Example sentences of "to [Wh pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 several streets all very like one another , and many more streets still more like one another , inhabited by people equally like one another , who all went in and out at the same hours , with the same sound upon the same pavements , to do the same work , and to whom every day was the same as yesterday and tomorrow , and every year the counterpart of the last and the next .
2 Big defender — Jim Cannon is the man to whom every appearance record at Crystal Palace FC belongs and in view of this will be regarded by many of our fans as the greatest Palace player of all time .
3 Dickens likened the piston of the steam engine to " the head of an elephant in a state of melancholy madness " , but even by 1815 it was only a minority of the working population who had as yet been cast in the mould of his 1845 Coketowners who , " all went in and out at the same hours , with the same sound upon the same pavements , to do the same work , and to whom every day was the same as yesterday and to-morrow " .
4 There are times when his world can appear to consist of Jews and of those to whom a Jew might wish to escape — such as America 's well-heeled Wasps , or the semi-imaginary anti-Semites of Gloucestershire who figure affluently in The Counterlife .
5 High standards of education were not needed for work among the ‘ neglected classes , to whom a more cultured ministry would have appealed less strongly ’ .
6 A NAME like Pauline Gascoyne inevitably conjures an image of a bimbo Gazza in a GTi , to whom a diesel car would be about as socially acceptable as dandruff .
7 However that same landlord may be introducing tube wells , tractors and high-yielding varieties of seeds , and therefore wish to get rid of the large number of inefficient workers to whom he may be partly responsible for housing , clothing , looking after their aged or sick , and also to whom a sizeable proportion of the additional benefit from these improved inputs would accrue .
8 ‘ Off the Road ’ policies ( the names may vary ) are policies taken out by self-employed people , business executives , and salesmen — in fact anyone to whom a car is vital .
9 Lesbians and gays have never been and are not now a static , homogenous minority group to whom a finite set of civil rights can be ‘ granted ’ .
10 being a person to whom a provisional licence to drive a motor vehicle had been granted
11 ‘ being a person to whom a provisional licence to drive a motor vehicle had been granted ’ Means that the defendant must be issued with a current provisional licence for the class of vehicle he was driving or riding .
12 ‘ being a person to whom a provisional licence to drive a motor vehicle had been granted ’ Is usually proved by the police officer in the case examining the current provisional licence .
13 The sexual overtones of the exchange of rings has not been lost on lovers through the ages to whom a posy was once a sort of promissory ring inscribed on the inside with a message or line of poetry .
14 The financial consequences of the past and present policies have resulted in ‘ two worlds ’ of old people : those with the security of good occupational pensions , to whom a wide range of attractive retirement options are open ; and those whose dependence on means-tested supplements to their basic pensions necessitates dependence of a personal and immediate kind upon the state , and whose quality of life is restricted by their financial circumstances .
15 Looking at his map , and thinking of such men — men who were much less resilient than those to whom a more evangelical and dogmatic faith appealed — Daniel Byrne thought of Peter Bouverie .
16 Questions like these in the consultant 's mind led to fanning a small positive spark in seemingly totally negative behaviour , and this made a difference to Mr E both in relation to his colleagues in the group , and as Dave 's teacher to whom a way out of a vicious circle of perpetual defeat could in this way be illustrated , again without explicitly referring to the analogy of the situation .
17 If the hotel has regular restaurant credit customers to whom a monthly statement is sent , it is usual to keep a sales day book for the restaurant which is posted to the ledger .
18 That museum , after all , built with private money , the millions of Yuriy Nechayev-Maltsev , to whom a memorial plaque has just been unveiled .
19 ‘ A member to whom a notice under this rule is given may appeal against that notice to the Appeal Tribunal in accordance with Chapter VIII of this Part …
20 I have quoted rule 7.3(11) , which gives a right of appeal to a ‘ member ’ to whom a notice under that rule is given .
21 ( 11 ) A member to whom a notice under this rule is given may appeal against that notice to the Appeal Tribunal in accordance with Chapter VIII of this Part and the notice shall state that that right exists and the time within which it may be exercised ; and — ( a ) a notice under paragraph ( 9 ) above shall state the reasons why it appears to the board to be desirable for the protection of investors for them to exercise their powers in the manner and in relation to the member in question ; and ( b ) a notice under paragraph ( 10 ) above shall state why the notice under paragraph ( 9 ) is being rescinded or varied .
22 ’ This contrasts with rule 7.3(11) which starts : ‘ A member to whom a notice under this rule is given may appeal … ’
23 Accordingly , she was not a legal person to whom a duty of care could be owed .
24 It is the reasonable foreseeability of harm arising from one 's conduct which in many types of cases not only gives rise to the duty of care to avoid inflicting such harm , but also provides the test for determining whether a person injured by the careless conduct of another falls within the class of persons to whom a duty of care is owed .
25 The infant plaintiff at that period on the facts assumed is , I repeat , a persona juridica , with capacity to institute proceedings and to whom a duty might be owed .
26 The infant plaintiff at that period on the facts assumed is , I repeat , a persona juridica , with capacity to institute proceedings and to whom a duty might be owed .
27 The words I have emphasised assume that the depositor who made the deposit will be the same person as the depositor to whom a compensation payment is to be made under section 58 .
28 Now , am am I the only person to whom a lot of this is news ?
29 Under the Pomerene Act , a person to whom a common carrier 's bill of lading has been transferred ( not negotiated ) acquires title to the goods , subject to the terms of the agreement between the issuer and the transferor .
30 ( 1 ) The clerk of each licensing board shall make out and deliver a licence to every person to whom a licence is granted by the board .
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