Example sentences of "to [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 The retreating coasts include those due to submergence and those due to active cliff erosion by wave attack .
2 Together the Junkers and the middle classes located the cause of their anxieties about Germany , their reaction to industrialisation and problems with the formation of national identity as lying outside German nationality , in the threat to German nationality .
3 No wonder , then , if realism , which makes a claim to know past and present in unequivocal terms , returned to fiction and repossessed the field .
4 Frequent references to inspection and study by Fellows of these acquisitions from Chelsea are to be found in the Journal Books of the Royal Society and the specimens are now housed in the British Museum ( Natural History ) .
5 However , agencies are subject to inspection and statutory control by the Health Authority , and so generally can be relied upon for a high standard of service .
6 Ron Parish of AEA and Peter Elliot , right of Thwaits and Reed , clockmakers , examine one of the faces of Big Ben prior to inspection and refurbishment of its hands and associated mechanism .
7 and erm these were poultry breeders be erm scattered all over the count er county who yes the erm accredited poultry breeding station scheme was erm initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and erm there were a number of farms scattered all over the county erm where they were open to inspection and erm we had erm had a Mrs who went round and inspected the flocks and erm they had to reapply each year to erm sustain their accreditation
8 The accusations related to three main issues : the reclassification by the Soviet army of three motorized divisions as naval coastal units ( excluded from the CFE treaty and not liable to destruction ) ; the discrepancy between NATO and Soviet estimates of the precise number of Soviet tanks and other military hardware subject to inspection and verification under the terms of the treaty ; and the " surreptitious " withdrawal of an estimated 60,000-70,000 items of Soviet military equipment east of the Ural mountains and thus beyond the territorial scope of the treaty [ see p. 37838 ; 37931 ] .
9 A major reason for this has been the move by customers away from cash transactions to cheque and credit card transactions .
10 It was not an industrial region ; the city owed its origin to a medieval religious foundation , dedicated in the first place to meditation and in the second to study — hence the university .
11 It took a few minutes before his eyes had adjusted to semi-darkness and the great sweep of the headland became visible , its shapes and forms mysteriously altered under the high stars .
12 Hodge had pursued policies from his arrival in Korea designed to strengthen the opposition to communism and to move away from rather than towards cooperation with the Soviet Union .
13 MacArthur wished to establish an enduring democratic system representing the ascendancy of the ‘ centre right ’ , that is , those Japanese politicians who were firmly opposed to communism and to old-style militarism .
14 Eichelberger was vehemently hostile to communism and favoured some degree of Japanese rearmament ; MacArthur was opposed to such action .
15 Aid to Indo-China meant accepting French assurances that Vietnam would become a free state but if doubts occurred , in Congress for example , there was the sheet anchor of general resistance to communism and , in the case of China , and as the influential Congressman Walter Judd explained , a belief that China was the original domino and that Malaya , Indonesia , the Philippines and even India would not be able to resist communist pressure for long .
16 Nevertheless , despite all the necessary caveats regarding Nizan 's possible disenchantment with the reality of the Soviet experiment , and the difficulty he experienced in making the transition from sectarian to popular front tactics , Nizan remained fully committed to communism and the PCF between 1935 and 1939 .
17 Perhaps the clearest example of Marxism being embraced as a substitute for a rejected Catholicism is offered by César Vallejo , whose poetry is constructed around biblical images both before and after his conversion to Communism and whose proletarian heroes ‘ appear as new Christs ’ urging redemption through collective love ( Vallejo : 1970 , p. 69 ) .
18 You say you have an idea superior to Communism and Fascism — what do you tell us to do ? ’
19 They felt it was the duty of America to stop the world toppling to Communism and did everything they could to stop Ho Chi Minh .
20 Setting up a new body to monitor changes to GP and primary care .
21 To demonstrate the magnitude of changes wrought by man upon nature the book devoted chapters to vegetable and animal species ( chapter 2 ) , to woods ( 3 ) , waters ( 4 ) , sands ( 5 ) and to the projected or possible geographical changes by man ( 6 ) .
22 Noise Suppressor : Threshold 10 ( or higher according to guitar and pickup used ) , Release 60 ( see above ) , Level 100 .
23 In the middle of the medley he 'll go from bass to guitar and I 'll be playing bass pedals when he 's swapping ! ’
24 Anyone who organizes or participates in these festivals is a traitor to Islam and the Iranian nation , " he declared .
25 The scheme also offers engineering ( metal and woodworking ) at the first two , in addition to electronics and maths at the last .
26 THE ISLE OF Ely , transformed into a notorious offshore tax haven , nevertheless houses an unequalled variety of shops selling everything from local crafts to electronics and consumer goods , all duty free .
27 Many products contain mechanisms that are interfaced to electronics and with the advances in miniaturization of these products it is only the special-purpose machines which possess the skills to manufacture and assemble them .
28 Amongst scientific instruments the microscope in particular is in use across almost all disciplines from life science to electronics and at all levels from routine inspection to research .
29 Cost-effective labour resources and low land costs are enticing more and more Far East companies , from pulp and paper to electronics and household appliances manufacturers , to establish operations in Indonesia — all potential customers for the Courtaulds joint venture .
30 John Peter 's analysis described the elements of sexual guilt and misogyny in the poem , and pointed to a variety of literary allusions to pederasty and sodomy .
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