Example sentences of "to [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 In a speech in Seoul on 27 April Rhee cleverly sought to reconcile his own vigorous hostility to communism with the American approach to world problems .
2 The loan was to be released in two tranches , with the second , totalling $100,000,000 , subject to progress with economic reforms .
3 Stewart used the ‘ tennis-ball ’ bounce to advantage with some stirring boundary hits , but he too fell to a lifter , topping a pull to one of the two men placed deep behind square .
4 It is as though the bream were connected to sticks with several people stood on the bottom pushing one fish up as they pull another one down .
5 One of the salient features about this process is a phenomenon that might be described as endogenous economies of scale : more business is attracted to contracts with low bid-ask spreads ( i.e. high liquidity ) , and that attracts more market makers and more arbitrage and speculative activity on the exchange , and this increased competition drives down bid-ask spreads and so on in a virtuous circle .
6 Often on a business transfer , parties to contracts with the vendor will need to consent to or agree to the contract being assigned or novated to the purchaser .
7 In a fresh effort to secure Jimmy Dunne , Chapman arranged to go to Sheffield with his chairman and vice-chairman — in secret , or so he thought .
8 By 1872 accrued capital enabled him to return to Sheffield with his wife and stepson , setting up as a picture framer .
9 Last , I had to help the peasant and working-class boys who had been forced to go to university with no background education whatsoever .
10 With all those holidays in which to practise and play — almost from dawn to dusk at times — my handicap rattled down , and I went to university with a handicap of two .
11 It was hard to leave , too , because the parents of my good friend Henry Clerval would not let him go to university with me .
12 Home and school had worn her success like a prize rosette , and she trotted off to university with a stack of leather-bound prizes and dire warnings about hard work , early nights and regular meals .
13 Alan 's term began again on January 20th , and he returned to university with a guilty sense of relief .
14 She joined the old South of Scotland Electricity Board in 1976 as a legal assistant — the first female solicitor it had employed — but by 1980 wanted to do something different and went back to university with the company 's blessing ( and a scholarship ) to get an MBA .
15 Shame I could n't take it to University with me that 'll be interesting !
16 You may like to know that CPRW has worked through Wales Wildlife and Countryside Link ( to which WWF UK provides grant aid ) to take up the threat to SSSIs with the Countryside Council for Wales .
17 Fifty-four Spitfires were delivered to Renfrew with a total of 47 being loaded on board the vessel .
18 That day , April 29 , twenty Spitfires were safely delivered to Renfrew with one each on April 30 and May 1 for a total of 52 aircraft which constituted 100% of the complement assigned for the second delivery to Malta .
19 Take plane back to Stockholm with afternoon city tour including a visit to the incredible Wasa Museum .
20 For Conservative governments as much as for Labour , it was far more common that the inadequacy of resources for allocation to programmes with limited political appeal , in competition with spending programmes by other departments holding out more evident social or financial benefits , set the limits on what could be done .
21 But , not surprisingly , Mr Luchinsky flatly rejected any suggestion of changing Moldavia 's frontiers — an allusion to unity with Romania .
22 J Saville Gordon Machinery Ltd says a deal , subject to contract with the site 's owner , United Engineering Steels , has been struck .
23 Born in Kent , she now lives close to Sunderland with her T.V. producer husband and their 8 year old daughter .
24 On 7 April it was reported that , " last Saturday a body of sailors , to the number of 400 to 500 assembled at North Shields … and proceeded from thence to Sunderland with colours flying before them and at the cross there read a paper setting forth their grievances and a demand for immediate redress .
25 Rather , certain elements of the written narrative — its ability to mix different modes of discourse and to create logically impossible situations — will be foregrounded to the detriment of elements such as unity of point of view which came to narrative with the invention of print .
26 He entered the merchant service and in 1744 , as a mate of a vessel returning from Virginia to Hull with a cargo of tobacco , was taken prisoner by a privateer .
27 To study one sub-system in detail without regard to interactions with the others is usually inadequate , but on the other hand , to try to examine simultaneously the whole complex of sub-systems is to invite disorientation .
28 Seconds later the muezzin of a hundred Delhi mosques called the Faithful to prayer with a loud cry of ‘ Allaaaaah hu-Akbar ! ’
29 In the church Richard fell to prayer with such absorption that Lady Dalton forbore to disturb him when she entered , but her son recognised him as a former Oxford student .
30 an artificial ‘ administrative definition relating to contacts with particular institutions of the state and welfare agencies , social workers , the police etc . ’ ;
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