gaulle that he considered resignation .
5 Those on the list are : Mr Sisulu , sentenced with Mr Mandela to life imprisonment in the ‘ Rivonia Trial ’ of 1964 ; four other Rivonia triallists - Raymond Mhlaba , Elias Motsoaledi , Andrew Mlangeni , Ahmed Kathrada , Wilton Mkwayi and the oldest of them all , 80-year-old Oscar Mpheta , a trade union leader who has been behind bars since 1980 , and whose whose sentence runs out next year .
6 The six condemned to death , with another six who were sentenced to life imprisonment , went to the Supreme Court , whose five judges unanimously dismissed their appeals .
7 The six sentenced to life imprisonment are David Abu Samu , Francis Massaquoi , Amara Alieu Tarawalie , Joseph Abiodun Williams , Hassan Morlai Conteh and Harunda Vandi Jimmy .
8 In 1982 Mrs Chamberlain was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder , while her husband was convicted as an accessory and given a suspended 18-month jail term .
9 But he sentenced them to life imprisonment .
10 More immediately delightful , she saw Nelson Mandela , an intimate friend of her youth , for the first time since he was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964 .
11 THE MAN sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of the Swedish prime minister , Olof Palme , was acquitted yesterday after the appeal court overturned the verdict against him .
12 Soon after the Communist takeover , he fell foul of the ultra-Stalinists and , as a Slovak , was sentenced to life imprisonment for ‘ bourgeois nationalism ’ .
13 A New Zealand man was yesterday sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of an English tourist , Monica Cantwell .
14 Calley , who had been sentenced to life imprisonment , was eventually paroled after having served only three years .
15 Howard evaded the FBI and managed to escape to Russia but Pelton was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1986 .
16 This time the government proceeded to a public trial , which resulted in the condemnation of the Prince to life imprisonment in the fortress of Ham in the north of France .
17 At any moment , I thought , these people will remove their green hats to reveal powdered wigs , and I will be sentenced to life imprisonment or a job with British Rail .
18 It was Steve McQueen who was picked to play the French criminal determined to escape from Devil 's Island where he has been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a pimp , of which he claims he is innocent .
19 It has been noted that it was for the same crimes that Klaus Barbie was sentenced by the courts in Lyon to life imprisonment .
20 So when Calley was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment , he became a hero overnight .
21 At his trial for acting with Waddell in the murder of Mrs Chipperfield , Gentle was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment .
22 Had Waddell 's trial in Edinburgh not been the farce it was , had he been found guilty of the murder of Mrs Ross as he should have been and sentenced by Lord Robertson to life imprisonment , as he should have been , it would seem likely that Mrs Chipperfield would be alive today .
23 One morning a letter arrived from my literary agent , Michael Sissons , enclosing a handwritten manuscript of some 100,000 words written by a prisoner named David Cooper who , ten years earlier , had been sentenced to life imprisonment for his part in the Luton murder .
24 At their trial , in which Mathews was the principal prosecution witness , they were all sentenced to life imprisonment with a recommendation they serve not less than twenty years .
25 A CROWN Prosecution Service solicitor was yesterday sentenced to life imprisonment after he was found guilty of murdering his student nurse wife .
26 In December it was announced that 11 prisoners had been given the death sentence , commuted to life imprisonment .
27 Kuwait : Osamah Suhail Hussaid — under sentence of death , commuted to life imprisonment .
28 Malawi : Vera Chirwa , originally sentenced to death , commuted to life imprisonment .
29 This was later commuted to life imprisonment , but Dr Banda has stated since that the Chirwas should be executed .
30 After an international outcry , the sentences were commuted to life imprisonment , and the couple were adopted as prisoners of conscience by Amnesty International .
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