Example sentences of "to her the " in BNC.

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1 To her the meek and bold .
2 To turn the knife in the wound , he had mentioned to her the name of a local pub that had refused her singing act .
3 According to her the material objects of the world provide the common source of that knowledge .
4 The subscription provided an alternative to flattery and must surely have seemed to her the most manageable form of dependence .
5 Eileen Riddrie had proudly shown it to her the previous week , as she had been given it that very day for her birthday .
6 Her murderous dreams had then seemed to her the hallucinations of a soul mad with grief .
7 And it brought home to her the fact that some children can not cope with maths , however hard they try — a realisation she may well be glad of when she fulfils her ambitions to become a fully-fledged teacher .
8 ‘ I spoke to her the other day at a charity meeting and she was telling me that her poor brother died recently .
9 Before they had parted on the Flamingo she had given Ernest the name of the boardinghouse where the Carsons had made arrangements to stay , and he had promised to write to her the minute he and Charlotte arrived at their destination .
10 It was Edna who had actually imparted to her the facts of life , Edna who had accurately predicted how long each governess would last , Edna who had vowed she would name her first daughter after Celia — and kept her promise .
11 It was that smell that on summer mornings most clearly brought back to her the lanes of her Shropshire childhood .
12 He took breakfast to her the following morning .
13 To her the prospect of a Statement is ‘ a load of rubbish .
14 He was concerned with the sale and exchange of fiefs and the preservation of the comital domain : there is some evidence that , like the Recognicionesfeodorum of 1273–5 in Gascony , measures intended to clarify and even reform the feudal structure of the comté were initiated under Edward I. In a letter dated 5 June 1285 Edward and Eleanor confirmed a grant by Gerard d'Abbeville , lord of Mons-Bouberc , in which he assigned to her the payment of an annual rent on his property at Abbeville .
15 Before they left I could not forbear to draw Gillian closer and impart to her the glittering counsel that wearing 501s with trainers was frankly un désastre and that I was amazed she had walked the streets to my apartment in broad daylight and escaped pillory .
16 And do you know what her mother said to her the night before her wedding ?
17 The flute faltered , the flute player stepped aside and indicated to her the place between himself and the hollow-cheeked man with the guitar .
18 Northam was to her the very image of unfertile ground , and yet other people lived there and stayed there when they had money in the bank and legs to walk away on .
19 And it seemed to her that that broken line , I know not , oh , I know not " , expressed a level of passion as high as any the English language could achieve ; the interjection and the repetition and the archaic inversion were to her the exhaled breath of yearning .
20 When the marquis came up to her the ghost fled .
21 So vivid was her imagination that she became adept at having conversations with him in which he was always making her laugh , always being to her the sort of person she longed to have as a life companion .
22 She knew how to win that competition , too : when he reached through to her the fourth or fifth time , she did what she had often dreamt of doing before : kneeling up against the wall , she guided his hand and put it to her breast .
23 ‘ Pessimism , she affirmed , is to her the most rational view , the long-term view .
24 He had cultivated Marcel Mauss , Durkheim 's nephew , so that he could personally convey to her the importance of understanding the springs of human action .
25 Second , she contended that her husband misrepresented to her the effect of the legal charge .
26 He misrepresented to her the purpose of the advance .
27 That announcement to W. could , in my judgment , only serve to underline to her the extent to which she is in control .
28 In New Hope Copse she saw at a distance a man holding the hand of a small child , inclining to her the way adults do when walking with little ones , while his free arm swept the air to possess the oaks , the beeches , the ash .
29 Was writing to her the nearest he could be ?
30 So delightfully muzzy was she that it seemed to her the night in Nice had never happened …
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