Example sentences of "to [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Couples ages 25 to 34 eight to eleven times a month .
2 Build up slowly to a frequency of 20 muscle-pulls six to eight times a day .
3 They cost more to start with , but last up to eight times as long , and use only a quarter of the energy .
4 A suncream with a protection factor of 8 allows you to stay in the sun without burning up to eight times longer than normally .
5 During these moist-palmed days of self-discovery , it is taken for granted that the penis can withstand a rigorous pummelling up to eight times a day .
6 Of these the most useful is Magnify which blows up the selected area by up to eight times .
7 Gold is pretty heavy , being six to eight times the , weight of the gravels , and it follows a certain line down the riverbed .
8 Those that will demand up to eight times the usual premium .
9 In a separate publication1 , I feel that I have shown that the inter-reaction processes involved when two dominant forms of ion are present can cause one ion form to screen the geomagnetic field effective on the other form to bring about a resonance at a frequency of up to 1.5 times higher that that for a single ion .
10 The earliest known glass mirrors date back to Greco-Roman times , and were found in the tombs at Arsinoe in Egypt .
11 The scientists of Idaho were designing a gold-lined stainless steel container that could hold a mixture of deuterium and tritium gases at up to 3000 times atmospheric pressure and at temperatures ranging from hundreds of degrees centigrade to freezing and below .
12 By Friday 8 July residents of Camelford were being supplied with water at up to 500 times the Maximum Admissible Concentration under the EC Drinking Water Directive of 200 ug/litre ( 0.2 mg/litre ) .
13 Spacecraft missions have yielded pictures with up to 500 times the resolution obtained from the Earth .
14 It had continually opposed socio-political change and had had little understanding of the industrialization process up to that time .
15 When a blow-over does occur , you will always hear the people concerned state , quite truthfully : ‘ Up to that time the wind had been quite acceptable and then there was this bad gust …
16 Leach ( 1977 ) has shown the ephemerality which lies in any attempt to classify deviance on a global scale ; for what is criminal in one society or at one point in time is relative to that time and place and to who holds the discourse on power .
17 Up to that time their lives had been appallingly difficult , given the savage treatment their fellow-Poles meted out to them .
18 In his last year at Devonport High School in Plymouth he set himself the aim of finding a job which would earn him £5 a week , because up to that time , his father , a Westcountryman , had never achieved such a princely sum .
19 For Hegel , the philosopher who up to that time had most influenced Marx , the idea of the State was a major force in history and the true source of justice .
20 Up to that time I had very limited opportunities to conduct and I very much wanted to direct a real concert .
21 When he commanded 4th Field Regiment in Northern Ireland in 1974 the regiment was awarded four Queen 's Gallantry Medals and four Commander-in-Chief 's commendations ; it also recovered more weapons than any other unit serving in Belfast up to that time .
22 As I stood there my mind raced back to that time so many years ago when I had heard my mother say , ‘ I do n't love you , Nicky . ’
23 The entire programme spanned the period of the most demanding war ever fought by Britain up to that time , first against the new French Republic and later against Napoleon 's Empire .
24 One of them was Guardsman Johnny Cooper who had managed to join the Scots Guards while still under age and who was very impressed by his commanding officer : ‘ he was different from the officers I had come into contact with up to that time .
25 The Conclusions are circulated very promptly after Cabinet , and up to that time , no minister , certainly not the prime minister , asks to see them or conditions them in any way . ’
26 Being published , originally , in 1655–73 it is of the greatest importance in connection with ecclesiastical buildings up to that time .
27 A number of Acts permitting enclosure were passed by parliament in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , and the Combsburgh Enclosure Award ( the granting of fields to be enclosed by people who , up to that time , had common grazing rights ) was , in 1858 , based on an Act of 1836 .
28 The experts say that for a woman over about 40 , SERPS is definitely going to be better , and if she has been paying into a contracted out PP scheme up to that time , she should change over then .
29 He sounded people out and found the responses favourable , so he set about to prepare the finest survey to have been carried out on Manchester up to that time and indeed up to the time of Charles Roeder 's article , late in the 19th century .
30 Our only ‘ machine tool ’ up to that time had been a second-hand pillar drill .
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