Example sentences of "to [pron] as " in BNC.

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1 I resolved to explain the situation to them as briefly as possible , make a plea for money and then very rapidly leave .
2 In making such judgments one is in much the same position as a journalist describing a battle after it had taken place from the bar of a hotel , for the pressures in the 'sixties were very great and very immediate and those of us in the Ministries of Education responded to them as best we knew how .
3 To those ladies who were responsible for dealing with this charitable effort , she would offer as much as five shillings for a bundle of what appeared to them as less attractive articles , especially if they were food-stained , as some old gentlemen 's coats often were .
4 Explain to them as much as you can about what 's going on and emphasise that they are in no way to blame .
5 It is odd , and neatly illustrative of the contradiction in Spartan attitudes , that Herodotus can say of the Spartan-led Greeks in the same period that Samos ‘ seemed to them as far away as the Rock of Gibraltar ’ , while telling elsewhere in his book of a Spartan , son of Archias , who was called Samios because of his father 's Samian links ( viii .
6 On other occasions we may decide assertiveness is an investment actually got to use that style of behaviour to get my point across and to listen to them as well .
7 Good sailing centres will have at least one and certainly the R Y A ones do and they 're important because if beginners get into difficulties out on the water you need to be able to get to them as quickly as possible and it also gives them a sense of security to have one of these things around .
8 I I du n no I I I ca n't work out cos all of Dan 's girlfriends yeah Amber , Sonia and Honey most people have all said I do n't think she 's right for Dan and you know I ca n't I ca n't work out whether they actually think that or they 're just sort of saying that because he does n't talk to them as much or something , I do n't know .
9 It just appears to me as very empty , to wear clothes so that you can look attractive to other people and fit in , be accepted as part of the ‘ in crowd ’ .
10 I think therefore it would be advisable to make the necessary adjustments in the costumes and send them to me as soon as possible .
11 He soon realised , though , that he was expected to listen to me as well .
12 As for church raffles , football club sweeps and fairground tombola , they are fizzy lemonade in comparison and football pools have always seemed to me as harmless as the Christmas sherry .
13 At all events , I shall be much obliged to you if you will write to me as soon as possible — in order that , if you do not hold out any hope , he may not lose time , and if you do , that you may receive further information ; and he be put into the way of preparing himself , according to your wishes , for the situation .
14 They survived the bombing en route and reported to me as cheeky as ever .
15 Which was that Ellen had sworn herself to celibacy while she worked as a cook , a decision that was to me as eccentric as it was both incomprehensible and frustrating .
16 In fact , practically all I did was to go for solitary walks or pretend to read Virgil or Sophocles , whose two dead languages were now as meaningless to me as mental arithmetic , and as incapable of claiming my concentration .
17 Theta ( 3.9 ) has a K-type spectrum , and in binoculars appears to me as slightly ‘ off-white ’ .
18 After all , as he had said — and now every word of our conversation came back to me as clearly as if played back on a tape — a woman has a right to decide , on the basis of her own capacity to cope with the situation , whether she is justified in going on with it .
19 Nor had his optimism , which was a relief to me as , being a Slav , I am by nature distinctly pessimistic .
20 But I had not forgotten how she had lied , and behaved so badly to me as well as to Edgar Linton , so I did not feel sorry for her , or encourage her to talk .
21 If you are willing to accept employment on the basis of the terms contained or referred to in this letter , will you please sign one copy and return it to me as soon as possible .
22 If you are willing to accept employment on the basis of the terms contained or referred to in this letter and the attached schedule , will you please sign one copy and return it to me as quickly as possible and in any case within 4 weeks .
23 Siobhan introduces her to me as Kimberly , her eldest daughter .
24 The report will be published , and I have asked the inspector to report to me as quickly as possible .
25 As part of the Garden 's mandatory assessment of display screen equipment , all PC users are asked to complete the attached Self-Assessment Checklist and return it to me as soon as possible .
26 It does n't come to me as easily as it does to you . "
27 ‘ Victoria , if it will put your mind at ease , I can assure you that Miguel Rafaelo is about as interesting to me as — as a wardrobe , or a desk — useful , but definitely lacking charisma . ’
28 It 's happened to me as recently as May 3rd .
29 If anyone is interested in forming a group to go out and get petitions signed , or anything else we can think of as a group , please will they write to me as soon as possible .
30 And they all said now look is there anything we can do and I said no , it 's not , if you 're coming to me as far as I 'm concerned I will do it , you need anything and I will cope .
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