Example sentences of "to the british " in BNC.

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1 He continues to serve a 14-year sentence because of reports he sent to the British Broadcasting Corporation and for ‘ possession of anti-government literature ’ .
2 Technology suppliers to the British hotel and restaurant industry say that their products are often under-exploited , because too little thought has been given to what the systems are supposed to achieve and too low a priority is given to staff training .
3 In recent years , the Forum has also introduced to the British Film and Television Industry the concept of the Film Commission .
4 Always look for smoke alarms which conform to the British Standard , whatever make or type you choose .
5 Barrie Irving , director of the Police Foundation , indicated this antipathy in his title to a paper given to the British Psychological Society , ‘ Research into Policy wo n't go ’ ( 1983 ) .
6 There were one or two comments made in the June issue which may give an insight to the British problem .
7 This begs the question , what happened to the British Tennis Supporters Club ?
8 The annual Nick Estcourt Award of £1000 , granted to small expeditions in pursuit of challenging mountain objectives , goes this year to the British Makrong Chhish expedition which will attempt the first ascent of the mountain .
9 Sir : In your interesting article ( 30 September ) about the sale to the British Library by Lord Norwich ( for a sum left tantalisingly undisclosed ) of Evelyn Waugh 's letters to his late mother , Lady Diana Cooper , the library 's curator of modern literary manuscripts , a Ms Brown , was quoted as follows : I am sure that they did not have a physical affair .
10 It argues that Britain has a moral responsibility to its citizens in Hong Kong ; that Hong Kong people ‘ do not want to leave … they seek an insurance policy ’ ; that Britain is ‘ markedly ungenerous to its colonies ’ compared with other European countries ; and that ‘ insofar as any Hong Kong people were to move to Britain , they would be a valuable asset to the British economy ’ .
11 The party was ‘ not only telling itself , but exuding to the British public the feeling that we are fit to serve our country ’ , he said .
12 Concluding , Mr Kinnock looked beyond the conference : ‘ It is an encouragement , an inspiration to see this party working together , coming to a joint position on objectives , and of not only telling itself , but exuding to the British public the feeling that we are fit to serve our country . ’
13 No patients would be identified and the information would be confidentially passed to the British Medical Association and then on to the Home Office .
14 As honorary archivist for Lucas , the motor components group , he begged the company to let him be custodian of the earliest archives - including Lucas family albums — when , during company restructuring two years ago , the entire archive went to the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust .
15 The maintenance of a firm currency has an important part in the battle against inflation , but if pursued uniquely by means of offering foreign holders of sterling an ever-increasing interest rate premium , the result will be severe damage to the British economy and the Tories ' chances of re-election .
16 The anger against the BMA was still present in the hall when Mr Clarke repeated his appeal to the British Medical Association to withdraw its campaign against the Government 's health service White Paper Working for Patients .
17 The French investors are starved of the kind of new issues common to the British market -big , well-publicised privatisations or pseudo-privatisations aimed more at the general punter than the institutional investor .
18 The real challenge is to devise mechanisms for extending the Public Service Ideal to the British press or to British news media as a whole while minimizing the damage to the Libertarian Ideal .
19 Much to the British government 's surprise , the elections in early 1980 resulted in a massive victory for the Marxist Robert Mugabe , whose party gained 57 seats , as against 29 for Joshua Nkomo and only 3 for Bishop Muzowera .
20 It arose from a crisis in a disregarded part of the world , of no consequence to the British since the days of Captain Cook , namely the South Atlantic .
21 The diplomatic context was also highly uncertain , with much opposition in the United Nations to the British action , not only from Latin Americans .
22 This went through some crises , as when the Americans dispatched marines to put down a left-wing government in the British island of Grenada in 1984 , without communicating their intentions to the British government .
23 The irony was that it was the British Labour Party which now responded more sympathetically towards Europe , since the social charter of the Community , drafted by its French socialist president , Jacques Delors , was in most respects highly congenial to the British left .
24 Like Eliot , this narrator goes to the British Museum , and like Eliot he has an interest in metempsychosis .
25 Malcolm was really into doing good window displays for the shop , often influenced by the ones Mr Green used to do for his Vince 's Man 's Shop in Soho — which was the first boutique ever , bringing faded blue denim and hipster trousers to the British public in the fifties .
26 A decade has not made the concept of Thatcherism attractive to the British people .
27 While this made eminent sense for production efficiency in wartime , it was very much apparent to the British that this would give the United States a natural advantage when the war ended .
28 To the British , the US company embodied ‘ the idea and methods of the East India Company and the chartered corporations of Africa .
29 Swinton 's report to the British government was somewhat different in tone .
30 This group included the veteran politician Mbiyu Koinange , who had participated in missions to the British Colonial Secretary in the early 1950s , and Dr Njoroge Mungai , then a minister in the Kenyatta government .
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