Example sentences of "to he the " in BNC.

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1 It was to hound and hasten Leonard 's waking thoughts , eliminate any residual interest he may have possessed in mere intellectual commitment , and open to him the stark reality of life downtown .
2 This heritage gave and still attributes to him the ability to move fast , avoiding all obstacles , to do his master 's bidding .
3 The odd anecdote — for instance , James Laughlin 's of 1965 about how she advanced his education in Rapallo by reading to him the stories of Henry James — brings her momentarily into focus , but then she disappears again behind a smokescreen of gracious good breeding .
4 He was , par excellence , both Pole and European , looking forward eagerly to the day of the creation of a united Europe — to him the ‘ motherland of motherlands ’ — free from the control of or undue influence from the two super powers .
5 Ramsey was unusual in that to him the priest 's ordination meant much more than the deacon 's ordination .
6 She pointed out to him the attraction of publishing so surprising a paper and urged him to do it as quickly as possible .
7 If that is the case , I 'll talk to him the same way .
8 I 'll put it to him the next time he kidnaps me .
9 It was pleasant to stroll around on an evening such as this , thinking productively about the work which would make his name ( and his fortune ) and restore to him the sense of achievement he had so greatly enjoyed as an undergraduate journalist and Union wit .
10 Hippolytus composed a strange book entitled the Refutation arguing the dependence of a row of Gnostic sects upon a row of pagan philosophers , and finally turning his weapons on Callistus , who seemed to him the abomination of desolation sitting where he ought not .
11 To him the divine character of Christianity was vindicated not by its reasonableness but by the very fact that it was the kind of thing no ordinary mind could have invented .
12 He was Otto I 's brother , and his biographer was not slow to apply to him the biblical phrase , ‘ a royal priesthood ’ .
13 He had even provided , as an antagonist to North , a fictional member of the NSC , ‘ Aaron Sykes ’ , whose job it was to give flesh and voice to those invisible and voiceless colleagues who had presumably tried to dissuade North from what he was doing : to appear , as the Laws appeared to Socrates , ‘ humming in his ears ’ , about the offence he would cause to country , friends and laws if he did what seemed to him the right thing .
14 If so , would you kindly forward to him the tiny little package ?
15 This incident brought home to him the great contrast between his father 's uprightness and the godlessness of those who sneered at him .
16 They handed over to him the task of evaluating those reasons .
17 So he ordered to be brought to him the finest silk cloth and brilliant threads , and made for pleasure what he had once needed to make for harsh necessity .
18 I felt disinclined actually to hand to him the piece of paper I was holding , and so put it down on the end of his bed .
19 John was invited to have dinner with Balanchine , and to his surprise the latter proposed to him the theme , music and designer to be used .
20 According to him the universe sprang from fire and will end in fire .
21 Now he was sharp and alert and as curt and direct as Sandison had been to him the day before .
22 But unknown to him the fate of Leeds City was no longer in his hands ; it was being decided , along with that of every other club in the country , by a totally unrelated event in a faraway city in Eastern Europe .
23 To him the question was irrelevant .
24 James had done training under Dr John Conolly at Hanwell , the Middlesex County pauper lunatic asylum , and to him the insane were the most pitiable of all human flotsam .
25 The War itself , in which he served , brought home to him the ruthless destructiveness of man as weapon or mere machine .
26 He would look up from his newspaper after supper to find her eyes fixed on him , in a way which brought back to him the passion with which she had kissed him upon the moor .
27 I spoke to him the night before last , and he 's doing fine .
28 Daughter of the Queen Igrayne and half-sister to King Arthur , she revealed to him the intrigue between Lancelot and Guinevere by giving him a magic draught which opened his eyes to the perfidy .
29 Forced to depart from Suxavat by its apocalyptic destruction , Urim 's final journey to the Andes reveals to him the mirror-image of the Hindu Kush of his origins .
30 ‘ In fact , the more I talked to him the more I felt he was not being detached about what he was saying and certainly not professional . ’
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