Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Listen to him/her say a text or story slowly , then listen as he/she speeds it up in successive repetitions .
2 When his call was refused by Sir Derek Alun-Jones , the chairman , on the grounds that it was likely to form the basis of future litigation , Mr Mackeson-Sandbach said the trustees would be seeking ‘ legal advice on the means open to them to examine this report ’ .
3 For decades , those who lent money to them assumed not .
4 He went back on the last-minute promise to them to delay the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty .
5 There were many openings they might have exploited , but it never occurred to them to do so .
6 They ‘ function not as technical specialists but as polyvalent managers ’ , and expect to have technicians assigned to them to do detailed and routine tasks .
7 Companies which find it more difficult because it 's the centre of their existence , erm , are clearly looking at the situation , but will actually take a very long time to move to the position which you , in your particular group would like them to occupy , and I understand that , changing in I C I is rather different from changing at I B M , and er , therefore it takes longer , but I do see a a consciousness , it 's the same conscious , you 're impatient for change , quite rightly , companies of course , have to keep their employees in an earning capacity , at the same time , er , move towards the position which you would like to them to do , and it may take a long time , but I accept your point , which is with some companies , then in fact , your clearly going to get attention of some kind .
8 And that it 's up to them to do the research , to listen to advisers , parents , other students and so on , but at the end of the day it 's them that 's got to go and do the course .
9 But Jim , the chap who lives next door to them came over the other night to collect a pound from me as my contribution to the er , sign on the lamppost saying that this is a watch neighbourhood watch area , now it 's
10 The man finally stood up and went over to them imploring them to be quiet .
11 Indeed there is , if anything , a tendency for the final events to be revealed early in the investigation while the factors which led to them remain obscure until a much later stage , and some do not ever emerge at all .
12 English winegrowers are about to harvest a record crop of grapes — but it could lead to them facing new restrictions on production in the future .
13 ‘ So I shouted to them to shut up .
14 However , the waiter in the Piazza del Campo had taken Hugh 's camera off their table and was waving to them to sit closer .
15 At second interview however they said it was no problem to them to visit her , and that they now go only once a week , and ‘ do not mind carrying on ’ .
16 However they do acknowledge that many children can be more confident and more assertive than others , but that this is due to them receiving unconditional love .
17 Former employees of Maxwell companies say they 're hoping the MPs new initiative could lead to them receiving some compensation .
18 She used to cycle to them to save money .
19 The centre-left Social Democrat Party of Brazil ( PSDB ) and other opposition parties resisted Collor 's overtures to them to join a coalition government .
20 The people of the tribe or village agree to them participating in their lives to some extent but there is no pretence that the lady from America has actually become a Polynesian native .
21 Oh the peedie ones did it four or five or six acre you cut the and bag it the barley to them put it in the er the bagger on the machine you see .
22 Well it 's up to them put it right !
23 However , exports to non-E.E.C. countries in their currencies will still be subject to fluctuating exchange rates and Northern Ireland exporters will need to continue using the various mechanisms available to them to minimise exchange risks .
24 Listening to them complaining about the usual stuff !
25 " recommend earnestly to them to purchase Timber , that may answer the purpose , from the wreck of the Brig stranded on Duich Bay , if she is to be broken up … "
26 The eggs that give rise to them develop spontaneously , without being penetrated by a sperm .
27 There is also now ample research to show that children whose parents listen to them reading at home tend to read better and to enjoy reading more than other children ( Topping and Wolfendale , 1985 ; see also Sheila Wolfendale 's Primary Schools and Special Needs , in the present series ) .
28 Linda Bloomfield , chief executive of Merseyside TEC , said : ‘ Businessmen 's time is in short supply so taking the show to them seemed a logical idea . ’
29 And due to them taking a lot of the trees do you see , from there , and opened the wind in do you see .
30 Before I approach BIFU with a view to them taking this up for bank staff ( and others ) in general , I thought it would be good for staff morale and also for our members if we adopted a practice which was , after all , in use in 2,550 BC .
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