Example sentences of "to no [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Before the tin victory brooch , these bottles of liquid strength were the only goods that Dot knew were hers alone , belonging to no grown-up .
2 Come what may , Miller would listen to no counsel , not even his loyal publisher .
3 The line OG with a slope of 45 degrees would correspond to no taxes .
4 He spoke to no miners .
5 For respiratory disease , however , the relative risk for persistent wheeze on exposure to 20 cigarettes per day was 1.35 , compared to no exposure .
6 The fact remains , however , that there was a certain defensive quality in many Nonconformist discussions on their new buildings ; the Editor of the Baptist Times insisted in 1902 that ‘ today , under changed conditions , we are false to no principle and to no tradition in making our Sanctuaries beautiful as well as useful ’ .
7 They study social justice from the point of view of people committed in advance to no government or constitution , who are free to create the ideal state from first principles .
8 It must be emphasized that relatives remoter than parents , or brothers or sisters of the whole blood , and children of such brothers and sisters deceased , can succeed to no part whatever of the estate , if there is a surviving spouse .
9 I must er thank Mr for really outlining what it 's all about and cover all the issues because because Mr referred to no part being taken away .
10 In more senses than one they belong to no man 's land .
11 Hostility aside , however , Birkett has drawn on Mary Kingsley 's correspondence with friends and foes to provide a convincing biography of this ambitious and dauntless woman , who truckled to no man .
12 You give yourself to no man , Holly .
13 We will sell to no man , we will not deny , or defer , to any man , either justice or right .
14 He could remember how his father had said that he need bow his head to no man in Ireland , save the High Queen , and he could remember how he had laughed , and said to be sure he would call no man master , and certainly no woman either .
15 Why then had his father made that curious statement : ‘ You need bow your head to no man in Ireland save the High King or Queen . ’ ?
16 ‘ Magnificence , I have given my oath to no man . ’
17 I have said things to you , Bodenland , which I have said to no man ; see that they repose in you as securely as in a grave .
18 Another inch , another foot , another yard — on they crawled through the wet , cold mud across a terrain that still belonged to no man .
19 On top of the increased taxes — direct and indirect taxes that would come from their spending pledges — the Opposition have now committed themselves to no capping on high-spending local authorities .
20 With her parents ' move to the Isle of Aran , Jakki had next to no money for food after she 'd paid her rent .
21 Sir Edmund , in fact , belongs to no School of theory or of experiment , but preserves an independent , if sometimes apparently capricious , judgement against all tides , with a conservative bias .
22 Concrete absorbs next to no water , and soft mortar takes too long to stiffen before it can be smoothed off and marked with a light cross-hatch key .
23 In respect of this part of his earnings the object of which is to provide income available for current expenditure the tortfeasor is , subject to sums necessarily spent to earn the income , entitled to no credit for expenditure saved as a result of the injury ; the principle that it is no concern of the tortfeasor how the plaintiff chooses to spend his income applies .
24 Moyle — from nationalist to no majority .
25 Some work was probably done in the quarries on Paros , and it is likely that among the executants were islanders , used to carving marble ; there is next to no marble sculpture from Olympia before this .
26 In a comprehensive introduction to No Breathing Room , David R. Marples not only gives some hard facts about the Chernobyl disaster ; he also indicates that the impoverishment of most of the population as a result of soaring inflation caused by ‘ shock therapy ’ economic policies , and the removal of subsidies to the publishing trade , made it difficult for high-quality literary magazines to cope , despite the so-called freedom of the press .
27 He denied the Aristotelian claim that all motion requires a cause and in its place proposed a circular law of inertia , according to which a moving object subject to no forces will move indefinitely in a circle around the earth at uniform speed .
28 Its real efficacy can only be tested over time and it remains to be seen if clozapine is a major advance , or whether the wide spectrum of response originally found with chlorpromazine , from full recovery to no response , is merely replicated , with a general shift a bit further in the desired direction .
29 She admitted to no friends amongst the small clutch of camp officers ' wives at Barashevo .
30 Disgraced minister DAVID MELLOR can be seen on the cover of ED BANGER AND THE NOSEBLEEDS ‘ Ai n't Been To No Music School ’ single .
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