Example sentences of "to [art] time " in BNC.

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1 For he is but a bastard to the time
2 There is no way in which the time of occurrence of an experience can be related to the time of occurrence of a physical event without assuming answers to the questions Libet is asking .
3 Henderson drew a sharp contrast with the years after 1945 when Britain was still a major and respected force in world affairs , the dominant power in the Middle East down to the time of Suez , the second most important power in the Far East at least down to the 1954 Geneva Conference .
4 Certainly not compared to the time he got caught messing around on the roof of Battersea Power Station trying to nick the lead .
5 If you go back to the time United Biscuits felt they had to close their Liverpool factory , the bishops up in Liverpool marched on Hector Laing and tried to persuade him to put the decision off .
6 The logical crisis went back to the time when he first started to read philosophy as an undergraduate and related to his reading of the English Idealist philosophers , as well as to his return ( for the purposes of passing his exams , and later as a tutor ) to the English empiricists of the eighteenth century .
7 But if film executives were to be believed , the majority of the audience was less interested in salving their fears about wars and conflicts ahead than in looking back to the time when Britain had a role to play in the world .
8 And there is surely a limit to the time which this historic opportunity can endure .
9 The term ‘ peppercorn rent ’ related to the time when the spice commanded a high price , although such a charge nowadays is generally disregarded .
10 In order to find out what the substantive law is , we must still go back to the time when Law and Equity were administered in different courts ; we may still have to picture to ourselves distinct proceedings taken about the same matter in those courts , and work out the result of those separate proceedings .
11 After the events of chapter 26 he brings us to the time when Isaac is nearing death , and to the point when the blessing of the eldest son must be given .
12 The Rhine was the eastern boundary of the Carolingian Franks up to the time of Charlemagne .
13 Much of the legislation harks back to the time when individuals were less readily identifiable than they are nowadays and so protection was necessary to ensure that foul play was not involved .
14 It has , of course , been a problem with star conductors going back to the time of Nikisch that the conductor can come to seem more charismatic than the music he is conducting .
15 In 1938 I was offered a programme with full rehearsal and that I accepted , though when it came to the time I asked for separate section rehearsals — first strings , then winds — which met with some opposition , particularly as the orchestra was convinced that it knew the music already .
16 Knox , when he wrote his History of the Reformation in the 1560s , looked back to the time when ‘ all men esteemed the Governor to have been the most fervent Protestant that there was in all Europe ’ , so that although ‘ The Papists raged against the Governor ’ , his fame ‘ was spread in divers countries ’ .
17 The distance between any two points would then he proportional to the number of neurones a message must traverse to get from one to the other ; it would also be roughly proportional to the time taken for a neural message to travel between them .
18 Detectives were granted the extension to the time allowed to question her German-born husband .
19 The court was told that teenagers were made to suck dummies and wear nappies , were bathed like babies and told to regress to the time they were last happy .
20 In wounded puzzlement I had a sudden flashback to the time immediately after Dunkirk , when Leslie had referred to the projected formation of a parachute corps , and to service in it as ‘ absolute certain death ’ in a ‘ suicide squad ’ .
21 A recent correspondence printed in the Regimental Association journal Mars and Minerva alluded to the time in Operation Houndsworth when three aircraft had left from Fairford for the Morvan .
22 In flight refreshment or meals according to the time of day .
23 During your flight you can relax with a drink from the duty free bar and a meal or light refreshment will be served according to the time of day .
24 Belief in the power of such plants can be traced back to the time of the Druids ; it was certainly part of the belief system of the Celtic peoples , and although it may not be voiced so explicitly as it once was , yet the custom of planting and preserving this special tree is still continued by some people .
25 It is one of the advantages of this balance lift , that an increase of rise is relatively immaterial both as to the time required to make the ascent or descent and as to the cost of the parts .
26 FREE SNACK OR MEAL IN-FLIGHT — ( according to the time of day ) .
27 You are covered from the time of leaving home to the time of arrival home from your holiday .
28 John 's mother , Audrey , joined the Club in 1938 and remained a stalwart in the Ladies ' Section up to the time of her death in 1984 , and his father Tom served the Club in many ways and was very highly regarded .
29 Bourke had to do this every time he spoke with Blake up to the time of the escape in October .
30 As with a number of other regions , a number of these early mill sites were in the hands of religious foundations , such as the Benedictines and Cistercian Orders who , up to the time of their suppression in the 16th century , owned as many mills as any of the estates or manors in Britain .
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